chetnashah / rustwork

trying out rust language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

For beginning, following :


rustup : the toolchain manager like virtualenv for python, and nvm for node.

cargo : the package manager like npm.

rustfmt : formats rust code, like prettier.

racer : the autocomplete engine

This is the project directory is where Cargo.toml lives, like package.json for js.

for stuff like READMEs, license info, and anything not related to code like config files, project info files

Code should always live in src/ placed in the project root directory.

Configuration file: Cargo.toml (yes, capital C)

Build command : cargo build Doing a build will create a Cargo.lock file Cargo uses Cargo.lock file to track dependencies in your application

Run command : cargo run

Project template generation command (like npm init): (But it will automatically make it a git repo also)

  1. To make binary executable application: cargo new project_name --bin

  2. To make library cargo new project_name

Learning Tutorial

Full of examples:


trying out rust language


Language:Rust 100.0%