chenlong-frontend / camera-controls

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and es6 import.

Latest NPM release


camera move user input
Orbit rotation left mouse drag / touch: one-finger move
Dolly (Zoom) middle mouse drag, or mousewheel / touch: two-finger pinch-in or out
Truck (Pan) right mouse drag / touch: two-finger move or three-finger move


import * as THREE from 'three';
import CameraControls from 'camera-controls';

CameraControls.install( { THREE: THREE } );

// snip ( init three scene... )
const clock = new THREE.Clock();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 60, width / height, 0.01, 100 );
const cameraControls = new CameraControls( camera, renderer.domElement );

( function anim () {

	// snip
	const delta = clock.getDelta();
	const hasControlsUpdated = cameraControls.update( delta );

	requestAnimationFrame( anim );

	if ( hasControlsUpdated ) {

		renderer.render( scene, camera );

} )();


CameraControls( camera, domElement, options )

  • camera is a three.js perspective camera to be controlled.
  • domElement is a HTML element for draggable area.
  • options in Object.
    • ignoreDOMEventListeners: Default is false. if true, Mouse and touch event listeners will be ignored, and you can attach your handlers instead.


  • .enabled: Default is true. Whether or not the controls are enabled.
  • .minDistance: Default is 0. Minimum distance for dolly.
  • .maxDistance: Default is Infinity. Maximum distance for dolly.
  • .minPolarAngle: Default is 0, in radians.
  • .maxPolarAngle: Default is Math.PI, in radians.
  • .minAzimuthAngle: Default is -Infinity, in radians.
  • .maxAzimuthAngle: Default is Infinity, in radians.
  • .dampingFactor: Default is 0.05.
  • .draggingDampingFactor: Default is 0.25.
  • .dollySpeed: Default is 1.0. speed of mouse-wheel dollying.
  • .truckSpeed: Default is 2.0. speed of drag for truck and pedestal.
  • .verticalDragToForward: Default is false. The same as .screenSpacePanning in three.js's OrbitControls.
  • .dollyToCursor: Default is false. Dolly-in to the mouse cursor coords.


Using addEventListener( eventname, function ) you can subscribe to these events.

  • controlstart: Fired when the user starts to control the camera via mouse / touches.
  • control: Fired when the user controls the camera (dragging).
  • controlend: Fired when the user ends to control the camera.
  • update: Fired when camera position is updated.


rotate( rotX, rotY, enableTransition )

Rotate azimuthal angle(theta) and polar angle(phi). rotX and rotY are in radian. enableTransition is in a boolean

rotateTo( rotX, rotY, enableTransition )

Rotate azimuthal angle(theta) and polar angle(phi) to a given point.

dolly( distance, enableTransition )

Dolly in/out camera position. distance is in a number. enableTransition is in a boolean

dollyTo( distance, enableTransition )

Dolly in/out camera position to given distance

truck( x, y, enableTransition )

Truck and pedestal camera using current azimuthal angle.

moveTo( x, y, z, enableTransition )

Move target position to given point.

forward( distance, enableTransition )

Move forward / backward.

fitTo( meshOrBox3, enableTransition, { paddingTop?: number = 0, paddingLeft?: number = 0, paddingBottom?: number = 0, paddingRight?: number = 0 } )

Fit the viewport to the object bounding box or the bounding box itself. paddings are in unit.

setLookAt( positionX, positionY, positionZ, targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition )

It moves the camera into position , and also make it look at target .

lerpLookAt( positionAX, positionAY, positionAZ, targetAX, targetAY, targetAZ, positionBX, positionBY, positionBZ, targetBX, targetBY, targetBZ, x, enableTransition )

Same as setLookAt , but it interpolates between two states.

setPosition( positionX, positionY, positionZ, enableTransition )

setLookAt without target , Stay gazing at the current target.

setTarget( targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition )

setLookAt without position , Stay still at the position.

getPosition( out )

Return its current position.

getTarget( out )

Return its current gazing target.


Set current camera position as the default position

reset( enableTransition )

Reset all rotation and position to default.

update( delta )

Update camera position and directions. This should be called in your tick loop and returns true if re-rendering is needed. delta is delta time between previous update call.


Get all state in JSON string

fromJSON( json, enableTransition )

Reproduce the control state with JSON. enableTransition is where anim or not in a boolean.


Dispose the cameraControls instance itself, remove all eventListeners.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%