chempik1234 / chempik1234

Repository from Github https://github.comchempik1234/chempik1234Repository from Github https://github.comchempik1234/chempik1234

Hello, world! πŸ‘‹ I'm chempik1234, a =| python & Go |= developer from πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

My GitHub statsTop Langs trophy

❗ Disclaimer: The cool code and big projects are PRIVATE, so there're simplier projects left for you to see

My main language is Python which I've been learning for approx. 4-5 years (My commercial experience is approx. half a year)

  • 🐍 Speaking of python, I primarily use Django/DRF and FastAPI but I'm also familiar with Flask, PyQT5 & tkinter and many simple libraries

  • I'm currently learning Go, an if you do it too, check this stepik course out

  • planning to learn K8S

  • I know the basics of native JS

  • I'm familiar with Docker (-compose), Redis, gRPC, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, hexagonal (ports-based) architecture and microservice architecture (this list is going to be extended later)

  • πŸ”© I have also written some things in C# (WPF, Unity, ASP.NET, MAUI) but I'm not a pro here

  • πŸ“— Here go the basics of the other languages, such as C#, Swift, Java, Lua, C++ etc. that I'm not planning to ever use.

GitHub Streak
