chetanrakheja / chetanrakheja

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Hi πŸ‘‹, I'm Chetan Rakheja

I'm an Experienced ISTQB Certified Software Test Engineer(QA) with 4+ Years of experience in both Manual and Automation Testing in the Mobile Finance Domain. Experienced in API Testing, WEB testing, and Mobile App Testing, Backend Testing. Experience in automated testing with Selenium Java, Appium Java, and Pytest using python. I'm passionate about ensuring the quality of software by identifying and preventing bugs and errors.

πŸ”­ Current Work

Currently, I'm working as a software tester. My responsibilities include creating test cases, performing manual and automated testing, and collaborating with developers to ensure that software meets the required standards of quality.

🌱 Learning and Development

I'm constantly learning and improving my skills to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in software testing. I'm particularly interested in learning more about automation testing frameworks such as Selenium and Appium. I am also working on Pytest framework for testing backend applications

πŸ“„ Resume

You can view my resume here.

πŸ“« Contact Me

If you'd like to get in touch with me, feel free to reach out via

⚑ Fun fact

When I'm not testing software, you can find me exploring new technologies or automating the boring stuff.


mongodb mysql java postman jira linux git maven swagger python selenium




