chenxing640 / DYFAssistiveTouchView

在iOS应用内的悬浮按钮和工具条。(The suspension button and toolbar for iOS in APP.)

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License MIT  CocoaPods  CocoaPods 


实现应用内悬浮按钮和辅助工具条,可以增加/修改 Item 项,通过事件索引,完成各种场景页面的跳转。


Using CocoaPods:

 pod 'DYFAssistiveTouchView', '~> 4.2.3'


# Install lastest version.
pod 'DYFAssistiveTouchView'

Group (ID:614799921)



  1. 实例化
// Lazy load
- (DYFAssistiveTouchView *)touchView {
    if (!_touchView) {
        _touchView = [[DYFAssistiveTouchView alloc] init];
        _touchView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50);
    return _touchView;
  1. 设置属性
// 设置按钮的各种状态的图像
UIImage        *leftHidenImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_hide_left"];
UIImage       *rightHidenImage = leftHidenImage;
UIImage       *leftNormalImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_normal_left"];
UIImage      *rightNormalImage = leftNormalImage;
UIImage  *leftHighlightedImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_normal_left"];
UIImage *rightHighlightedImage = leftHighlightedImage;

self.touchView.touchObject.leftNormalImage       = leftNormalImage;
self.touchView.touchObject.rightNormalImage      = rightNormalImage;
self.touchView.touchObject.leftHighlightedImage  = leftHighlightedImage;
self.touchView.touchObject.rightHighlightedImage = rightHighlightedImage;
self.touchView.touchObject.leftTranslucentImage  = leftHidenImage;
self.touchView.touchObject.rightTranslucentImage = rightHidenImage;

// 设置组件对象
UIImage  *leftUint1Image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_unit1_left"];
UIImage *rightUint1Image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_unit1_right"];
UIImage  *leftUint2Image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_unit2_left"];
UIImage *rightUint2Image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_unit2_right"];

self.touchView.unitObject.leftTouchImage           = leftUint1Image;
self.touchView.unitObject.rightTouchImage          = rightUint1Image;
self.touchView.unitObject.leftItemBackgroundImage  = leftUint2Image;
self.touchView.unitObject.rightItemBackgroundImage = rightUint2Image;

// 设置item对象
UIImage *userImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_item_user"];
UIImage *cafeImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_item_cafe"];
UIImage   *csImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"atv_item_cs"];

DYFAssistiveTouchItem *item  = [[DYFAssistiveTouchItem alloc] init];
item.image  = userImage;
DYFAssistiveTouchItem *item1 = [[DYFAssistiveTouchItem alloc] init];
item1.image = cafeImage;
DYFAssistiveTouchItem *item2 = [[DYFAssistiveTouchItem alloc] init];
item2.image = csImage;

self.touchView.items = @[item, item1, item2];
  1. 是否显示
[self.touchView isShowing]
  1. 显示
[self.touchView show];
  1. 隐藏
[self.touchView hide];
  1. 隐藏一半至屏幕
[self.touchView setShouldShowHalf:YES];
  1. 设置初始显示位置
[self.touchView setTouchViewPlace:DYFTouchViewAtMiddleRight];
  1. 响应事件(二选一)
  • block实现
- (IBAction)configureAction:(id)sender {
    if (!_touchView) {
        [self setImagesForTouchView];
        [self setUnitsForTouchView];
        [self setItemsForTouchView];

        [self.touchView setShouldShowHalf:YES];
        [self.touchView setTouchViewPlace:DYFTouchViewAtMiddleRight];

        __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
        [self.touchView touchViewItemDidClickedAtIndex:^(DYFAssistiveTouchView *touchView) {
            NSInteger index = touchView.indexOfItem;
            NSLog(@"Index of item: %zi", index);
            [weakSelf presentAtIndex:index];

- (void)presentAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
    NSString *url = @"";

    if (index == 0) {
        url = @"";
    else if (index == 1) {
        url = @"";
    else {
        url = @"";

    SFSafariViewController *safariVC = [[SFSafariViewController alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
    [self presentViewController:safariVC animated:YES completion:NULL];
  • 代理实现
// 协议
Protocol: <DYFAssistiveTouchViewDelegate>

// 设置代理 
self.touchView.delegate = self;

// 代理实现
- (void)touchViewItemDidClickedAtIndex:(DYFAssistiveTouchView *)touchView {
    NSInteger index = touchView.indexOfItem;
    NSLog(@"Index of item: %zi", index);
    [self presentAtIndex:index]; 

- (void)presentAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
    NSString *url = @"";

    if (index == 0) {
        url = @"";
    else if (index == 1) {
        url = @"";
    else {
        url = @"";

    SFSafariViewController *safariVC = [[SFSafariViewController alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]];
    [self presentViewController:safariVC animated:YES completion:NULL];

Code Sample


在iOS应用内的悬浮按钮和工具条。(The suspension button and toolbar for iOS in APP.)



Language:Objective-C 96.5%Language:Ruby 3.5%