chinyue / motor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Info:Motor is a full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver for Python Tornado applications.
Author:A. Jesse Jiryu Davis


Motor presents a Tornado_callback- or Future-based API for non-blocking access to MongoDB. The source is on GitHub and the docs are on ReadTheDocs.

"Motor uses a clever greenlet-based approach to fully support both synchronous and asynchronous interfaces from a single codebase. It's great to see companies like 10gen produce first-party asynchronous drivers for their products."

Ben Darnell, Tornado maintainer

Issues / Questions / Feedback

Any issues with, questions about, or feedback for Motor should be sent to the mongodb-user list on Google Groups. For confirmed issues or feature requests, open a case on jira in the "MOTOR" project.


$ pip install motor


Motor works in all the environments officially supported by Tornado. It requires:

  • Unix, including Mac OS X. Microsoft Windows is not officially supported.
  • PyMongo
  • Tornado
  • Greenlet
  • CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, or 3.3
  • PyPy 2.0 (greenlets were very slow in earlier PyPy versions)

Additional dependencies are:

  • (to generate documentation) sphinx
  • (to run tests) nose


You will need sphinx installed to generate the documentation. Documentation can be generated by running python doc. Generated documentation can be found in doc/build/html/. You can read the current docs at ReadTheDocs.


See the examples on ReadTheDocs or Chirp, a dumb Twitter clone.


The easiest way to run the tests is to install nose and run nosetests in the root of the distribution.

You can run all the tests in Python 3 with python nosetests. Due to a nose bug, running a subset of the tests in Python 3 is complicated. Build Motor and its tests with Python 3, then cd to the build directory and run nosetests:

$ python3.3 build --test
using 2to3
including test modules
running build
running build_py
creating build/lib/motor
$ cd build/lib
$ nosetests-3.3 test.test_motor_client


License:Apache License 2.0