chenshuo / muduo-tutorial

Tutorial of Muduo network library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Examples of Muduo network library

0) src             - source file
1) bazel           - build with Bazel
2) cmake-submodule - build with CMake, checking out muduo as a git submodule
3) cmake           - build with CMake
2) makefile        - build with Makefile

1) build with bazel
cd bazel
bazel build -c opt :all

2) build with CMake with git submodule
git submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../cmake-submodule

Assuming Muduo is installed in $HOME/build/debug-install

3) build with CMake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../cmake
# echo binary is in ./bin/

4) build with GNU make
cd makefile
# echo binary is in ./


Tutorial of Muduo network library


Language:C++ 41.7%Language:CMake 37.2%Language:Makefile 12.2%Language:Python 8.9%