chezhang / clusrun

Run command in cluster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple tool to run commands in a cluster, inspired by the clusrun feature from Microsoft HPC Pack.


  • The worker executable clusnode or clusnode.exe

    • headnode role

      • receive heartbeats from clusnode role of workers and send node validatoin requests
      • receive node or job request from client
      • receive config request from client role of worker
      • dispatch job request to clusnode role of workers and redirect responses
      • store jobs information, nodes information and configs locally
    • clusnode role

      • send heartbeats to headnode role of workers and receive node validation requests
      • receive job requests from headnode role of workers
      • run command locally
    • client role

      • send config request to headnode role and clusnode role of worker
  • The client executable clus or clus.exe

    • send node or job request to headnode role of workers and receive response
    • display node or job information locally


Install or uninstall clusrun as service

The substance of clusrun installation is to copy the setup package to a node and to register the extracted executable as a service, the uninstallation is to unregister the service and to delete files.

  • Install and uninstall clusrun on physical or virtual machine

    1. Download setup package from Releases ( for Windows node, setup.tar.gz for Linux node)
    2. Extract it to the location you want to install clusrun
    3. Execute the install script with Administrator or root privilege to register clusrun as a service
    4. Execute the executable clusnode or clusnode.exe to set the headnode(s) for this node to report to
    5. Execute uninstall script to uninstall clusrun
    • The setup script on Releases (setup.ps1 for Windows node, for Linux node) can help to achieve the above steps

      Example on Windows
      • Install clusrun with default parameters

        PS C:\> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        PS C:\> (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$(pwd)\setup.ps1")                                              
        PS C:\> .\setup.ps1
        04/14/2020 04:11:19  Setup clusrun: headnodes=localhost, location=C:\Program Files\clusrun, setup_url=, reinstall=False, uninstall=False
        04/14/2020 04:11:19  Download clusrun from
        04/14/2020 04:11:20  Extract clusrun from C:\\ to C:\Program Files\clusrun
        04/14/2020 04:11:21  Install clusrun
        [SC] CreateService SUCCESS
        SERVICE_NAME: clusnode
                TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
                STATE              : 2  START_PENDING
                                        (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
                WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
                SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
                CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
                WAIT_HINT          : 0x7d0
                PID                : 440
                FLAGS              :
        symbolic link created for C:\Windows\clus.exe <<===>> C:\Program Files\clusrun\clus.exe
        symbolic link created for C:\Windows\clusnode.exe <<===>> C:\Program Files\clusrun\clusnode.exe
        04/14/2020 04:11:24  Set headnodes to localhost
        Set headnodes result:
                "VMSS-WIN2000001:50505": Already connected
        04/14/2020 04:11:24  Clusrun is installed in C:\Program Files\clusrun
        PS C:\>
      • Executable clus.exe and clusnode.exe

        PS C:\> clus.exe
                clus <command> [arguments]
        The commands are:
                node            - list nodes, add nodes to groups or remove nodes from groups in the cluster
                run             - run a command or script on nodes in the cluster
                job             - list, cancel or rerun jobs in the cluster
        Usage of node:
                clus node [options]
                clus node -h
        Usage of run:
                clus run [options] <command>
                clus run -h
        Usage of job:
                clus job [options] [jobs]
                clus job -h
        PS C:\> clusnode.exe
                clusnode <command> [options]
        The commands are:
                start           - start the node
                config          - configure the started node
        Usage of start:
                clusnode start [options]
                clusnode start -h
        Usage of config:
                clusnode config <command> [configs]
                clusnode config -h
        PS C:\>                                  
      • Uninstall clusrun and keep data

        PS C:\> & 'C:\Program Files\clusrun\uninstall.bat'
        SERVICE_NAME: clusnode
                TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
                STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                        (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
                WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
                SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
                CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
                WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
        [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
        PS C:\> dir 'C:\Program Files\clusrun\'
            Directory: C:\Program Files\clusrun
        Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
        ----                -------------         ------ ----
        d-----        4/14/2020   4:11 AM                clusnode.exe.db
        d-----        4/14/2020   4:11 AM                clusnode.exe.logs
        -a----        4/14/2020   4:11 AM            411 clusnode.exe.config
        -a----        4/14/2020  11:33 AM            406 uninstall.bat
        PS C:\>
      • Uninstall clusrun and cleanup data

        PS C:\> & 'C:\Program Files\clusrun\uninstall.bat' -cleanup
        [SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:
        The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
        [SC] OpenService FAILED 1060:
        The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
        Could Not Find C:\Program Files\clusrun\clusnode.exe
        Could Not Find C:\Program Files\clusrun\clus.exe
        Could Not Find C:\Windows\clusnode.exe
        Could Not Find C:\Windows\clus.exe
        The batch file cannot be found.
        The batch file cannot be found.
        PS C:\> dir 'C:\Program Files\clusrun\'
        PS C:\>
      Example on Linux
      • Install clusrun with default parameters

        root@ubuntu1804:~# wget
        --2020-04-14 04:21:44--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
        Location: [following]
        --2020-04-14 04:21:45--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
        Length: 1213 (1.2K) [application/octet-stream]
        Saving to: ‘’
                      100%[===========================>]   1.18K  --.-KB/s    in 0s
        2020-04-14 04:21:45 (40.6 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [1213/1213]
        root@ubuntu1804:~# chmod +x
        root@ubuntu1804:~# ./
        --2020-04-14 04:21:56--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
        Location: [following]
        --2020-04-14 04:21:57--
        Resolving (
        Connecting to (||:443... connected.
        HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
        Length: 13395728 (13M) [application/octet-stream]
        Saving to: ‘clusrun.setup.tar.gz’
        clusrun.setup.tar.gz   100%[===========================>]  12.77M  4.29MB/s    in 3.0s
        2020-04-14 04:22:01 (4.29 MB/s) - ‘clusrun.setup.tar.gz’ saved [13395728/13395728]
        /usr/local/clusrun /usr/local/clusrun
        Set headnodes result:
                "UBUNTU1804:50505": Already connected
        Clusrun is installed in /usr/local/clusrun
      • Executable clus and clusnode

        root@ubuntu1804:~# clus
                clus <command> [arguments]
        The commands are:
                node            - list nodes, add nodes to groups or remove nodes from groups in the cluster
                run             - run a command or script on nodes in the cluster
                job             - list, cancel or rerun jobs in the cluster
        Usage of node:
                clus node [options]
                clus node -h
        Usage of run:
                clus run [options] <command>
                clus run -h
        Usage of job:
                clus job [options] [jobs]
                clus job -h
        root@ubuntu1804:~# clusnode
                clusnode <command> [options]
        The commands are:
                start           - start the node
                config          - configure the started node
        Usage of start:
                clusnode start [options]
                clusnode start -h
        Usage of config:
                clusnode config <command> [configs]
                clusnode config -h
      • Uninstall clusrun and keep data

        root@ubuntu1804:~# /usr/local/clusrun/
        root@ubuntu1804:~# ll /usr/local/clusrun/
        total 24
        drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Apr 14 04:23 ./
        drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Apr 12 12:56 ../
        -rw-r--r--  1 root root  401 Apr 14 04:22 clusnode.config
        drw-r--r--  4 root root 4096 Apr 14 04:22 clusnode.db/
        drw-r--r--  2 root root 4096 Apr 14 04:22 clusnode.logs/
        -rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  386 Apr 14 03:42*
      • Uninstall clusrun and cleanup data

        root@ubuntu1804:~# /usr/local/clusrun/ -cleanup
        Failed to stop clusrun.service: Unit clusrun.service not loaded.
        root@ubuntu1804:~# ll /usr/local/clusrun/
        total 8
        drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Apr 14 04:23 ./
        drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Apr 12 12:56 ../
  • Install, update and uninstall clusrun on Azure VMSS

    • via PowerShell

      1. Create a VMSS on Azure

      2. Optionally, create a VM in the same subnet as the headnode

      3. Install Azure PowerShell module if it is not installed yet

      4. Sign in Azure account and select corresponding subscription in PowerShell

      5. Download script vmss.ps1 from Releases and run it to install clusrun as a VMSS extension. Specify the node names of headnodes, to which the clusrun client should connect, when running the script, or the first instance in the VMSS will be used as a headnode

        • Install clusrun with default headnode

          PS D:\> [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
          PS D:\> (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$(pwd)\vmss.ps1")
          PS D:\> \vmss.ps1 -resourceGroup vmss-win -vmssName vmss-win2019
          Use the first instance vmss-win2019_1 with hostname vmss-win2000001 as headnode
          [04/14/2020 10:43:43] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount, Micr…
          [04/14/2020 10:43:43] Adding extension Install_clusrun ...
          [04/14/2020 10:47:01] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Install_clusrun                         {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Code                        Count
          ----                        -----
          ProvisioningState/succeeded    40
          PS D:\>
        • Update/Reinstall clusrun with default headnode

          PS D:\> \vmss.ps1 -resourceGroup vmss-win -vmssName vmss-win2019
          Use the first instance vmss-win2019_1 with hostname vmss-win2000001 as headnode
          [04/14/2020 10:59:04] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Install_clusrun                         {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Code                        Count
          ----                        -----
          ProvisioningState/succeeded    40
          [04/14/2020 10:59:04] Removing extension Install_clusrun ...
          [04/14/2020 11:01:58] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          [04/14/2020 11:02:00] Adding extension Install_clusrun ...
          [04/14/2020 11:04:21] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Install_clusrun                         {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Code                        Count
          ----                        -----
          ProvisioningState/succeeded    40
          PS D:\>
        • Uninstall clusrun

          PS D:\> \vmss.ps1 -resourceGroup vmss-win -vmssName vmss-win2019 -uninstall
          Use the first instance vmss-win2019_1 with hostname vmss-win2000001 as headnode
          [04/14/2020 11:34:48] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Install_clusrun                         {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Code                        Count
          ----                        -----
          ProvisioningState/succeeded    40
          [04/14/2020 11:34:48] Removing extension Install_clusrun ...
          [04/14/2020 11:37:13] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          [04/14/2020 11:37:17] Adding extension Uninstall_clusrun ...
          [04/14/2020 11:39:41] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Uninstall_clusrun                       {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          Code                        Count
          ----                        -----
          ProvisioningState/succeeded    40
          [04/14/2020 11:39:43] Removing extension Uninstall_clusrun ...
          [04/14/2020 11:42:05] Current extensions:
          Name                                    StatusesSummary
          ----                                    ---------------
          Microsoft.Azure.Geneva.GenevaMonitoring {Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineStatusCodeCount}
          PS D:\>
    • via Azure portal

      1. Create a VMSS on Azure
      2. Optionally, create a VM in the same subnet as the headnode
      3. Open Extensions page in Settings of the VMSS and click Add
      4. Select Custom Script Extension and click Create
      5. Download setup script from Releases (setup.ps1 for Windows, for Linux)
      6. Click Browse in Install extension page, select or create a storage account and upload the setup script to a container in it, then select the setup script as the Script file
      7. Set Arguments to specify the headnode(s) (-headnode(s) "<headnode(s)>" for Windows, -h "<headnodes>" for Linux)
      8. Click OK to install clusrun to the VMSS as extension
      9. Upgrade VMSS instances to the latest model to apply the extension change
      10. Add Custom Script Extension again and set Arguments to update or uninstall clusrun (-reinstall or -uninstall for Windows, -r or -u for Linux)

Start clusrun manually

  • Start clusrun on physical or virtual machine

    1. Download setup package from Releases ( for Windows node, setup.tar.gz for Linux node)
    2. Extract it to the location you want to install clusrun
    3. Start clusrun with extracted executable clusnode or clusnode.exe
  • Start clusrun inside docker container

    Docker container with clusrun can be started as a node on physical or virtual machine to join a cluster.

    • Docker container node on Linux

      1. Install docker if it is not installed
      2. Download clusrun setup package setup.tar.gz from Releases and extract the executable clusnode
      3. Start docker container(s) with clusrun being hosted on available port(s) of host
      root@ubuntu:~# docker -v
      Docker version 18.09.7, build 2d0083d
      root@ubuntu:~# wget -q
      root@ubuntu:~# tar zxvf setup.tar.gz
      root@ubuntu:~# headnode=$(hostname):60000
      root@ubuntu:~# for port in {60000..60010}; do docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp:ro -p $port:$port -d ubuntu bash -c "cp /tmp/clusnode . && ./clusnode start -headnodes $headnode -host $(hostname):$port"; done
      root@ubuntu:~# ./clus node -headnode $headnode
      Node                         State
      --------------------------   -----
      02658001DB5E(UBUNTU:60001)   Ready
      0E626052110B(UBUNTU:60004)   Ready
      44A286831DC8(UBUNTU:60008)   Ready
      638F1F5703D9(UBUNTU:60000)   Ready
      64FA2CE25F18(UBUNTU:60003)   Ready
      6CE13F870FF5(UBUNTU:60009)   Ready
      77EAB7045773(UBUNTU:60005)   Ready
      80F2FC1FD219(UBUNTU:60007)   Ready
      B95D4600578F(UBUNTU:60006)   Ready
      D925C729B2EB(UBUNTU:60002)   Ready
      EADF99A43141(UBUNTU:60010)   Ready
      Node count: 11
    • Docker container node on Windows is not supported currently

Usage examples

Client executable clus or clus.exe

  • Show usage

    Example on Windows
            clus <command> [arguments]
    The commands are:
            node            - list nodes, add nodes to groups or remove nodes from groups in the cluster
            run             - run a command or script on nodes in the cluster
            job             - list, cancel or rerun jobs in the cluster
    Usage of node:
            clus node [options]
            clus node -h
    Usage of run:
            clus run [options] <command>
            clus run -h
    Usage of job:
            clus job [options] [jobs]
            clus job -h
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus
            clus <command> [arguments]
    The commands are:
            node            - list nodes, add nodes to groups or remove nodes from groups in the cluster
            run             - run a command or script on nodes in the cluster
            job             - list, cancel or rerun jobs in the cluster
    Usage of node:
            clus node [options]
            clus node -h
    Usage of run:
            clus run [options] <command>
            clus run -h
    Usage of job:
            clus job [options] [jobs]
            clus job -h
    clus -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus -h
            clus <command> [arguments]
    The commands are:
            node            - list nodes, add nodes to groups or remove nodes from groups in the cluster
            run             - run a command or script on nodes in the cluster
            job             - list, cancel or rerun jobs in the cluster
    Usage of node:
            clus node [options]
            clus node -h
    Usage of run:
            clus run [options] <command>
            clus run -h
    Usage of job:
            clus job [options] [jobs]
            clus job -h
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus -h
            clus <command> [arguments]
    The commands are:
            node            - list nodes, add nodes to groups or remove nodes from groups in the cluster
            run             - run a command or script on nodes in the cluster
            job             - list, cancel or rerun jobs in the cluster
    Usage of node:
            clus node [options]
            clus node -h
    Usage of run:
            clus run [options] <command>
            clus run -h
    Usage of job:
            clus job [options] [jobs]
            clus job -h
clus node

Manage nodes in cluster by command clus node

  • Show usage

    clus node -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -h
    Usage of clus node options:
    -addgroups string
            add nodes to the specified node groups
    -format string
            format the nodes in table, list or group (default "table")
    -groupby string
            group the nodes by state or node group
    -groups string
            filter nodes in the specified node groups
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            specify to filter nodes in intersection (union if not specified) of node groups
    -orderby string
            sort the nodes by node name or node groups (default "name")
    -pattern string
            filter nodes matching the specified regular expression pattern
    -removegroups string
            remove nodes from the specified node groups
    -state string
            filter nodes in the specified state (ready, error or lost)
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -h
    Usage of clus node options:
    -addgroups string
            add nodes to the specified node groups
    -format string
            format the nodes in table, list or group (default "table")
    -groupby string
            group the nodes by state or node group
    -groups string
            filter nodes in the specified node groups
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            specify to filter nodes in intersection (union if not specified) of node groups
    -orderby string
            sort the nodes by node name or node groups (default "name")
    -pattern string
            filter nodes matching the specified regular expression pattern
    -removegroups string
            remove nodes from the specified node groups
    -state string
            filter nodes in the specified state (ready, error or lost)
  • List all nodes in the cluster

    clus node
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
  • List nodes with filters

    clus node -groups <node groups> [-intersec]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -groups windows,vm
    Node              State   Groups
    ---------------   -----   -----------
    VMSS-UBUN000000   Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016           Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 2
    c:\>clus node -groups windows,vm -intersect
    Node      State   Groups
    -------   -----   -----------
    WIN2016   Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 1
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -groups linux,container
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    Node count: 2
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -groups linux,container -intersect
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    Node count: 1
    clus node -pattern <regular expression>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -pattern VMSS-UBUN000000
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    Node count: 2
    c:\>clus node -pattern ^VMSS-UBUN000000$
    Node              State   Groups
    ---------------   -----   ---------
    VMSS-UBUN000000   Ready   linux, vm
    Node count: 1
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -pattern VMSS-UBUN000000
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    Node count: 2
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -pattern ^VMSS-UBUN000000$
    Node              State   Groups
    ---------------   -----   ---------
    VMSS-UBUN000000   Ready   linux, vm
    Node count: 1
    clus node -state <ready/error/lost>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -state ready
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 3
    c:\>clus node -state error
    Node count: 0
    c:\>clus node -state lost
    Node                     State
    ----------------------   -----
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)   Lost
    Node count: 1
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -state ready
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 3
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -state error
    Node count: 0
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -state lost
    Node                     State
    ----------------------   -----
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)   Lost
    Node count: 1
  • List nodes with different displaying format

    clus node -format <table/list/group>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -format table
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    c:\>clus node -format list
    Node   : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)
    State  : Ready
    Groups : container, linux
    Node   : VMSS-UBUN000000
    State  : Ready
    Groups : linux, vm
    Node   : WIN2016
    State  : Ready
    Groups : vm, windows
    Node   : WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)
    State  : Lost
    Node count: 4
    c:\>clus node -format group -groupby nodegroup
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   VMSS-UBUN000000
    VMSS-UBUN000000   WIN2016
    Count of nodes in no group: 1
    Count of nodes in group 'container': 1
    Count of nodes in group 'linux': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'vm': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'windows': 1
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -format table
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -format list
    Node   : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)
    State  : Ready
    Groups : container, linux
    Node   : VMSS-UBUN000000
    State  : Ready
    Groups : linux, vm
    Node   : WIN2016
    State  : Ready
    Groups : vm, windows
    Node   : WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)
    State  : Lost
    Node count: 4
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -format group -groupby nodegroup
    VMSS-UBUN000000   WIN2016
    Count of nodes in no group: 1
    Count of nodes in group 'container': 1
    Count of nodes in group 'linux': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'vm': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'windows': 1
    clus node -groupby <state/nodegroup>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -groupby state
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 4
    c:\>clus node -groupby nodegroup
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 4
    c:\>clus node -groupby state -format group
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   VMSS-UBUN000000
    Count of nodes in state 'Lost': 1
    Count of nodes in state 'Ready': 3
    c:\>clus node -groupby nodegroup -format group
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   VMSS-UBUN000000
    VMSS-UBUN000000   WIN2016
    Count of nodes in no group: 1
    Count of nodes in group 'container': 1
    Count of nodes in group 'linux': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'vm': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'windows': 1
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -groupby state
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 4
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -groupby nodegroup
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 4
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -groupby state -format group
    Count of nodes in state 'Lost': 1
    Count of nodes in state 'Ready': 3
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -groupby nodegroup -format group
    VMSS-UBUN000000   WIN2016
    Count of nodes in no group: 1
    Count of nodes in group 'container': 1
    Count of nodes in group 'linux': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'vm': 2
    Count of nodes in group 'windows': 1
    clus node -orderby <name/nodegroups>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -orderby name
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    c:\>clus node -orderby nodegroup
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 4
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -orderby name
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -orderby nodegroup
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    Node count: 4
  • Add or remove node groups

    clus node -addgroups <node groups> [-groups] [-pattern] [-state]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -addgroups windows -pattern WIN2016
    Node                     State   Groups
    ----------------------   -----   -----------
    WIN2016                  Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)   Lost    windows
    Node count: 2
    Nodes are added to node groups: windows
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -addgroups test
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux, test
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, test, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   test, vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost    test
    Node count: 4
    Nodes are added to node groups: test
    clus node -removegroups <node groups> [-groups] [-pattern] [-state]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -removegroups windows -pattern WIN2016:60000
    Node                     State
    ----------------------   -----
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)   Lost
    Node count: 1
    Nodes are removed from node groups: windows
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -removegroups test
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    Nodes are removed from node groups: test
  • List nodes in specified cluster

    clus node -headnode <node host>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus node -headnode VMSS-UBUN000000
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus node -headnode win2016
    Node                                  State   Groups
    -----------------------------------   -----   ----------------
    67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready   container, linux
    VMSS-UBUN000000                       Ready   linux, vm
    WIN2016                               Ready   vm, windows
    WIN2016(WIN2016:60000)                Lost
    Node count: 4
clus run

Run command in cluster by command clus run

  • Show usage

    clus run
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run
    clus run [options] <command>
            run command without printing output
    -cache int
            specify the number of characters to cache and display for output of command on each node (default 1000)
            save the output to file
    -groups string
            specify certain node groups to run the command
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            specify to run the command in intersection (union if not specified) of node groups
    -nodes string
            specify certain nodes to run the command
    -pattern string
            specify nodes matching a certain regular expression pattern to run the command
    -prompt int
            specify the number of nodes, the output of which will be displayed promptly (default 1)
    -script string
            specify the script file containing commands to run
    -sweep string
            perform parametric sweep by replacing specified placeholder string in the command on each node to sequence number (in specified range and step optionally) with format "placeholder[{begin[-end][:step]}]"
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run
    clus run [options] <command>
            run command without printing output
    -cache int
            specify the number of characters to cache and display for output of command on each node (default 1000)
            save the output to file
    -groups string
            specify certain node groups to run the command
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            specify to run the command in intersection (union if not specified) of node groups
    -nodes string
            specify certain nodes to run the command
    -pattern string
            specify nodes matching a certain regular expression pattern to run the command
    -prompt int
            specify the number of nodes, the output of which will be displayed promptly (default 1)
    -script string
            specify the script file containing commands to run
    -sweep string
            perform parametric sweep by replacing specified placeholder string in the command on each node to sequence number (in specified range and step optionally) with format "placeholder[{begin[-end][:step]}]"
    clus run -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -h
    Usage of clus run options:
            run command without printing output
    -cache int
            specify the number of characters to cache and display for output of command on each node (default 1000)
            save the output to file
    -groups string
            specify certain node groups to run the command
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            specify to run the command in intersection (union if not specified) of node groups
    -nodes string
            specify certain nodes to run the command
    -pattern string
            specify nodes matching a certain regular expression pattern to run the command
    -prompt int
            specify the number of nodes, the output of which will be displayed promptly (default 1)
    -script string
            specify the script file containing commands to run
    -sweep string
            perform parametric sweep by replacing specified placeholder string in the command on each node to sequence number (in specified range and step optionally) with format "placeholder[{begin[-end][:step]}]"
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -h
    Usage of clus run options:
            run command without printing output
    -cache int
            specify the number of characters to cache and display for output of command on each node (default 1000)
            save the output to file
    -groups string
            specify certain node groups to run the command
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            specify to run the command in intersection (union if not specified) of node groups
    -nodes string
            specify certain nodes to run the command
    -pattern string
            specify nodes matching a certain regular expression pattern to run the command
    -prompt int
            specify the number of nodes, the output of which will be displayed promptly (default 1)
    -script string
            specify the script file containing commands to run
    -sweep string
            perform parametric sweep by replacing specified placeholder string in the command on each node to sequence number (in specified range and step optionally) with format "placeholder[{begin[-end][:step]}]"
  • Run command in the cluster

    clus run <command>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run hostname
    Job 1 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 108.8428ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 109.8266ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 112.8264ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run hostname
    Job 72 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 59.975ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 62.5264ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 109.8528ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
  • Run command on certain nodes

    clus run -groups <node groups> [-intersect]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -groups vm hostname
    Job 2 started on 2 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [VMSS-UBUN000000]: vmss-ubun000000
    [1/2] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 112.6209ms.
    [2/2] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 114.6214ms.
    2 of 2 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -groups vm hostname
    Job 73 started on 2 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [VMSS-UBUN000000]: vmss-ubun000000
    [1/2] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 51.0999ms.
    [2/2] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 94.0386ms.
    2 of 2 nodes succeeded.
    clus run -pattern <regular expression>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -pattern WIN2016 hostname
    Job 3 started on 1 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [WIN2016]: win2016
    [1/1] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 70.9979ms.
    Runtime: Min=70.9979ms, Max=70.9979ms, Mean=70.9979ms, Mid=70.9979ms, SD=0s
    1 of 1 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -pattern VMSS hostname
    Job 74 started on 2 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/2] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 54.392ms.
    [2/2] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 63.4899ms.
    2 of 2 nodes succeeded.
    clus run -nodes <node names>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -nodes WIN2016,VMSS-UBUN000000 hostname
    Job 5 started on 2 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [VMSS-UBUN000000]: vmss-ubun000000
    [1/2] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 56.158ms.
    [2/2] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 69.1561ms.
    2 of 2 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -nodes VMSS-UBUN000000,WIN2016 hostname   Job 75 started on 2 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [VMSS-UBUN000000]: vmss-ubun000000
    [1/2] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 51.4004ms.
    [2/2] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 94.261ms.
    2 of 2 nodes succeeded.
  • Run command in background

    clus run -backgroud
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -background hostname
    Job 6 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -background hostname
    Job 76 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
  • Run command with specified cache size

    clus run -cache <character number>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -cache 5 hostname
    Job 7 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [1/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 57.4392ms.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [2/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 60.4381ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 73.4352ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -cache 5 hostname
    Job 77 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 53.1031ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 58.7311ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 88.8155ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
  • Run command displaying output of different number of nodes promptly

    clus run -prompt <node number>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -prompt 10 hostname
    Job 8 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [VMSS-UBUN000000]: vmss-ubun000000
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 28.0018ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 30.0007ms.
    [WIN2016]: win2016
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 64.2562ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -prompt 10 hostname
    Job 78 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 54.4323ms.
    [VMSS-UBUN000000]: vmss-ubun000000
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 61.0101ms.
    [WIN2016]: win2016
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 98.7498ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
  • Run command and dump output

    clus run -dump
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -dump hostname
    Job 9 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Dumping output to c:\
    [1/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 31.0957ms.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [2/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 64.5129ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 83.4806ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Output is dumped to c:\
    Volume in drive C is Windows
    Volume Serial Number is 56D1-9C35
    Directory of c:\
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM    <DIR>          .
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM    <DIR>          ..
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM                 0 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000.60000).err
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM                13 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000.60000).out
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM                 0 VMSS-UBUN000000.err
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM                16 VMSS-UBUN000000.out
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM                 0 WIN2016.err
    04/15/2020  05:49 PM                 9 WIN2016.out
                6 File(s)             38 bytes
                2 Dir(s)  124,614,762,496 bytes free
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -dump hostname
    Job 79 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Dumping output to /root/
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 47.7575ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 53.568ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 90.1797ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Output is dumped to /root/
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# ll
    total 20
    drw-r--r-- 2 root root 4096 Apr 15 17:49  ./
    drwx------ 8 root root 4096 Apr 15 17:49  ../
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Apr 15 17:49 '67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000.60000).err'
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   13 Apr 15 17:49 '67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000.60000).out'
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Apr 15 17:49  VMSS-UBUN000000.err
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   16 Apr 15 17:49  VMSS-UBUN000000.out
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Apr 15 17:49  WIN2016.err
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    9 Apr 15 17:49  WIN2016.out
  • Run commands in a script

    clus run -script <file>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>notepad script.txt
    c:\>more script.txt
    echo hostname
    c:\>clus run -script script.txt
    Job 10 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    echo hostname
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: /clusnode.db/VMSS-UBUN000000.60000.command/ line 1: $'hostname\r': command not found
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: hostname
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 28.9948ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 31.0032ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 81.9474ms.
    /clusnode.db/VMSS-UBUN000000.60000.command/ line 1: $'hostname\r': command not found
    /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.db/VMSS-UBUN000000.50505.command/ line 1: $'hostname\r': command not found
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# vim script
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# cat script
    echo 1
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -script script
    Job 80 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    echo 1
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 1
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 41.9381ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 48.7202ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 99.1658ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
  • Run command with different content on each node

    clus run -sweep <placeholder[{begin[-end][:step]}]>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -sweep ?? echo ??
    Job 12 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Sweep parameter: ??
    echo ??
    [1/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 53.9991ms.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 0
    [2/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 80.0054ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 81.0067ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    c:\>clus run -sweep ??{10-9:-1} echo ??
    Job 13 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Sweep parameter: ??{10-9:-1}
    echo ??
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 10
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 24.0771ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 25.9966ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 51.1295ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -sweep ?? echo ??
    Job 82 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Sweep parameter: ??
    echo ??
    [1/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 47.2975ms.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 0
    [2/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 47.6821ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 91.2192ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -sweep ??{10-9:-1} echo ??
    Job 83 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Sweep parameter: ??{10-9:-1}
    echo ??
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 10
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 60.5268ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 73.7394ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 108.5368ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
  • Run command in specified cluster

    clus run -headnode <node host>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -headnode VMSS-UBUN000000 hostname
    Job 81 started on 3 nodes in cluster VMSS-UBUN000000:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 51.5474ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 54.548ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 103.8009ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -headnode win2016 hostname
    Job 11 started on 3 nodes in cluster win2016:50505.
    [67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)]: 67a226cd8e76
    [1/3] Command finished on node VMSS-UBUN000000 in 52.6636ms.
    [2/3] Command finished on node 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000) in 52.8099ms.
    [3/3] Command finished on node WIN2016 in 61.2312ms.
    3 of 3 nodes succeeded.
clus job

Manage jobs in cluster by command clus job

  • Show usage

    clus job -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus job -h
    Usage of clus job options:
            cancel jobs
    -format string
            format the jobs in table or list
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            rerun jobs
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -h
    Usage of clus job options:
            cancel jobs
    -format string
            format the jobs in table or list
    -headnode string
            specify the headnode to connect (default "localhost:50505")
            rerun jobs
  • List all jobs in the cluster

    clus job
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus job
    Id   State      Nodes   Command
    --   --------   -----   -------------------------------------
    1    Finished   3       hostname
    2    Finished   2       hostname
    3    Finished   1       hostname
    4    Finished   1       hostname
    5    Finished   2       hostname
    6    Finished   3       hostname
    7    Finished   3       hostname
    8    Finished   3       hostname
    9    Finished   3       hostname
    10   Finished   3       hostname\r\necho hostname\r\nhostname
    11   Finished   3       hostname
    12   Finished   3       echo ??
    13   Finished   3       echo ??
    Job count: 13
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job
    Id   State      Nodes   Command
    --   --------   -----   --------------------------------------------------
    1    Finished   40      hostname
    2    Finished   40      hostname
    3    Finished   40      hostname
    4    Canceled   40      ping localhost
    5    Finished   40      snap install docker
    6    Finished   40      docker version
    7    Finished   30      hostname
    8    Finished   30      hostname
    9    Finished   1       echo 1
    10   Finished   40      ping -c 4 localhost
    11   Finished   40      hostname
    12   Finished   40      ping -c 10 localhost
    13   Finished   40      hostname
    14   Finished   40      hostname
    15   Finished   40      headnode=vmss-ubun000000\ncd ~\ncp /usr/local/c...
    16   Failed     160 s echo
    17   Finished   160     echo ??
    18   Finished   160     echo ??
    19   Finished   160     echo ??
    20   Finished   160     echo ??
    21   Finished   160     echo ??
    22   Finished   160     hostname
    23   Finished   160     echo x
    24   Finished   160     echo x
    25   Finished   160     hostname
    26   Finished   160     hostname
    27   Canceled   40      ping localhost
    28   Failed     160     clusnode
    29   Finished   1       pwd
    30   Finished   1       ls
    31   Finished   1       /clusnode
    32   Failed     40      clusnode config add -headnodes win2016
    33   Finished   160     hostname
    34   Finished   160     hostname
    35   Finished   160     hostname
    36   Finished   160     hostname
    37   Finished   160     echo ??
    38   Failed     160     docker ps
    39   Finished   40      docker ps
    40   Finished   40      docker kill $(docker ps -q)\nheadnode=vmss-ubun...
    41   Finished   480     echo ??
    42   Finished   480     echo ??
    43   Failed     480     clusnode config get
    44   Finished   480     echo ??
    45   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    46   Finished   40      clusnode config add -headnodes win2016
    47   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    48   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    49   Finished   480     echo ??
    50   Finished   480     echo ??
    51   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    52   Finished   40      clusnode config del -headnodes win2016
    53   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    54   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    55   Finished   40      clusnode config add -headnodes win2016
    56   Finished   40      clusnode config get
    57   Finished   440     /clusnode config get
    58   Failed     40      headnode=win2016\nfor port in {60000..60010}\nd...
    59   Finished   40      headnode=win2016\nfor port in {60000..60010}\nd...
    60   Finished   40      for port in {60000..60010}\ndo\n        clusnode confi...
    61   Finished   469     hostname
    62   Finished   40      headnode=vmss-ubun000000\ncd ~\ncp /usr/local/c...
    63   Finished   908     hostname
    64   Finished   908     hostname
    65   Finished   908     hostname
    66   Finished   908     hostname
    67   Finished   40      docker
    68   Finished   40      echo
    69   Finished   40      echo $(docker ps -q)
    70   Finished   40      docker kill $(docker ps -q)
    71   Finished   40      clusnode config set -headnodes VMSS-UBUN000001
    72   Finished   3       hostname
    73   Finished   2       hostname
    74   Finished   2       hostname
    75   Finished   2       hostname
    76   Finished   3       hostname
    77   Finished   3       hostname
    78   Finished   3       hostname
    79   Finished   3       hostname
    80   Finished   3       hostname\necho 1\nhostname\n
    81   Finished   3       hostname
    82   Finished   3       echo ??
    83   Finished   3       echo ??
    Job count: 83
  • List specified jobs

    clus job <[~]id[-id][,[~]id[-id]]> [[~]id[-id][,[~]id[-id]]]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus job 1,3-5 7 ~1-2
    Id                  : 1
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:41:41 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:41:41 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 3
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:44:13 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:44:13 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 4
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:44:45 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:44:45 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 5
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:46:26 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:46:26 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 7
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:47:50 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:47:51 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 12
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:57:39 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:57:39 +0000 GMT
    Sweep Parameter     : ??
    Command             : echo ??
    Id                  : 13
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:57:44 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:57:44 +0000 GMT
    Sweep Parameter     : ??{10-9:-1}
    Command             : echo ??
    Job count: 7
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job 1,3-5 7 ~1-2
    Id                  : 1
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, VMSS-UBUN000001, VMSS-UBUN000002, VMSS-UBUN000003, VMSS-UBUN000004, VMSS-UBUN000005, VMSS-UBUN000006, VMSS-UBUN000007, VMSS-UBUN000008, VMSS-UBUN000009, VMSS-UBUN00000C, VMSS-UBUN00000D, VMSS-UBUN00000E, VMSS-UBUN00000F, VMSS-UBUN00000G, VMSS-UBUN00000H, VMSS-UBUN00000J, VMSS-UBUN00000M, VMSS-UBUN00000N, VMSS-UBUN00000O, VMSS-UBUN00000P, VMSS-UBUN00000Q, VMSS-UBUN00000S, VMSS-UBUN00000T, VMSS-UBUN00000U, VMSS-UBUN00000V, VMSS-UBUN00000W, VMSS-UBUN00000X, VMSS-UBUN00000Y, VMSS-UBUN00000Z, VMSS-UBUN000010, VMSS-UBUN000011, VMSS-UBUN000012, VMSS-UBUN000013, VMSS-UBUN000014, VMSS-UBUN000015, VMSS-UBUN000016, VMSS-UBUN000019, VMSS-UBUN00001A, VMSS-UBUN00001B
    Create Time         : 2020-04-14 17:03:33 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-14 17:03:33 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 3
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, VMSS-UBUN000001, VMSS-UBUN000002, VMSS-UBUN000003, VMSS-UBUN000004, VMSS-UBUN000005, VMSS-UBUN000006, VMSS-UBUN000007, VMSS-UBUN000008, VMSS-UBUN000009, VMSS-UBUN00000C, VMSS-UBUN00000D, VMSS-UBUN00000E, VMSS-UBUN00000F, VMSS-UBUN00000G, VMSS-UBUN00000H, VMSS-UBUN00000J, VMSS-UBUN00000M, VMSS-UBUN00000N, VMSS-UBUN00000O, VMSS-UBUN00000P, VMSS-UBUN00000Q, VMSS-UBUN00000S, VMSS-UBUN00000T, VMSS-UBUN00000U, VMSS-UBUN00000V, VMSS-UBUN00000W, VMSS-UBUN00000X, VMSS-UBUN00000Y, VMSS-UBUN00000Z, VMSS-UBUN000010, VMSS-UBUN000011, VMSS-UBUN000012, VMSS-UBUN000013, VMSS-UBUN000014, VMSS-UBUN000015, VMSS-UBUN000016, VMSS-UBUN000019, VMSS-UBUN00001A, VMSS-UBUN00001B
    Create Time         : 2020-04-14 17:19:24 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-14 17:19:24 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 4
    State               : Canceled
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, VMSS-UBUN000001, VMSS-UBUN000002, VMSS-UBUN000003, VMSS-UBUN000004, VMSS-UBUN000005, VMSS-UBUN000006, VMSS-UBUN000007, VMSS-UBUN000008, VMSS-UBUN000009, VMSS-UBUN00000C, VMSS-UBUN00000D, VMSS-UBUN00000E, VMSS-UBUN00000F, VMSS-UBUN00000G, VMSS-UBUN00000H, VMSS-UBUN00000J, VMSS-UBUN00000M, VMSS-UBUN00000N, VMSS-UBUN00000O, VMSS-UBUN00000P, VMSS-UBUN00000Q, VMSS-UBUN00000S, VMSS-UBUN00000T, VMSS-UBUN00000U, VMSS-UBUN00000V, VMSS-UBUN00000W, VMSS-UBUN00000X, VMSS-UBUN00000Y, VMSS-UBUN00000Z, VMSS-UBUN000010, VMSS-UBUN000011, VMSS-UBUN000012, VMSS-UBUN000013, VMSS-UBUN000014, VMSS-UBUN000015, VMSS-UBUN000016, VMSS-UBUN000019, VMSS-UBUN00001A, VMSS-UBUN00001B
    Create Time         : 2020-04-14 17:21:25 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-14 17:21:55 +0000 UTC
    Failed Nodes        : VMSS-UBUN000000 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000001 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000002 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000003 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000004 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000005 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000006 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000007 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000008 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000009 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000C -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000D -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000E -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000F -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000G -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000H -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000J -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000M -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000N -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000O -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000P -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000Q -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000S -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000T -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000U -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000V -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000W -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000X -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000Y -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00000Z -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000010 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000011 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000012 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000013 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000014 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000015 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000016 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN000019 -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00001A -> -1, VMSS-UBUN00001B -> -1
    Command             : ping localhost
    Id                  : 5
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, VMSS-UBUN000001, VMSS-UBUN000002, VMSS-UBUN000003, VMSS-UBUN000004, VMSS-UBUN000005, VMSS-UBUN000006, VMSS-UBUN000007, VMSS-UBUN000008, VMSS-UBUN000009, VMSS-UBUN00000C, VMSS-UBUN00000D, VMSS-UBUN00000E, VMSS-UBUN00000F, VMSS-UBUN00000G, VMSS-UBUN00000H, VMSS-UBUN00000J, VMSS-UBUN00000M, VMSS-UBUN00000N, VMSS-UBUN00000O, VMSS-UBUN00000P, VMSS-UBUN00000Q, VMSS-UBUN00000S, VMSS-UBUN00000T, VMSS-UBUN00000U, VMSS-UBUN00000V, VMSS-UBUN00000W, VMSS-UBUN00000X, VMSS-UBUN00000Y, VMSS-UBUN00000Z, VMSS-UBUN000010, VMSS-UBUN000011, VMSS-UBUN000012, VMSS-UBUN000013, VMSS-UBUN000014, VMSS-UBUN000015, VMSS-UBUN000016, VMSS-UBUN000019, VMSS-UBUN00001A, VMSS-UBUN00001B
    Create Time         : 2020-04-14 17:23:11 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-14 17:23:49 +0000 UTC
    Command             : snap install docker
    Id                  : 7
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, VMSS-UBUN000001, VMSS-UBUN000002, VMSS-UBUN000003, VMSS-UBUN000004, VMSS-UBUN000005, VMSS-UBUN000006, VMSS-UBUN000007, VMSS-UBUN000008, VMSS-UBUN000009, VMSS-UBUN00000C, VMSS-UBUN00000D, VMSS-UBUN00000E, VMSS-UBUN00000F, VMSS-UBUN00000G, VMSS-UBUN00000H, VMSS-UBUN00000J, VMSS-UBUN00000M, VMSS-UBUN00000N, VMSS-UBUN00000O, VMSS-UBUN00000P, VMSS-UBUN00000Q, VMSS-UBUN00000S, VMSS-UBUN00000T, VMSS-UBUN00000U, VMSS-UBUN00000V, VMSS-UBUN00000W, VMSS-UBUN00000X, VMSS-UBUN00000Y, VMSS-UBUN00000Z
    Create Time         : 2020-04-14 17:24:50 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-14 17:24:51 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 82
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:55:37 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:55:37 +0000 UTC
    Sweep Parameter     : ??
    Command             : echo ??
    Id                  : 83
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:56:28 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:56:28 +0000 UTC
    Sweep Parameter     : ??{10-9:-1}
    Command             : echo ??
    Job count: 7
  • List jobs with different displaying format

    clus job -format <table/list>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus job -format table ~1-10
    Id   State      Nodes   Command
    --   --------   -----   -------------------------------------
    4    Finished   1       hostname
    5    Finished   2       hostname
    6    Finished   3       hostname
    7    Finished   3       hostname
    8    Finished   3       hostname
    9    Finished   3       hostname
    10   Finished   3       hostname\r\necho hostname\r\nhostname
    11   Finished   3       hostname
    12   Finished   3       echo ??
    13   Finished   3       echo ??
    Job count: 10
    c:\>clus job -format list ~1-10
    Id                  : 4
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:44:45 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:44:45 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 5
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:46:26 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:46:26 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 6
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:46:55 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:46:55 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 7
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:47:50 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:47:51 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 8
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:48:43 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:48:43 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 9
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:49:18 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:49:18 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 10
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:52:05 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:52:05 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    echo hostname
    Id                  : 11
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:53:33 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:53:33 +0000 GMT
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 12
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:57:39 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:57:39 +0000 GMT
    Sweep Parameter     : ??
    Command             : echo ??
    Id                  : 13
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:57:44 +0000 GMT
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:57:44 +0000 GMT
    Sweep Parameter     : ??{10-9:-1}
    Command             : echo ??
    Job count: 10
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -format table ~1-10
    Id   State      Nodes   Command
    --   --------   -----   ----------------------------
    74   Finished   2       hostname
    75   Finished   2       hostname
    76   Finished   3       hostname
    77   Finished   3       hostname
    78   Finished   3       hostname
    79   Finished   3       hostname
    80   Finished   3       hostname\necho 1\nhostname\n
    81   Finished   3       hostname
    82   Finished   3       echo ??
    83   Finished   3       echo ??
    Job count: 10
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -format list ~1-10
    Id                  : 74
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:43:33 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:43:33 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 75
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:45:41 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:45:41 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 76
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:47:02 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:47:02 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 77
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:47:26 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:47:26 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 78
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:48:51 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:48:52 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 79
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:49:44 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:49:44 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 80
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:52:57 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:52:57 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    echo 1
    Id                  : 81
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:54:04 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:54:04 +0000 UTC
    Command             : hostname
    Id                  : 82
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:55:37 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:55:37 +0000 UTC
    Sweep Parameter     : ??
    Command             : echo ??
    Id                  : 83
    State               : Finished
    Nodes               : 67A226CD8E76(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000), VMSS-UBUN000000, WIN2016
    Create Time         : 2020-04-15 17:56:28 +0000 UTC
    End Time            : 2020-04-15 17:56:28 +0000 UTC
    Sweep Parameter     : ??{10-9:-1}
    Command             : echo ??
    Job count: 10
  • Cancel jobs

    clus job -cancel <[~]id[-id][,[~]id[-id]]> [[~]id[-id][,[~]id[-id]]]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus run -background ping -t localhost
    Job 14 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    c:\>clus job -cancel ~~
    Canceling jobs: [14]
    c:\>clus job -cancel ~~
    Canceled jobs: [14]
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -background ping localhost
    Job 84 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -cancel ~~
    Canceling jobs: [84]
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -cancel ~~
    Canceled jobs: [84]
  • Rerun jobs

    clus job -rerun <[~]id[-id][,[~]id[-id]]> [[~]id[-id][,[~]id[-id]]]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus job -rerun ~~
    Rerun job 14: Job 15 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -rerun ~~
    Rerun job 84: Job 85 started on 3 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
  • List jobs in specified cluster

    clus job -headnode <node host>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clus job -headnode VMSS-UBUN000000 -format table ~1-10
    Id   State      Nodes   Command
    --   --------   -----   ----------------------------
    76   Finished   3       hostname
    77   Finished   3       hostname
    78   Finished   3       hostname
    79   Finished   3       hostname
    80   Finished   3       hostname\necho 1\nhostname\n
    81   Finished   3       hostname
    82   Finished   3       echo ??
    83   Finished   3       echo ??
    84   Canceled   3       ping localhost
    85   Canceled   3       ping localhost
    Job count: 10
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus job -headnode win2016
    Id   State      Nodes   Command
    --   --------   -----   -------------------------------------
    1    Finished   3       hostname
    2    Finished   2       hostname
    3    Finished   1       hostname
    4    Finished   1       hostname
    5    Finished   2       hostname
    6    Finished   3       hostname
    7    Finished   3       hostname
    8    Finished   3       hostname
    9    Finished   3       hostname
    10   Finished   3       hostname\r\necho hostname\r\nhostname
    11   Finished   3       hostname
    12   Finished   3       echo ??
    13   Finished   3       echo ??
    14   Canceled   3       ping -t localhost
    15   Canceled   3       ping -t localhost
    Job count: 15

Worker executable clusnode or clusnode.exe

  • Show usage

    Example on Windows
            clusnode <command> [options]
    The commands are:
            start           - start the node
            config          - configure the started node
    Usage of start:
            clusnode start [options]
            clusnode start -h
    Usage of config:
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
            clusnode config -h
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode
            clusnode <command> [options]
    The commands are:
            start           - start the node
            config          - configure the started node
    Usage of start:
            clusnode start [options]
            clusnode start -h
    Usage of config:
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
            clusnode config -h
    clusnode -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode -h
            clusnode <command> [options]
    The commands are:
            start           - start the node
            config          - configure the started node
    Usage of start:
            clusnode start [options]
            clusnode start -h
    Usage of config:
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
            clusnode config -h
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode -h
            clusnode <command> [options]
    The commands are:
            start           - start the node
            config          - configure the started node
    Usage of start:
            clusnode start [options]
            clusnode start -h
    Usage of config:
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
            clusnode config -h
clusnode start

Start node by command clusnode start

  • Show usage

    clusnode start -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode start -h
    Usage of clusnode start options:
    -config-file string
            specify the config file for saving and loading settings (default "C:\\windows\\clusnode.exe.config")
    -headnodes string
            specify the host addresses of headnodes for this clusnode to join in
    -host string
            specify the host address of this headnode and clusnode (default "WIN2016:50505")
    -log-file string
            specify the file for logging (default "C:\\windows\\clusnode.exe.logs\\<host>.<start time>.log")
            start HTTP server on for pprof
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode start -h
    Usage of clusnode start options:
    -config-file string
            specify the config file for saving and loading settings (default "/usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.config")
    -headnodes string
            specify the host addresses of headnodes for this clusnode to join in
    -host string
            specify the host address of this headnode and clusnode (default "VMSS-UBUN000000:50505")
    -log-file string
            specify the file for logging (default "/usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.logs/<host>.<start time>.log")
            start HTTP server on for pprof
  • Start node with default parameters

    clusnode start
    Example on Windows
    D:\>clusnode start
    Log file: D:\clusnode.exe.logs\WIN2016.50505.20200415182515.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 6792
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clusnode start
    Log file: /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.logs/VMSS-UBUN000000.50505.20200415182524.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 121017
  • Start node with specified log file

    clusnode start -log-file <file>
    Example on Windows
    D:\>clusnode start -log-file log.txt
    Log file: log.txt
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 2400
    Service is stopping
    Service stopped
    D:\>more log.txt
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.882378 | Info | Config file: D:\clusnode.exe.config
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.916401 | Info | Loading node configs
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.916401 | Info | Config file doesn't exist, use default configs
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.916401 | Info | Adding default headnode: WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.916401 | Info | Saving node configs
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.916401 | Info | Start heartbeat from WIN2016:50505 to WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.917364 | Info | Config file doesn't exist, build it
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.918365 | Info | Setup in-bound firewall of port 50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.918365 | Info | Run command: netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=clusnode-50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.973454 | Info | Command output:
    Deleted 1 rule(s).
    2020/04/15 18:35:17.973454 | Info | Run command: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=clusnode-50505 localport=50505 dir=in protocol=tcp enable=yes action=allow profile=private,domain,public
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.023375 | Info | Command output: Ok.
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.023375 | Info | Initializing database
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.024341 | Info | Node WIN2016 starts listening on WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.228663 | Info | Connected to headnode WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.230726 | Info | First heartbeat from WIN2016
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.230726 | Info | Start validating clusnode WIN2016
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.231690 | Info | Connected to clusnode host WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.231690 | Info | Received validation request from WIN2016:50505 to WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:18.231690 | Info | Clusnode WIN2016 is validated that being hosted by WIN2016:50505
    2020/04/15 18:35:20.178165 | Info | Exited
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clusnode start -log-file log
    Log file: log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 121187
    ^CService is stopping
    Service stopped
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# more log | head
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Config file: /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.config
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Loading node configs
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Adding loaded headnodes: [WIN2016:50505 VMSS-UBUN000001:50505 VMSS-UBUN000000:50505]
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Set config "heartbeat interval in seconds" to 1
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Set config "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds" to 5
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Set config "max job count" to 100
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Set config "store output" to true
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Set config "add go id in logs" to false
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Saving node configs
    2020/04/15 18:26:22 | Info | Start heartbeat from VMSS-UBUN000000:50505 to WIN2016:50505
  • Start node with specified config file

    clusnode start -config-file <file>
    Example on Windows
    D:\>clusnode start -config-file config.txt
    Log file: D:\clusnode.exe.logs\WIN2016.50505.20200415182701.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 3504
    Service is stopping
    Service stopped
    D:\>more config.txt
        "WIN2016:50505": {
            "add go id in logs": false,
            "clusnode role": {
                "headnodes": [
                "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
            "headnode role": {
                "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 5,
                "max job count": 100,
                "store output": true
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clusnode start -config-file config
    Log file: /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.logs/VMSS-UBUN000000.50505.20200415183823.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 121848
    ^CService is stopping
    Service stopped
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# more config
        "VMSS-UBUN000000:50505": {
            "add go id in logs": false,
            "clusnode role": {
                "headnodes": [
                "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
            "headnode role": {
                "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 5,
                "max job count": 100,
                "store output": true
  • Start node with specified host address

    clusnode start -host <hostname[:port]>
    Example on Windows
    D:\>clusnode start -host localhost:60000
    Log file: D:\clusnode.exe.logs\WIN2016.60000.20200415184014.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 1720
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clusnode start -host localhost:60000
    Log file: /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.logs/VMSS-UBUN000000.60000.20200415184111.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 122126
  • Start node joining specified headnodes

    clusnode start -headnodes <node hosts>
    Example on Windows
    D:\>clusnode start -headnodes VMSS-UBUN000000:60000
    Log file: D:\clusnode.exe.logs\WIN2016.50505.20200415184208.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 6420
    Service is stopping
    Service stopped
    D:\>clus node -headnode VMSS-UBUN000000:60000
    Node                                     State
    --------------------------------------   -----
    VMSS-UBUN000000(VMSS-UBUN000000:60000)   Ready
    WIN2016                                  Lost
    Node count: 2
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clusnode start -headnodes win2016:60000    
    Log file: /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.logs/VMSS-UBUN000000.50505.20200415184308.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 122238
    ^CService is stopping
    Service stopped
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clus node -headnode win2016
    Node              State
    ---------------   -----
    VMSS-UBUN000000   Lost
    WIN2016           Ready
    Node count: 2
  • Start node with pprof server for debugging

    clusnode start -pprof
    Example on Windows
    D:\>clusnode start -pprof
    Log file: D:\clusnode.exe.logs\WIN2016.50505.20200415184518.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 5436
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# clusnode start -pprof &
    [1] 122593
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~/clusrun# Log file: /usr/local/clusrun/clusnode.logs/VMSS-UBUN000000.50505.20200415184625.log
    Service is being initialized
    Service initialized
    Service started with pid 122593
    curl http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/
    Types of profiles available:
            <td>55</td><td><a href=allocs?debug&#61;1>allocs</a></td>
            <td>0</td><td><a href=block?debug&#61;1>block</a></td>
            <td>0</td><td><a href=cmdline>cmdline</a></td>
            <td>13</td><td><a href=goroutine?debug&#61;1>goroutine</a></td>
            <td>55</td><td><a href=heap?debug&#61;1>heap</a></td>
            <td>0</td><td><a href=mutex?debug&#61;1>mutex</a></td>
            <td>0</td><td><a href=profile>profile</a></td>
            <td>8</td><td><a href=threadcreate?debug&#61;1>threadcreate</a></td>
            <td>0</td><td><a href=trace>trace</a></td>
    <a href="goroutine?debug=2">full goroutine stack dump</a>
    Profile Descriptions:
    <li><div class=profile-name>allocs:</div> A sampling of all past memory allocations</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>block:</div> Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitives</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>cmdline:</div> The command line invocation of the current program</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>goroutine:</div> Stack traces of all current goroutines</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>heap:</div> A sampling of memory allocations of live objects. You can specify the gc GET parameter to run GC before taking the heap sample.</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>mutex:</div> Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>profile:</div> CPU profile. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the profile file, use the go tool pprof command to investigate the profile.</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>threadcreate:</div> Stack traces that led to the creation of new OS threads</li>
    <li><div class=profile-name>trace:</div> A trace of execution of the current program. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the trace file, use the go tool trace command to investigate the trace.</li>
clusnode config

Configure node by command clusnode config

  • Show usage

    clusnode config
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
    The commands are:
            add           - add headnodes for clusnode role
            del           - delete headnodes for clusnode role
            set           - set the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
            get           - get the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
    The commands are:
            add           - add headnodes for clusnode role
            del           - delete headnodes for clusnode role
            set           - set the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
            get           - get the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
    clusnode config -h
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config -h
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
    The commands are:
            add           - add headnodes for clusnode role
            del           - delete headnodes for clusnode role
            set           - set the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
            get           - get the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config -h
            clusnode config <command> [configs]
    The commands are:
            add           - add headnodes for clusnode role
            del           - delete headnodes for clusnode role
            set           - set the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
            get           - get the configs for clusnode role and headnode role
  • Get configs of default node

    clusnode config get
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": VMSS-UBUN000000:50505, WIN2016:50505
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 5
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": WIN2016:50505, VMSS-UBUN000001:50505, VMSS-UBUN000000:50505
            "(connecting) headnodes": WIN2016:60000
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 5
            "max job count": 100
  • Set configs of default node

    clusnode config set
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config set
    -headnodes string
            set headnodes for this clusnode to join in
    -heartbeat-interval string
            set the heartbeat interval of this clusnode
    -heartbeat-timeout string
            set the heartbeat timeout of this headnode
    -max-job-count string
            set the count of jobs to keep in history on this headnode
    -node string
            specify the node to config (default "WIN2016:50505")
    -store-output string
            set if store job output on this headnode
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config set
    -headnodes string
            set headnodes for this clusnode to join in
    -heartbeat-interval string
            set the heartbeat interval of this clusnode
    -heartbeat-timeout string
            set the heartbeat timeout of this headnode
    -max-job-count string
            set the count of jobs to keep in history on this headnode
    -node string
            specify the node to config (default "VMSS-UBUN000000:50505")
    -store-output string
            set if store job output on this headnode
    clusnode config set [-headnodes <node hosts>] [-heartbeat-interval <number>] [-heartbeat-timeout <number>] [-max-job-count <number>] [-store-output <bool>]
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config set -heartbeat-timeout 10
    Set headnode role configs result:
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
    c:\>clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
            "(connected) headnodes": VMSS-UBUN000000:50505, WIN2016:50505
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config set -heartbeat-timeout 10
    Set headnode role configs result:
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": WIN2016:50505, VMSS-UBUN000001:50505, VMSS-UBUN000000:50505
            "(connecting) headnodes": WIN2016:60000
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
            "max job count": 100
  • Add headnodes of default node

    clusnode config add -headnodes <node hosts>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config add -headnodes test
    Set headnodes result:
            "TEST:50505": Added
    c:\>clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connecting) headnodes": TEST:50505
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
            "(connected) headnodes": VMSS-UBUN000000:50505, WIN2016:50505
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config add -headnodes test
    Set headnodes result:
            "TEST:50505": Added
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": WIN2016:50505, VMSS-UBUN000001:50505, VMSS-UBUN000000:50505
            "(connecting) headnodes": WIN2016:60000, TEST:50505
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
  • Remove headnodes of default node

    clusnode config del -headnodes <node hosts>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config del -headnodes test
    Set headnodes result:
            "TEST:50505": Removed
    c:\>clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
            "(connected) headnodes": WIN2016:50505, VMSS-UBUN000000:50505
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config del -headnodes test
    Set headnodes result:
            "TEST:50505": Removed
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config get
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": VMSS-UBUN000001:50505, VMSS-UBUN000000:50505, WIN2016:50505
            "(connecting) headnodes": WIN2016:60000
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
  • Configure specified node

    clusnode config <set/add/del/get> -node <node host>
    Example on Windows
    c:\>clusnode config get -node vmss-ubun000000
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": VMSS-UBUN000000:50505, WIN2016:50505, VMSS-UBUN000001:50505
            "(connecting) headnodes": WIN2016:60000
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10
    Example on Linux
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clusnode config get -node win2016
    Get clusnode role configs result:
            "(connected) headnodes": WIN2016:50505, VMSS-UBUN000000:50505
            "heartbeat interval in seconds": 1
    Get headnode role configs result:
            "max job count": 100
            "store output": true
            "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 10

Comparison and performance


Measure the average time in client to run command hostname on nodes.


Approach Latency (1 Windows VM) Latency (100 Windows VMs) Latency (500 Windows VMs) Latency (1000 Windows VMs) Latency (1500 Windows VMs) Latency (1 Linux VM) Latency (100 Linux VMs) Latency (350 Linux VMs) Latency (1000 Linux VMs)
clusrun (Windows headnode) 0.2s 0.4s 1.6s 3.7s 5.8s 0.1s 0.3s 1.3s 3.5s
clusrun (Linux headnode) 0.1s 0.2s 10.6s* 11.5s* 18.5s* 10ms 50ms 5.3s* 11.1s*
HPC Pack clusrun 3.8s 6.9s 11.1s - - 4s 6.1s 10s -
Azure VMSS Run Command via Azure CLI (Windows) 159s 45m - - - 67s 19m - -
Azure VMSS Run Command via Azure CLI (Linux) 152s 30m - - - 62s 13m - -
Azure VMSS Run Command via PowerShell 155s N/A N/A N/A N/A 64s N/A N/A N/A
Azure VM Run Command via Azure portal 40s N/A N/A N/A N/A 34s N/A N/A N/A


Start several jobs with command hostname from client in parallel and measure the total count of commands executed in certain time.


  • VM Size: Standard_D4s_v3
  • VM Disk: Standard SSD
  • Widnows VM OS: Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
  • Linux VM OS: Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
  • Clusrun headnode role configs
    • "store output": false
    • "mark node lost after no heartbeat for seconds": 20
    • "max job count": 150
Approach Throughput (commands per second)
HPC Pack clusrun (1 Windows headnode + 100 Windows compute nodes) 76
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Windows compute nodes * 1 subscribed cores) 158
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Windows compute nodes * 2 subscribed cores) 212
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Windows compute nodes * 4 cores) 263
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Windows compute nodes * 8 subscribed cores) 285
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Windows compute nodes * 16 subscribed cores) 259
HPC Pack clusrun (1 Windows headnode + 100 Linux compute nodes) 55
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Linux compute nodes * 1 subscribed cores) 117
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Linux compute nodes * 2 subscribed cores) 142
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Linux compute nodes * 4 cores) 180
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Linux compute nodes * 8 subscribed cores) 200
HPC Pack parametric sweep job (1 Windows headnode + 100 Linux compute nodes * 16 subscribed cores) 120
clusrun (1 Windows headnode + 84 Windows VMs) 768
clusrun (2 Windows headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 1344
clusrun (4 Windows headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 2389
clusrun (8 Windows headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 3909
clusrun (16 Windows headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 4527
clusrun (1 Windows headnode + 84 Linux VMs) 768
clusrun (2 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 1344
clusrun (4 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 2688
clusrun (8 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 4779
clusrun (16 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 8602
clusrun (1 Linux headnode + 84 Windows VMs) 1075
clusrun (2 Linux headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 1792
clusrun (4 Linux headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 3584
clusrun (8 Linux headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 3909
clusrun (16 Linux headnodes + 84 Windows VMs) 4527
clusrun (1 Linux headnode + 84 Linux VMs) 1536
clusrun (2 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 2688
clusrun (4 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 5376
clusrun (8 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 9557
clusrun (16 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs) 19114
clusrun (1 Windows headnode + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 1117
clusrun (2 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 1490
clusrun (4 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 2234
clusrun (8 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 4469
clusrun (16 Windows headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 10726
clusrun (1 Linux headnode + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 1467
clusrun (2 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 3300
clusrun (4 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 7542
clusrun (8 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 9600
clusrun (16 Linux headnodes + 84 Linux VMs * 10 containers) 21120

Issues and solutions

ARP cache limit


  • Azure VMSS with 1000 instances as cluster nodes

  • Ubuntu1804 as cluster headnode and client


  • Headnode can not be connected locally by clus

    root@ubuntu1804:~# clus node
    Can not connect: context deadline exceeded
    Please ensure the headnode localhost:50505 is started and accessible
  • Headnode can be connected from other node

    PS C:\Program Files\clusrun> .\clus.exe node -headnode ubuntu1804
    Node              State
    ---------------   -----
    ...               ...
    Node count: 1001
  • Failure to ping localhost or other node from headnode

    root@ubuntu1804:~# ping localhost
    ping: sendmsg: Invalid argument
    ping: sendmsg: Invalid argument
    ping: sendmsg: Invalid argument


  • Increase ARP cache limit, referenced to Huang Huang 的博客

    root@ubuntu1804:~# sysctl -a | grep net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh
    net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 = 128
    net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 = 512
    net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 1024
    root@ubuntu1804:~# sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1=8192
    root@ubuntu1804:~# sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2=8192
    root@ubuntu1804:~# sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3=8192
    root@ubuntu1804:~# clus node
    Node              State
    ---------------   -----
    ...               ...
    Node count: 1001

Open files limit


  • Cluster containing 908 nodes

  • Client OS: Ubuntu1804


  • Client fails to dump output files with error too many open files

    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -dump hostname
    Job 65 started on 908 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Dumping output to /root/
    Failed to create output file: open /root/ too many open files


  • Increase open files limit

    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# ulimit -n
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# ulimit -n 65536
    root@vmss-ubun000000:~# clus run -dump hostname
    Job 66 started on 908 nodes in cluster localhost:50505.
    Dumping output to /root/
    908 of 908 nodes succeeded.
    Output is dumped to /root/


Run command in cluster


Language:Go 88.1%Language:PowerShell 9.0%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:Batchfile 0.6%