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  1. ***.敏锐抓住信息化发展历史机遇自主创新推进网络强国建设[J].党建,2018(05):1.
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  7. 周志华.机器学习[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2016.
  8. 王燕军,梁治安,崔雪婷.最优化基础理论与方法:第2 版[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2018.
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  13. KHRAISAT A, GONDAL I, VAMPLEW P, et al. Survey of intrusion detection systems: techniques, datasets and challenges[J]. Cybersecurity, 2019, 2(1): 1-22.
  14. ZHENG Z, XIE S, DAI H, et al. An overview of blockchain technology: Architecture, consensus, and future trends[C]//2017 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). IEEE, 2017: 557-564.
  15. 费孝通.乡土**[M].上海人民出版社, 2013.
  16. 李泽厚.美的历程[M].北京:生活.读书.新知三联书店,2014.



  1. [22]SOURI A, HOSSEINI R. A state-of-the-art survey of malware detection approaches using data mining techniques[J]. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 2018, 8(01):1-22. wgc
  2. [40]MONNAPPA K A. Learning malware analysis: explore the concepts, tools, and techniques to analyze and investigate windows malware[M]. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018. cwx
  3. [42]SIHWAIL R, OMAR K, ARIFFIN K A Z. A survey on malware analysis techniques: Static, dynamic, hybrid and memory analysis[J]. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2018, 8(4-2): 1662. hyf
  4. [43]ARSHAD S, SHAH M A, KHAN A, et al. Android malware detection & protection: a survey[J]. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2016,7(02): 463-475. YT
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  7. [66]VINAYAKUMAR R, ALAZAB M, SOMAN K P, et al. Robust intelligent malware detection using deep learning[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 46717-46738. sn


  1. [18]邹权臣,张涛,吴润浦,等.从自动化到智能化:软件漏洞挖掘技术进展[J].清华大学学报:自然科学版, 2018, 58(12):1079-1094.
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  4. [24]XIE W , JIANG Y , TANG Y , et al. Vulnerability Detection in IoT Firmware: A Survey[C] IEEE.2017 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems(ICPADS). IEEE, 2017. sxh
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  1. [23] MANES V J M , HAN H S , HAN C , et al. The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019, 47(11):1-23.
  2. [44]KHRAISAT A, GONDAL I, VAMPLEW P, et al. Survey of intrusion detection systems: techniques, datasets and challenges[J]. Cybersecurity, 2019, 2(01): 1-22. cwx
  3. [45]RING M , WUNDERLICH S , SCHEURING D , et al. A Survey of Network-based Intrusion Detection Data Sets[J]. Computers & Security, 2019, 86:147-167. ygz(ppt)
  4. [48]ZARPELAO B B , MIANI R S , KAWAKANI C T , et al. A survey of intrusion detection in Internet of Things[J]. Journal of Network & Computer Applications, 2017, 84(Apr.):25-37. jqy,cwx
  5. [61]SHARAFALDIN I, LASHKARI A H, GHORBANI A A. Toward generating a new intrusion detection dataset and intrusion traffic characterization[C]//ICISSp. 2018: 108-116. jqy,cwx
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