chetan0402 / PikaStatsChecker


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pika-Network Statistics Mod


PikaStatsMod lets you check anyone's statistics in-game using the command /pikastats AND shows fkdr of players in player tab in BW and SW

Tab showing the fkdr of other players Alt text

To check my bedwars statistics /pikastats Chetan0402 bw Alt text

Want skywars weekly solo instead? /pikastats Chetan0402 sw weekly solo

This mod currently only supports Bedwars, skywars,unranked practice&ranked practice

Update v1.0.1: Added Unranked & ranked practice too /pikastats Chetan0402 uprac

Update v1.0.2: Added WLR and FKDR into stats.

Update v1.0.3/4: Added FKDR into tab

Update v1.0.5: Added tab options in config

Change the order and visibility of stats using /statsconfig Alt text