chengyisi / JEngine

JEngine is a streamlined and easy-to-use framework designed for Unity Programmers | JEngine是针对Unity开发者设计的开箱即用的框架,支持资源+代码热更

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JENGINE v0.4.4

JEngine is a streamlined and easy-to-use framework designed for Unity Programmers.

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What can JEngine do?

  • Hot-update solution

    • Resource hot update & management is based on XAsset which JEngine's author has contributed into.
    • Code hot update is based on ILRuntime which JEngine's author has also contributed into its Unity Project.
    • Encrypts your hot-updatable codes and resources, codes will go into your assetbundles, assetbundles will be encrypt within VFS by XAsset, and also, your codes will be encrypted in AES-128 ECB mode
  • Own Action solution

    • Less code, does more

      JAction j = new JAction();
      j.Do(() => something toDo)
        .Until(() => something is done)
        .Repeat(() => something toDo, repeatCounts)
        .RepeatWhen(() => something toDo,
                    () => condition)
        .Delay(some times)
    • Can be Run in Main Thread

      As we know Task.Run in Unity will run in a new thread, which is not able to call most Unity APIs, now JAction found a solution of using Loom.

  • Own UI solution

    • Method-Chaining style makes codes prettier and easier to visualize

      var JUI = Showcase.AddComponent<JUI>()
        .onLoop(t1 =>
    • Easier to manage lifecycle

      • Can easily set up what you want the UI element to do in specific time
      t.FrameMode = false;//Run in ms
      t.Frequency = 1000;//Loop each 1s
  • Bindable to data

    • UI can be binded to a data, once data has changed, it will call the method that you has binded

      var JUI = b.AddComponent<JUI>()
      .onMessage(t1 =>
  • Own Behaviour based on MonoBehaviour

    • More friendly to manage lifecycle

      • You can make loop easier using JEngine
      public class JBehaviourExample : JBehaviour
        public override void Init()
        public override void Run()
        public override void Loop()
        public override void End()
  • Own Resource Management based on XAsset

    //Get Resource via Sync method
    TextAsset txt = JResource.LoadRes<TextAsset>("Text.txt");
    Log.Print("Get Resource with Sync method: " + txt.text);
    //Get Resource via Async method with callback
        Log.Print("Get Resource with Async method: " + txt.text);
  • Auto bind scripts from Hot-Update DLL to GameObjects & Prefabs


  • More to explore!!!

JEngine has its own purpose to help developers write powerful codes which are streamlined and beautiful; and to help developers easier making their games.

If you enjoy using JEngine, please give this repo a star!

Latest Features

  • Autobind support auto set fields
  • Enhance Autobind

Click here to see all version updates


  • Hot-update solution

    • No need to learn Lua, C# codes can be hot-updated
    • Drop your resources in specific directories and can be generate hot-updatable resources automatically, all you need to do is to press "Build Bundle" button, and to put your what it generated into your server
    • Encrypts DLL, your hot-update codes are safe now unless someone got your encrypted password
  • JBehaviour is a Behaviour in JEngine which is based on MonoBehaviour, and it is easier to manage lifecycle of UI elements

  • JUI is a class in JEngine which can enhance the performence of UI elements based on UGUI

    • JUI borrowed concept from MVVM Framework and rewrote it, JUI supports binding a data with an action, once data has changed, the action will be called
    • You can choose to either update your UI in specific Loop with Frequency, or to update your UI only if the binded data changed
    • You can get UI components more efficiently with JUI via the generic method Method
    • Method-Chaning style of coding makes your codes prettier and easier to read
  • JAction is an extension rather than usual Action

    • Method-chaining Style

    • Great variation of features

    • Do action

      • Delay
      • Wait Until
      • Repeat
      • Repeat When
      • Repeat Until
      • etc...
    • Shorter and more powerful

      • Less code can do more things
    • Extension of System.Action

      • Add what to do, add delayings, JAction will do them in order
      • Run in Main Thread
        • Call Unity APIs anytime
  • Resource Management solution

    • Based on XAsset
    • Can load resources in sync/async method
    • Generic methods
  • Object Pool solution

    • MUCH MORE Enhances the performence rather than using Instantiate method
      • With this solution, you don't have to repeat instantiate gameObject
      • Just tell JObjectPool what gameObject you will repeatedly create, and how many you except to create at the start, it will do it for you
      • Request PoolObject to get the GameObject
    • Easy and powerful
    • With algorithm which fairly controls gameObjects

    Example will come soon

  • GUI-Redis helps visualize data in Redis Databases and can modify data in it.

    • Supports connect through SSH tunnel

    • Supports connect through normay way (IP, Port connection)

    • Supports add/modify/delete/search key-value pairs

Future Features

  • Supports local hot-update resources development in Unity Editor (Done)
  • Encrypt Hot-update DLL and decrypt in runtime
  • Object Pool which significantly improves performance rather than using Instantiate method
  • JPrefab, a better way to manage Prefab from Resources
  • JUI with more extended APIs
  • UI Special Effects
  • Optiimize logics which can improve process speed (As always doing it)
  • Unity Editor FTP Tool (Maybe)

What is Hot update and Why

Click here to have a read

Directory Structure (IMPORTANT)

Please clone this framework into your project and keep this directory structure

├── Assets
│   ├── Dependencies
│   ├── HotUpdateResources
│   │   ├── Controller
│   │   ├── Dll
│   │   ├── Material
│   │   ├── Other
│   │   ├── Prefab
│   │   ├── Scene
│   │   ├── ScriptableObject
│   │   ├── TextAsset
│   │   └── UI
│   ├── Init.unity
│   └── Scripts
│       ├── Init.cs
│       ├── InitILrt.cs
│       └── APIs
├── Builds
├── DLC
├── HotUpdateScrpts

Description for those Directories

Click here to have a read

JEngine Hot Update Logics


Quick Start


The basics tells you how to use this framework in basics (How to make your project hot-updatable)

Click here to have a read

Hot Update Code

How to write

Click here to have a read

How to auto bind codes

Click here to have a read

ILRuntime documents which leads to C# hot update

ILRuntime Document

Developement Guide

This will enable you quick develop your game and you don't need to upload your latest hot-update resources into your server (which saves your time)

Click here to have a read

Common "Bugs"

Click here to have a read


Click here to have a read

Development Environment

  • Debuging Unity Engine Version: 2019.3.13f1 (Please use at least this version)

  • .net Environment: .net 2.0 standard

  • Operating System: MacOS 10.15.5

    Definityly supports windows

Recommend Repositories

  • XAsset - A more streamlined, efficient and secure Unity Resource Management Solution for you.
  • IFramework - Simple Unity Tools


JEngine is a streamlined and easy-to-use framework designed for Unity Programmers | JEngine是针对Unity开发者设计的开箱即用的框架,支持资源+代码热更

License:MIT License


Language:C# 99.5%Language:ShaderLab 0.5%