chenshen03 / DeepfakeBench

A comprehensive benchmark of deepfake detection

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DeepfakeBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Deepfake Detection

License: CC BY-NC 4.0 Release .10 PyTorch Python

Paper Supplementary

Welcome to DeepfakeBench, your one-stop solution for deepfake detection! Here are some key features of our platform:

Unified Platform: DeepfakeBench presents the first comprehensive benchmark for deepfake detection, resolving the issue of lack of standardization and uniformity in this field.

Data Management: DeepfakeBench provides a unified data management system that ensures consistent input across all detection models.

Integrated Framework: DeepfakeBench offers an integrated framework for the implementation of state-of-the-art detection methods.

Standardized Evaluations: DeepfakeBench introduces standardized evaluation metrics and protocols to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of performance evaluations.

Extensive Analysis and Insights: DeepfakeBench facilitates an extensive analysis from various perspectives, providing new insights to inspire the development of new technologies.

📋 Table of Contents

📚 Features

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DeepfakeBench has the following features:

⭐️ Detectors (15 detectors):

⭐️ Datasets (9 datasets): FaceForensics++, FaceShifter, DeepfakeDetection, Deepfake Detection Challenge (Preview), Deepfake Detection Challenge, Celeb-DF-v1, Celeb-DF-v2, DeepForensics-1.0, UADFV

DeepfakeBench will be continuously updated to track the lastest advances of deepfake detection. The implementations of more detection methods, as well as their evaluations are on the way. You are welcome to contribute your detection methods to DeepfakeBench.

⏳ Quick Start

1. Installation

You can run the following script to configurate necessary environment

git clone
cd DeepfakeBench
conda create -n DeepfakeBench python=3.7.2
conda activate DeepfakeBench

2. Download Data

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All datasets used in DeepfakeBench can be downloaded from their own websites or repositories. For the convenience, we also provide the data we use in our research. All the downloaded datasets have been organized and arranged in the same folder. Users can easily access and download the preprocessed data, including original videos and corresponding mask videos, directly from we provided data, including:

Dataset Name Download Link (Baidu Netdisk) Extract Code Notes
Celeb-DF-v1 Download wf2u -
Celeb-DF-v2 Download ra5t -
FaceForensics++, DeepfakeDetection, FaceShifter Download mvgi c23 version only
UADFV Download r0gc -
Deepfake Detection Challenge (Preview) Download i3pa -
Deepfake Detection Challenge Coming Soon - -
DeepForensics-1.0 Coming Soon - -
FaceForensics++ (c40) Coming Soon - -

Please note: We have encrypted and compressed the dataset, so you will need to enter the password: 123456, to decompress each dataset file. Alternatively, you can directly run ./ file to decompress all compressed files (currently limited to .zip format) in the ./datasets folder. Other detailed information about the datasets used in DeepfakeBench is summarized below:

Dataset Real Videos Fake Videos Total Videos Rights Cleared Total Subjects Synthesis Methods Perturbations Original Repository
FaceForensics++ 1000 4000 5000 NO N/A 4 2 Hyper-link
FaceShifter 1000 1000 2000 NO N/A 1 - Hyper-link
DeepfakeDetection 363 3000 3363 YES 28 5 - Hyper-link
Deepfake Detection Challenge (Preview) 1131 4119 5250 YES 66 2 3 Hyper-link
Deepfake Detection Challenge 23654 104500 128154 YES 960 8 19 Hyper-link
CelebDF-v1 408 795 1203 NO N/A 1 - Hyper-link
CelebDF-v2 590 5639 6229 NO 59 1 - Hyper-link
DeepForensics-1.0 50000 10000 60000 YES 100 1 7 Hyper-link
UADFV 49 49 98 NO 49 1 - Hyper-link

Upon downloading your datasets, please ensure to store them in the ./datasets folder, arranging them in accordance with the directory structure outlined below:

├── FaceForensics++
│   ├── original_sequences
│   │   ├── youtube
│   │   │   ├── c23
│   │   │   │   ├── videos
│   │   │   │   │   └── *.mp4
│   ├── manipulated_sequences
│   │   ├── Deepfakes
│   │   │   ├── c23
│   │   │   │   └── videos
│   │   ├── Face2Face
│   │   │   ├── c23
│   │   │   │   └── videos
│   │   ├── FaceSwap
│   │   │   ├── c23
│   │   │   │   └── videos
│   │   ├── NeuralTextures
│   │   │   ├── c23
│   │   │   │   └── videos
│   │   ├── FaceShifter
│   │   │   ├── c23
│   │   │   │   └── videos
│   │   └── DeepFakeDetection
│   │       ├── c23
│   │       │   └── videos
├── Celeb-DF-v1/v2
│   ├── Celeb-synthesis
│   │   └── videos
│   ├── Celeb-real
│   │   └── videos
│   └── YouTube-real
│       └── videos
│   ├── method_A
│   ├── method_B
│   └── original_videos
├── DeeperForensics-1.0
│   ├── manipulated_videos
│   └── source_videos
└── ...

If you choose to store your datasets in a different folder, for instance, ./deepfake/data, it's important to reflect this change in the dataset path in the config.yaml for preprocessing purposes.

3. Preprocessing

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For the preprocessing module, we mainly provide two scripts: preprocessing and arrangement.

  • The preprocessing script in DeepfakeBench follows a sequential workflow for face detection, alignment, and cropping. The processed data, including face images, landmarks, and masks, are saved in separate folders for further analysis.
  • The rearrangement script simplifies the handling of different datasets by providing a unified and convenient way to load them. The function eliminates the need to write separate input/output (I/O) code for each dataset, reducing duplication of effort and easing data management.

To start preprocessing your dataset, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the shape_predictor_81_face_landmarks.dat file. Then, copy the downloaded shape_predictor_81_face_landmarks.dat file into the ./preprocessing/dlib_tools folder. This file is necessary for Dlib's face detection functionality.

  2. Open the ./preprocessing/config.yaml and locate the line default: DATASET_YOU_SPECIFY. Replace DATASET_YOU_SPECIFY with the name of the dataset you want to preprocess, such as FaceForensics++.

  3. Specify the dataset_root_path in the config.yaml file. Search for the line that mentions dataset_root_path. By default, it looks like this: dataset_root_path: ./datasets. Replace ./datasets with the actual path to the folder where your dataset is arranged.

Once you have completed these steps, you can proceed with running the following line to do the preprocessing:

cd preprocessing


Second, after the preprocessing above, you will obtain the processed data for each dataset you specify. Similarly, you need to set the parameters in config.yaml for each dataset. After that, run the following line:

cd preprocessing


After running the above line, you will obtain the json files for each dataset in the ./preprocessing/dataset_json folder. The rearranged structure organizes the data in a hierarchical manner, grouping videos based on their labels and data splits (i.e., train, test, validation). Each video is represented as a dictionary entry containing relevant metadata, including file paths, labels, compression levels (if applicable), etc.

4. Pretrained Weights

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To run the training code, you should first download the pretrained weights for the corresponding backbones. You can download them from Link. After downloading, you need to put all the weights files into the folder ./training/pretrained/.

5. Training

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You should first go to the ./training/config/detector/ folder and then Choose the detector to be trained. For instance, you can adjust the parameters in xception.yaml to specify the parameters, e.g., training and testing datasets, epoch, frame_num, etc.

After setting the parameters, you can run with the following to train Xception detector:

cd training

python \
--detector_path ./config/detector/xception.yaml

You can also adjust the training and testing parameters using the command line, for example:

cd training

python \
--detector_path ./config/detector/xception.yaml  \
--train_dataset FaceForensics++ --testing_dataset Celeb-DF-v1

By default, the checkpoints and features will be saved during the training process. If you do not want to save them, run with the following:

cd training

python \
--detector_path ./config/detector/xception.yaml \
--train_dataset FaceForensics++ --testing_dataset Celeb-DF-v1 \
--no-save_ckpt \

To train other detectors using the code mentioned above, you can specify the config file accordingly. However, for the Face X-ray detector, an additional step is required before training. To save training time, a pickle file is generated to store the Top-N nearest images for each given image. To generate this file, you should run the file. Once the pickle file is created, you can train the Face X-ray detector using the same way above.

📦 Supported Detectors

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File name Paper
Xception FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images ICCV 2019
Meso4 MesoNet: a Compact Facial Video Forgery Detection Network WIFS 2018
Meso4Inception MesoNet: a Compact Facial Video Forgery Detection Network WIFS 2018
CNN-Aug CNN-generated images are surprisingly easy to spot... for now CVPR 2020
EfficientNet-B4 Efficientnet: Rethinking model scaling for convolutional neural networks ICML 2019
Capsule Capsule-Forensics: Using Capsule Networks to Detect Forged Images and Videos ICASSP 2019
DSP-FWA Exposing DeepFake Videos By Detecting Face Warping Artifacts CVPRW 2019
Face X-ray Face X-ray for More General Face Forgery Detection CVPR 2020
FFD On the Detection of Digital Face Manipulation CVPR 2020
CORE CORE: COnsistent REpresentation Learning for Face Forgery Detection CVPRW 2022
RECCE End-to-End Reconstruction-Classification Learning for Face Forgery Detection CVPR 2022
UCF UCF: Uncovering Common Features for Generalizable Deepfake Detection ArXiv 2023
F3Net Thinking in Frequency: Face Forgery Detection by Mining Frequency-aware Clues ECCV 2020
SPSL Spatial-Phase Shallow Learning: Rethinking Face Forgery Detection in Frequency Domain CVPR 2021
SRM Generalizing Face Forgery Detection with High-frequency Features CVPR 2021

🏆 Results

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In our Benchmark, we apply TensorBoard to monitor the progress of training models. It provides a visual representation of the training process, allowing users to examine training results conveniently.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of different detectors, we present partial results from both within-domain and cross-domain evaluations. The evaluation metric used is the Area Under the Curve (AUC). In this particular scenario, we train the detectors on the FF++ (c23) dataset and assess their performance on other datasets.

For a comprehensive overview of the results, we strongly recommend referring to our main paper and supplementary materials. These resources provide a detailed analysis of the training outcomes and offer a deeper understanding of the methodology and findings.

Type Detector Backbone FF++_c23 FF++_c40 FF-DF FF-F2F FF-FS FF-NT Avg. Top3 CDFv1 CDFv2 DF-1.0 DFD DFDC DFDCP Fsh UADFV Avg. Top3
Naive Meso4 MesoNet 0.6077 0.5920 0.6771 0.6170 0.5946 0.5701 0.6097 0 0.7358 0.6091 0.9113 0.5481 0.5560 0.5994 0.5660 0.7150 0.6551 1
Naive MesoIncep MesoNet 0.7583 0.7278 0.8542 0.8087 0.7421 0.6517 0.7571 0 0.7366 0.6966 0.9233 0.6069 0.6226 0.7561 0.6438 0.9049 0.7364 3
Naive CNN-Aug ResNet 0.8493 0.7846 0.9048 0.8788 0.9026 0.7313 0.8419 0 0.7420 0.7027 0.7993 0.6464 0.6361 0.6170 0.5985 0.8739 0.7020 0
Naive Xception Xception 0.9637 0.8261 0.9799 0.9785 0.9833 0.9385 0.9450 4 0.7794 0.7365 0.8341 0.8163 0.7077 0.7374 0.6249 0.9379 0.7718 2
Naive EfficientB4 Efficient 0.9567 0.8150 0.9757 0.9758 0.9797 0.9308 0.9389 0 0.7909 0.7487 0.8330 0.8148 0.6955 0.7283 0.6162 0.9472 0.7718 3
Spatial Capsule Capsule 0.8421 0.7040 0.8669 0.8634 0.8734 0.7804 0.8217 0 0.7909 0.7472 0.9107 0.6841 0.6465 0.6568 0.6465 0.9078 0.7488 2
Spatial FWA Xception 0.8765 0.7357 0.9210 0.9000 0.8843 0.8120 0.8549 0 0.7897 0.6680 0.9334 0.7403 0.6132 0.6375 0.5551 0.8539 0.7239 1
Spatial Face X-ray HRNet 0.9592 0.7925 0.9794 0.9872 0.9871 0.9290 0.9391 3 0.7093 0.6786 0.5531 0.7655 0.6326 0.6942 0.6553 0.8989 0.6985 0
Spatial FFD Xception 0.9624 0.8237 0.9803 0.9784 0.9853 0.9306 0.9434 1 0.7840 0.7435 0.8609 0.8024 0.7029 0.7426 0.6056 0.9450 0.7733 1
Spatial CORE Xception 0.9638 0.8194 0.9787 0.9803 0.9823 0.9339 0.9431 2 0.7798 0.7428 0.8475 0.8018 0.7049 0.7341 0.6032 0.9412 0.7694 0
Spatial Recce Designed 0.9621 0.8190 0.9797 0.9779 0.9785 0.9357 0.9422 1 0.7677 0.7319 0.7985 0.8119 0.7133 0.7419 0.6095 0.9446 0.7649 2
Spatial UCF Xception 0.9705 0.8399 0.9883 0.9840 0.9896 0.9441 0.9527 6 0.7793 0.7527 0.8241 0.8074 0.7191 0.7594 0.6462 0.9528 0.7801 5
Frequency F3Net Xception 0.9635 0.8271 0.9793 0.9796 0.9844 0.9354 0.9449 1 0.7769 0.7352 0.8431 0.7975 0.7021 0.7354 0.5914 0.9347 0.7645 0
Frequency SPSL Xception 0.9610 0.8174 0.9781 0.9754 0.9829 0.9299 0.9408 0 0.8150 0.7650 0.8767 0.8122 0.7040 0.7408 0.6437 0.9424 0.7875 3
Frequency SRM Xception 0.9576 0.8114 0.9733 0.9696 0.9740 0.9295 0.9359 0 0.7926 0.7552 0.8638 0.8120 0.6995 0.7408 0.6014 0.9427 0.7760 2

In the above table, "Avg." donates the average AUC for within-domain and cross-domain evaluation, and the overall results. "Top3" represents the count of each method ranks within the top-3 across all testing datasets. The best-performing method for each column is highlighted.

Also, we provide all experimental results in Link (code: qjpd). You can use these results for further analysis using the code in ./analysis folder. You can run these codes to reproduce the results in our original paper.

📝 Citation

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If interested, you can read our recent works about deepfake detection, and more works about trustworthy AI can be found here.

  title={DeepfakeBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Deepfake Detection},
  author={Yan, Zhiyuan and Zhang, Yong and Yuan, Xinhang and Lyu, Siwei and Wu, Baoyuan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01426},

  title={UCF: Uncovering Common Features for Generalizable Deepfake Detection},
  author={Yan, Zhiyuan and Zhang, Yong and Fan, Yanbo and Wu, Baoyuan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.13949},

🛡️ License

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This repository is licensed by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (identified as CC BY-NC-4.0 in SPDX). More details about the license could be found in LICENSE.

This project is built by the Secure Computing Lab of Big Data (SCLBD) at The School of Data Science (SDS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, directed by Professor Baoyuan Wu. SCLBD focuses on the research of trustworthy AI, including backdoor learning, adversarial examples, federated learning, fairness, etc.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or wish to contribute code or propose methods, we warmly welcome your input. Please contact us at or We look forward to collaborating with you in pushing the boundaries of deepfake detection.


A comprehensive benchmark of deepfake detection



Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%