chiefbiiko / metamask-react

A simple Context provider and consumer hook in order to provide a simple API for interacting with MetaMask in the browser

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MetaMask React

Simplistic Context provider and consumer hook in order to manage MetaMask in the browser.


The recommend way to use MetaMask React with a React app is to install it as a dependency:

# If you use npm:
npm install metamask-react

# Or if you use Yarn:
yarn add metamask-react


The first step is to wrap you App or any React subtree with the MetaMaskProvider

// index.js

      <App />

In any React child of the provider, one can use the useMetaMask hook in order to access the state and methods.

// app.js

function App() {
    const { status, connect, account } = useMetaMask();

    if (status === "unavailable") return <div>MetaMask not available :(</div>

    if (status === "initializing") return <div>Synchronisation with MetaMask ongoing...</div>

    if (status === "notConnected") return <button onClick={connect}>Connect to MetaMask</button>

    if (status === "connecting") return <div>Connecting...</div>

    if (status === "connected") return <div>Connected account: {account}</div>

    return null;

Statuses and behaviour

The MetaMaskProvider will first derive its initial state based on the presence of correctly injected ethereum object.

If the ethereum object is not present, the initial status will be unavailable and no synchronisation is made.

Otherwise, the initial status will be initializing and a synchronisation is made in order to check if MetaMask has already connected accounts for the application.

In case of no accounts connected, the status will be unabled, otherwise the status will be enabled.

Here is an abstract on the different statuses:

  • unavailable: MetaMask is not available, nothing will be done
  • initializing: the provider is currently initializing by synchronizing with MetaMask
  • notConnected: MetaMask is available but not connected to the application
  • connected: MetaMask is connected to the application
  • connecting: the connection of your accounts to the application is ongoing


A simple Context provider and consumer hook in order to provide a simple API for interacting with MetaMask in the browser


Language:TypeScript 70.1%Language:JavaScript 29.9%