chikko80 / testplug

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This plugin is highly experimental.

Should support tabs but not recommended and guaranteed

🪟 better-window.nvim for Neovim

A VSCode-like window managment plugin for Neovim. Only with NvimTree Stack based buffer managment

Whats the difference?

explain how

📸 Showcase

Showcase of all diagnostic hints

✨ Features

  • Visually supportive diagnostic messages
  • Telescope Extension sorting by severity
  • Customizable colors and appearance
  • Auto-adjust colors based on the theme color
  • Easy setup with all package managers
  • Togglable
  • Heavily inspired by the Error Lens plugin for Visual Studio Code

🚧 Roadmap

  • Telescope Extension
  • Togglable hints
  • Auto adjust colors based on theme
  • Custom colors

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.5
  • Properly configured Neovim LSP client

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:


use {
    requires = {'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'}

require("error-lens").setup(client, {
    -- your options go here


    event = "BufRead",
    dependencies = {
    opts = {
        -- your options go here

⚙️ Configuration

error-lens.nvim comes with the following default options:

  -- this setting tries to auto adjust the colors
  -- based on the diagnostic-highlight groups and your
  -- theme background color with a color blender
  enabled = true,
  auto_adjust = {
    enable = false,
    theme_bg = nil, -- mandatory if enable true (e.g. #281478)
    step = 5, -- inc: colors should be brighter/darker
    total = 30 -- steps of blender
  prefix = 4, -- distance code <-> diagnostic message
  -- default colors
  colors = {
    error_fg = "#FF6363", -- diagnostic font color
    error_bg = "#4B252C", -- diagnostic line color
    warn_fg = "#FA973A",
    warn_bg = "#403733",
    info_fg = "#5B38E8",
    info_bg = "#281478",
    hint_fg = "#25E64B",
    hint_bg = "#147828"

🚀 Usage

After installing and configuring the plugin, it will automatically enhance the diagnostic display in Neovim.

To call the Telescope Error Lens :ErrorLensTelescope

To disable/toggle the plugin temporarily, use :ErrorLensToggle

⌨️ You just switch from VsCode and used OneDarkPro?

If you're switching from VSCode and are used to the beloved OneDarkPro Theme, you can use its equivalent for Neovim: olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim.

The default colors are set up for this theme, and i've tried my best to match the colors (despite the lack of opacity in nvim).

⚠️ Disclaimer:

I recently switched from VsCode to Neovim and really missed that plugin. Therefore i tried to code it myself. I am not really familiar with Lua, so if you find any bugs please raise an issue. PRs and improvements or ideas are also welcome.

📚 Credits

This plugin is heavily inspired by the Error Lens extension for Visual Studio Code.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Lua 96.3%Language:Vim Script 3.7%