chernobay / london

BeerJS: London

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BeerJS London

beer.js is about creating social spaces to strengthen software communities. There is no requirement to drink to participate.

We use github (this website!) to discuss things. If you're not used to that, here's a quick video intro.

Leet's meet the others JavaScripters developer based in London (or if you are only for a few days you are also welcome to have a beer). In this repository we will discuss about date and locals have a beer and talk about nerd things.

Join BeerJS on Slack (don't forget to /join #london!)

Want to join?

Click the button on this repo (star us too :D) to get notified of upcoming meeting dates or date and location changes.

Want to help?

Submit a Pull Request or create an Issue. Join us on Slack for even quicker help!


BeerJS: London