chengzeyi / dij

Crash Reproduction via Modifying Runtime Object Values through Java Debug Interface

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Crash Reproduction via Modifying Runtime Object Values through Java Debug Interface

General Algorithm

The Dij Application is based on a wrapper of Java Debug Interface (JDI). The core originated from Microsoft's java-debug project for their Visual Studio Code editor. This application would first launch the target Java program (the one been debugged) using And it would analyze the crash log file to obtain the exception information and infer the correct breakpoint position from the stack trace.

In the first launch of the target VM, Dij would set a breakpoint at the potential position of the root cause of the crash. After the target program triggered the breakpoint event, a brekpoint handler that is in subscription of this event would analyze the stack frame context of the breakpoint, recording the local variables and this object. Based on the current value and type of these local variables, Dij would compute potential candidate values that could cause the crash. Because the original variable values in JDI are in fact mirrors of the target VM and would be invalid after the disconnection with it, Dij would copy and store them in its data structures.

In the remaining loops of launching the target VM, Dij would set a breakpoint at the same position and bind an exception handler to figure out whether the reproduction is successful. After the breakpoint event is triggered, the breakpoint handler would retrieve a candidate value from its data structures that store all the potential candidates and set the corresponding variable to the value. Then if an exception happens and is not caught by the target VM, the exception handler would analyze the exception by comparing it with the exception information extracting fromt the crash log to decide the reproduction status. If the reproduction is successful, Dij would output the cause of the crash (variable name, type, value, etc).


mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

mvn package


Command line syntax:

java -jar target/dij-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [OPTION]... CRASH_LOG MAIN_CLASS [PROG_ARG]...

For example:

java -jar target/dij-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -X -cp target/test-classes tmp/log/pers.cheng.dij.testcase. DijNullPointerTest.log pers.cheng.dij.testcase.DijNullPointerTest

To see the help of options, run without any argument:

java -jar target/dij-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

To run tests:

mvn test


The Dij Application has its own test system. All test cases are located in src/test/java/pers/cheng/dij/testcase/. Each test case is a single Java class file with a main method defined and must extend the abstract class DijTestCase. Each test case would not throw an exception if it is executed without any argument. However, if the arguments contain a String of trigger, then the exception would be thrown. The class pers.cheng.dij.DijTestUtility would use this feature to generate crash logs in tmp/log and run crash reproduction process.


  • More accurate algorithms to analyze the breakpoint context information.
  • Smarter algorithms to guess potential values of variables.


  • Extensibility: A very extensive framework to analyze and modify variables.
  • Universalily: Can run any java program.
  • Concurrency: Built upon an asynchronous framework.


  • Limited modification on plain Object.


Crash Reproduction via Modifying Runtime Object Values through Java Debug Interface


Language:Java 94.6%Language:Python 5.4%Language:Vim Script 0.0%