chelorope / test


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Prj name]

[Project brief description]

Technical Information

[Technical brief description]

[Technical stack]

[Important links, documentation]

Jam3 Generator

This application was created using the Jam3 Generator. To checkout the out of the box features read our Developer guide

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



Make sure you are in the root folder of the repository and execute $ npm install.


[If you are using a backend describe how to set it up locally]


Make sure you are in the root folder of the repository and execute $ npm start.

Running the tests

The test runs automatically in the Continue Integration server, in order to execute them locally you can use:

  1. $ npm test, it will execute the unit tests with jest and will keep watching
  2. $ npm run storybook to test the individual components


  • Development : [Link]
  • Staging : [Link]
  • Release (UAT) : [Link]
  • Initial Production : [Link]
  • Production : [Link]


The project has integrated a CI that tracks the deployment branches, below are the tracked branches.

Development environment

Merging in to the develop branch will trigger a deploy to the Development environment.

Review the link in: #environments

Staging environment

Merging in to the staging branch will trigger a deploy to the Staging/QA environment.

Review the link in: #environments

Release environment

Merge to the release branch will trigger a deploy to the Release/UAT environment.

Review the link in: #environments

Production environment

Merging in to the master branch will trigger a deploy to the Production environment.

Review the link in: #environments


To be fully engaged in this project you will need access to the accounts and information below, please feel free to ask for access from the Lead Developer, Producer or Technical Director

  • Analytic Tools Access
  • Environment Access
  • CI Access
  • Task Management Access
  • Team Collaboration Tool Access


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • [LD name] - Lead Developer - @[Github nickname] - [Email]
  • [Dev name] - Frontend Developer - @[Github nickname] - [Email]






Language:JavaScript 79.6%Language:CSS 15.9%Language:HTML 2.7%Language:PHP 1.8%