chikaku / jsont

JSON parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A JSON parser returns the native type of JSON following ECMA-404 standard.

Passed all test from

How to use

go get

Types in jsont

  • JSON type is one of Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean, Null
  • Object is map[string]JSON
  • Array is []JSON
  • String is string
  • Number is string it can format to int64 or float64
  • Boolean is true or false
  • Null is struct{}

Decode complete JSON

var text = []byte(`"animals": ["🐱", "🐶", "🐭"]`)
result, _ := jsont.Decode(text)             // result is map[string]JSON
animals := result["animals"]                // animals is Array []JSON
cat, dog := animals[0], animals[1]          // cat, dog is string

Decode part of JSON

Decode one JSON element and return position

obj, pos, err = ReadObject([]byte(`  {"a": "b"}...`))    // {"a": "b"}
arr, pos, err = ReadArray([]byte(`  [1, {}, ""],...`))   // [1, {}, ""]
str, pos, err = ReadString([]byte(`  "   1""...`))       // "   1"
numstr, pos, err = ReadNumber([]byte(`  177178...`))     // 177178
num, err = num.Int64()                                   // 177178
_, _, err = ReadNull([]byte(`  null\...`))
_, _, err = ReadBool([]byte(`  false\...`))


JSON parser


Language:Go 100.0%