chenxingjun / DevOpsOne

Production Server Scripts (rbenv, ruby, rails, nodejs, postgres) for Rails Production/Setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


For Ruby (2.3.0), Rails (4.2.5), rbenv, rbenv-vars, Ubuntu (12.04 - 15.10), and Postgres (9.4 - 9.5)
Also works on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi) and Debian!

Different Paths to Take From This README

  • OSX intructions are at the bottom for devs wanting to run production locally or to make sure everything works before pushing to Heroku.

  • Looking for a Dockerfile that sets up a container for you? Go to this repo I made! - DockerOne

  • All Things Debian are in the How to Use (Ubuntu) section

Instructions and Reason/Purpose

Please copy and paste scripts line by line! This will ensure that everything works as planned.
  • You can then run my production scripts for rails once you clone and bundle a repo

When on Ubuntu, a DB needs to be created with the same name as the username that rails autogenerates in the config/database.yml file

There are a few from scratch setup scripts written in python that will setup the desired enviornment. Should take 5-10 minutes depending on how long it takes to compile ruby on your VPS/Machine.

Once ruby/rails/node/postgres are installed the ruby script will hook everything up to an app that you clone down.

The idea here is to create a valid database.yml file, as well as set correct ENV variables in a .rbenv-vars file.

Run the ruby script for the correct machine state (VM, VPS, Desktop, OSX), and your app will be production ready!

How To Use (Ubuntu)

To create valid ENV vars/PG user/database.yml


To setup from scratch:

On a Ubuntu/Debian Server


On a Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian Desktop


On a Vagrant hashicorp/precise32 box and or bento/debian-8.2 box


My next feautre is to automagically create the password based on your ARGV[0] for the new pg user as well as write a CHEF recipe to do this all for you when provisioning new VM's or VPS's.

One script to automate the whole process!


I made an extra script for OSX that can handle both creating a valid database.yml and ENV variables for figaro or .rbenv-vars

This script will .gitignore application.yml if which ruby returns rvm.

Make sure to figaro install prior to using this script if you use figaro!

Clone this at root!

Cd into your app directory:

ruby ~/DevOpsOne/create_db_yml_OSX.rb someRandomPasswordHere

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile
RAILS_ENV=production rails s

That's it!

If you are using Fish add env infront of RAILS_ENV=production

Example: env RAILS_ENV=production rake db:setup

My script assumes that if which ruby returns rbenv, that you have rbenv-vars. If it outputs rvm then it will add the new ENV variables to your application.yml

Please be sure to add either .rbenv-vars OR application.yml to your .gitignore!

This is an OpenSource Project. Pull requests accepted!

I officially released this to the public on Christmas Day 2015. Enjoy it!

What it feels like:


Production Server Scripts (rbenv, ruby, rails, nodejs, postgres) for Rails Production/Setup

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 83.4%Language:Python 16.6%