chenxing640 / CXSwiftKit

提供Swift丰富的扩展和实用工具类(This provides the utilities and rich extensions of Swift.)。

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  • ApplePay(可选):用于苹果支付。
  • AVToolbox:用于录音、音视频格式转换。
  • Base:包含配置、定义和日志输出等。
  • Core:包含APP重签检测、获取设备信息、相册操作、录屏、截屏检测、跳转等。
  • Camera:用于iOS相机采样数据捕获。
  • DocumentPicker:用于系统文件操作。
  • Extension:包含Array、Dictionary、Int、Double、CGFloat、String、NSAttributedString、CALayer、NSObject、DispatchQueue、UIDevice、UIColor、UIImage、UIImageView、UIView、UIViewController等扩展。
  • FileOperation:用于iOS沙盒文件操作。
  • KingfisherWrapper(可选):Kingfisher的防盗链设置、UIButton/UIImageView快速设置图片扩展,常用功能封装。
  • LiveGift:用于展示直播小礼物🎁赠送
  • OverlayView:用于弹出上下左右各个方向的覆盖视图。
  • Permissions:用于iOS的照片库、相机、麦克风、位置、蓝牙、通讯录、提醒、日历、Siri、通知、追踪等各种权限。
  • Timer:封装了DispatchTimer和Timer。
  • Transition:用于过渡场景切换。
  • Widget:自定义控件。
  • SDWebImageWrapper(可选):SDWebImage的防盗链设置和常用功能封装。


  • Xcode 14.0+
  • iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, macOS 10.15, watchOS 5.0



  • CXSwiftKit
pod 'CXSwiftKit'
  • ApplePay
pod 'CXSwiftKit/ApplePay'
  • KingfisherWrapper
pod 'CXSwiftKit/KingfisherWrapper'
  • SDWebImageWrapper
pod 'CXSwiftKit/SDWebImageWrapper'


  ┣ ApplePay
  ┃   ┗ CXApplePayContext.swift     // The implementation for Apple payment.
  ┣ Base
  ┃   ┣ 
  ┃   ┣ CXConfig.swift              // The configuration of this kit.
  ┃   ┣ CXDefines.swift             // The definitions of this kit.
  ┃   ┣ CXLock.swift                // Includes multi-thread locks(`CXUnfairLock, CXMutex, CXRecursiveMutex, CXSpin, CXConditionLock`).
  ┃   ┗ CXLogger.swift              // Outputs logs to the console.
  ┣ Core
  ┃   ┣ CXAppContext.swift
  ┃   ┣ CXDevice.swift                 // Used to provide some device informations.
  ┃   ┣ CXDeviceScreenMonitor.swift    // Used to observe some changes of device screen.
  ┃   ┣ CXHaptics.swift                // Some haptic feedback that works on iPhone 6 and up.
  ┃   ┣ CXImageBufferProcessor.swift   // Used to process image buffer.
  ┃   ┣ CXPhotoLibraryOperator.swift   // Used to operate the photo library.
  ┃   ┣ CXScreenRecorder.swift         // The recorder that provides the ability to record audio and video of your app.
  ┃   ┣ CXSwiftUtils.swift
  ┃   ┣ CXSwipeInteractor.swift        // Add swipe gesture for the view, and observe its action.
  ┃   ┗ CXTakeScreenshotDetector.swift // The detector for taking screenshot.
  ┃   ┣ AVToolbox
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXAudioRecorder.swift     // The audio recorder that records audio data to a file.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXAudioToolbox.swift      // Used to handle audio format.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXAVGlobal.swift          // The global methods for the exported position.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXAVToolbox.swift         // Used to handle audio and video mix.
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXVideoToolbox.swift      // Used to convert mp4 video format.
  ┃   ┣ Camera
  ┃   ┃   ┣ AtomicWrapper.swift       // Used to wrap atomic property.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveCameraConfiguration.swift // The configuration for live camera.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveCameraFrameCapturer.swift      
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveCameraFrameRenderer.swift 
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveCameraPreview.swift        
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveCameraProtocol.swift         
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXScanProtocol.swift         
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXScanResult.swift         
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXScanWrapper.swift  
  ┃   ┣ CustomOverlayView
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXOverlayViewControllerWrapable.swift  
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXOverlayViewEx.swift      
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXOverlayViewWrapable.swift
  ┃   ┣ DocumentPicker // The document picker for iOS.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXDocument.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXDocumentDelegate.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXDocumentPicker.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXDocumentDelegate.swift
  ┃   ┣ LiveGift // Used to show live gifts.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveGiftLabel.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveGiftManager.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveGiftModel.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXLiveGiftOperation.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXLiveGiftView.swift
  ┃   ┣ Permissions 
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXPermission.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXPermissionResult.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXPermissions.swift // Includes photos, camera, microphone, locationAlways, locationInUse, notification, bluetooth, 
  ┃   ┃   ┃ // deviceBiometrics, devicePasscode, contacts, reminder, event, motion, siri, health, media, appTracking.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXPermissionStatus.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXPermissionType.swift
  ┃   ┣ Timer
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXDispatchTimer.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXTimer.swift
  ┃   ┣ Transition // Views the demo in CXScalePresentAnimation.swift.
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXScaleDismissAnimation.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┣ CXScalePresentAnimation.swift
  ┃   ┃   ┗ CXSwipeLeftInteractiveTransition.swift  
  ┃   ┗ Widget
  ┃       ┣ CXCircleProgressButton.swift   // The circle progress button for iOS or tvOS.
  ┃       ┗ CXVerticalSlider.swift         // The vertical slider for iOS or tvOS.
  ┣ Extension // Provides some rich extensions
  ┃   ┣ Application+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Array+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ AVAsset+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Button+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ CALayer+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ CGFloat+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Color+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ CXAssociatedKey.swift // Includes the associated keys.
  ┃   ┣ CXConstraintMaker.swift  
  ┃   ┣ CXGlobal.swift     // Provides some global methods
  ┃   ┣ CXSwiftBase.swift  // Declares a `CXSwiftBaseCompatible` protocol, etc. You can use `cx` in the app, e.g.: = 10
  ┃   ┣ Date+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Device+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Dictionary+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ DispatchQueue+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Double+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Font+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Image+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ ImageView+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Int+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Label+Cx.swift 
  ┃   ┣ NSAttributedString+Cx.swift 
  ┃   ┣ NSObject+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ Optional+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ ScrollView+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ String+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ TableView+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ TextField+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ TextView+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ URL+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┣ View+Cx.swift
  ┃   ┗ ViewController+Cx.swift
  ┣ FileOperation
  ┃   ┣ CXFileToolbox.swift  // The file toolbox.
  ┃   ┣ CXLineReader.swift   // Read text file line by line in efficient way.
  ┃   ┗ CXStreamReader.swift // The file descriptor accesses data associated with files.
  ┣ KingfisherWrapper
  ┃    ┣ Button+kfwrapper.swift
  ┃    ┣ CXKingfisherReferer.swift // Anti theft chains for files such as images and videos, and so on.
  ┃    ┗ ImageView+kfwrapper.swift
  ┗ SDWebImageWrapper
       ┗ SDWebImageWrapper.swift // The wrapper for SDWebImage.


  • CXDownload - 实现Swift断点续传下载,支持Objective-C。包含大文件下载,后台下载,杀死进程,重新启动时继续下载,设置下载并发数,监听网络改变等。
  • MarsUIKit - MarsUIKit wraps some commonly used UI components.
  • RxListDataSource - RxListDataSource provides data sources for UITableView or UICollectionView.
  • CXNetwork-Moya - CXNetwork-Moya encapsulates a network request library with Moya and ObjectMapper.


要运行示例项目,首先克隆repo,并从示例目录运行“pod install”。


Teng Fei,


CXSwiftKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


提供Swift丰富的扩展和实用工具类(This provides the utilities and rich extensions of Swift.)。

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 99.1%Language:Ruby 0.8%Language:C 0.0%