chehodgins / Lisp-Dictionary

An implementation of the Dictionary ADT in Common Lisp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

; Here are some sample things you can do
(setf d (make-instance 'dictionary :name 'che))
(size d)
(isEmpty d)
(insertItem d 'che 'hungry)
(size d)
(isEmpty d)
(insertItem d 'john 'fat)
(find2 d 'che)
(find2 d 'b)

; And if you use the restricted dictionary
(setf e (make-instance 'restricted-dictionary :name 'che))
(insertItem e 'che 'sleepy)
(insertItem e 'che 'tired) ; Should give a duplicate key error
(insertItem e 'john 'john) ; Should give a key=value error


An implementation of the Dictionary ADT in Common Lisp
