chenggangpro / mybatis-aot-spring-boot-starter

I want MyBatis and Spring Boot 3 AOT so badly

Repository from Github https://github.comchenggangpro/mybatis-aot-spring-boot-starterRepository from Github https://github.comchenggangpro/mybatis-aot-spring-boot-starter

MyBatis and Spring Boot 3 AOT Support

the goal is to migrate the Spring Native support to work with the Spring Boot 3 AOT engine

Working So Far...

  • core configuration with the Spring Boot autoconfiguration
  • caching
  • configuration properties
  • XML

to do

  • the extensions working


I want MyBatis and Spring Boot 3 AOT so badly

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%