chinanf-boy / explain-vuera

explain vuera --project- about babel-plugins, react, vue, 有关react与vue 的共用

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"version": "0.1.3"

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Run in react and vue at the same time.

Two situations

First said first:


import Vue from 'vue'
import {VuePlugin} from 'vuera'

Vue.use (VuePlugin)
/* ... */

Now, use your React components like you will normally use your Vue components!

    <h1> I'm a Vue component </h1>
    <my-react-component: message = "message" @ reset = "reset" />

  import MyReactComponent from './MyReactComponent'

  export default {
    data () {
      message: 'Hello from React!',
    methods: {
      reset () {
        this.message = ''
    components: {'my-react-component': MyReactComponent},

Use React as a Vue plugin


// Determine if React's component
import isReactComponent from './utils/isReactComponent'
// React Component -> Vue Component
import VueResolver from './resolvers/Vue'

 * vue plugin
export default {
  install (Vue, options) {
     * Custom merge strategy, this strategy is really just
     * Wraps all React components, while retaining the Vue components.
    const originalComponentsMergeStrategy = Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.components

    Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.components = function (parent, ... args) {
      // value set before <- return Object.assign (parent, wrappedComponents)
      const mergedValue = originalComponentsMergeStrategy (parent, ... args)

      const wrappedComponents = mergedValue
        Object.entries (mergedValue) .reduce (
            (acc, [k, v]) => ({
              ... acc,
              [k]: isReactComponent (v)? VueResolver (v): v,
        : mergedValue
      return Object.assign (parent, wrappedComponents)

Which appeared

const obj = {foo: 'bar', baz: 42};
console.log (Object.entries (obj)); // [['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 42]]
var flattened = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]. reduce (function (a, b) {
  return a.concat (b);
}, []);
// flattened is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • VueResolver


React Component -> Vue Component

So you can see that the use of traversing the side of the Vue component, if found, React component looks like it is transformed into Vue.

Say the second:


Add vuera/babel to your .babelrc plugins option


  "presets": "react",
  "plugins": ["vuera/babel"]


import React from 'react'
import MyVueComponent from './MyVueComponent.vue'

export default () => (
    <h1> I'm a react component </h1>
      <MyVueComponent message = 'Hello from Vue!' />

From the way of adding .babelrc, is it possible to use babel?


/* eslint-env node */

function processCreateElement (maybeReactComponent, args, file, path, types) {
  // If the first argument is a string (built-in React component), return
  if (maybeReactComponent.type === 'StringLiteral') return

  if (! file.insertedVueraImport) {
    file.path.node.body.unshift (
      types.importDeclaration (
          types.importSpecifier (
            types.identifier ('__ vueraReactResolver'),
            types.identifier ('__ vueraReactResolver')
        types.stringLiteral ('vuera')
  // Prevent duplicate imports
  file.insertedVueraImport = true

  // Replace React.createElement (component, props) with our helper function
  path.replaceWith (
    types.callExpression (types.identifier ('__ vueraReactResolver'), [maybeReactComponent, ... args])

// types is the babel plugin API? One of the modules
module.exports = function ({types}) {
  return {
    visitor: {
      CallExpression (path, {file}) {
        const callee = path.node.callee
        const [maybeReactComponent, ... args] = path.node.arguments

        // If there is a react module, reactImport
        const reactImport = file.path.node.body.find (
          x => x.type === 'ImportDeclaration' && x.source.value === 'react'
        if (! reactImport) return

        // if CallExpression is react.createElement
        if (callee.type === 'MemberExpression') {
           * Get the default import name Examples:
           * import React from 'react' => "React"
           * import hahaLOL from 'react' => "hahaLOL"
          const defaultImport = reactImport.specifiers.find (
            x => x.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier'
          if (! defaultImport) return
          const reactName =

          const {object, property} = callee
          if (! ( === reactName && === 'createElement')) {
          processCreateElement (maybeReactComponent, args, file, path, types)
        // Check CallExpression is react's 'createElement'
        if (callee.type === 'Identifier' &&! == '__vueraReactResolver') {
          // Return unless createElement was imported
          const createElementImport = reactImport.specifiers.find (
            x => x.type === 'ImportSpecifier' && === 'createElement'
          if (! createElementImport) return

          processCreateElement (maybeReactComponent, args, file, path, types)

This part of the need to understand the AST syntax tree, the above link can help you to be simple and clear babel plugins plug-in ImportSpecifiermember problems?

babel.js in general, is to turn react.createElement into a `__vueraReactResolver`` built-in function

export function babelReactResolver (component, props, children) {
  return isReactComponent (component)
    ? React.createElement (component, props, children)
    : React.createElement (VueWrapper, Object.assign ({component}, props), children)

// babelReactResolver as __vueraReactResolver

The above is only the last thing babel does to downgrade js

VueWrapper The above code is the most important


import React from 'react'
import Vue from 'vue'
import ReactWrapper from './React'

const VUE_COMPONENT_NAME = 'vuera-internal-component-name'

const wrapReactChildren = (createElement, children) =>
  createElement ('vuera-internal-react-wrapper', {
    props: {
      component: () => <div> {children} </div>,

export default class VueContainer extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {
    super (props)

     * Incoming and redefinition of real components
     * `component` prop.
    this.currentVueComponent = props.component

     * Modify the createVueInstance function to pass this binding correctly. Doing this
     * Constructor Avoid rendering functions in the rendering.
     *// I feel a bit difficult to understand: translator said
    const createVueInstance = this.createVueInstance
    const self = this
    this.createVueInstance = function (element, component, prevComponent) {
      createVueInstance (element, self, component, prevComponent)

  componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
    const {component, ... props} = nextProps

    if (this.currentVueComponent! == component) {
      this.updateVueComponent (this.props.component, component)
     * NOTE: Did not compare props and nextprops, because I did not want to write a
     function for deep object comparison. I do not know if this hurts performance a lot, maybe
     * we do need to compare those objects.
    Object.assign (this.vueInstance. $ Data, props)

  componentWillUnmount () {
    this.vueInstance. $ destroy ()

   * Create and load VueInstance interface
   * NOTE: VueInstance inside VueContainer
   * We can not bind createVueInstance to this VueContainer object and need to be explicit
   Pass the binding object
   * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement - element to attact the Vue instance to
   * @param {ReactInstance} reactThisBinding - current instance of VueContainer
  createVueInstance (targetElement, reactThisBinding) {
    const {component, ... props} = reactThisBinding.props

    // `this` refers to Vue instance in the constructor
    reactThisBinding.vueInstance = new Vue ({
      // targetElement is VueContainer render () element
      el: targetElement,
      data: props,
      render (createElement) {
        return createElement (
            props: this. $ data,
          [wrapReactChildren (createElement, this.children)]
      components: {
        [VUE_COMPONENT_NAME]: component,
        'vuera-internal-react-wrapper': ReactWrapper,

  updateVueComponent (prevComponent, nextComponent) {
    this.currentVueComponent = nextComponent

     * Replace the component in the Vue instance and update it.
    this.vueInstance. $ options.components [VUE_COMPONENT_NAME] = nextComponent
    this.vueInstance. $ forceUpdate ()

  render () {
    return <div ref = {this.createVueInstance} />

The props.component component is wrapped with React.Component, and then the Vue instance reactThisBinding.vueInstance is created internally.

  • Equivalent to say that this part of the <div ref = {this.createVueInstance} /> to the Vue processing, and then part of Vue react.component component event handler call.

see more


export default function isReactComponent (component) {
  if (typeof component === 'object') {
    return false // no object == no react
  } else if (
    typeof component === 'function' &&
    component.prototype.constructor.super &&'Vue')
  ) {
    return false // is vue
  } else {
    return true // is react


explain vuera --project- about babel-plugins, react, vue, 有关react与vue 的共用