chefkoch-dev / gujemsiossdk

G+J e|MS iOS Advertising SDK, based on Google Ads SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version License Platform

Example Project

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


The SDK supports iOS 8.0 and higher.
Language Support: Objective-C
Use Xcode 8.1 or higher.


gujemsiossdk is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile and run pod install from the command line.

pod "gujemsiossdk"

Make sure you have a recent version of CocoaPods installed. We used version 1.0.0 and saw problems with older version of CocoaPods.

If you don't have CocoaPods installed so far, check the CocoaPods documentation.
If you don't want to use CocoaPods you should be able to copy the classes from this workspace and manually add the dependencies like we did in gujemsiossdk.podspec. Anyway we do not recommend to do the installation without CocoaPods.


v.3.2.4 | 07/Aug/2018

  • Added a new method to GUJNativeAdDelegate for opening links in internal browsers

v3.2.3 | 27/July/2018

  • Changed dependencies for podfile

v3.2.2 | 02/July/2018

  • Tag user as a child

v3.2.1 | 18/May/2018

  • Beta goes stable

v3.2.0-beta-1.2 | 11/May/2018

  • Pubmatic removed
  • Non Personalized Ads Methods added

v3.2.0-beta-1.1 | 19/April/2018

  • Smartclip removed

v3.2.0-beta-1 | 12/July/2017

  • Updated Google Mobile Ads SDK to version 7.24.1
  • Teads removed / Smartclip added in preliminary version
  • Pubmatic SDK for Header Bidding added (preliminary)
  • Facebook Audience Network SDK added
  • Native Ad Functionality over XML added
  • iq digital app events Functionality added

v3.1.10 | 19/Dec/2016

Moved deployment target from iOS7 to iOS8. Make sure your project has a minimum deployment target of 8.0.

v3.1.11 | 27/Jan/2017

Updated mapping of Ad Space IDs to Ad Unit IDs.

v3.1.12 | 20/Mar/2017

Updated mapping of Ad Space IDs to Ad Unit IDs.

v3.1.13 | 20/Mar/2017

Fixed version numbers for Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK and GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK-For-AdMob.

New in 3.2.0

Version 3.2.0 includes the following updates:

  • In this version Teads has been removed, and SmartClip was added in return as it provides the opportunity to use mobile video ad.
  • GUJGenericAdContext added to handle FB Audience Network SDK, Pubmatic Header Bidding and iq digital app events
  • GUJGenericAdContext can be used instead of GUJAdViewContext
  • The current version includes updates for Facebook Audience Network SDK. The app can retrieve a facebook placement ID from the Google SDK, which is then handled by our SDK automatically.
  • We have added Pubmatic Header Bidding. With Pubmatic TKP it becomes possible to compare the DFP-Ad-Server with other campaigns over DFP mediation or a key-value-solution.
  • iq digital app events Functionality added. The app events consist of a name and a "data" string. The events "setsize", "noad" and "log" are available. Please see the example app source code or the iq digital documentation for details. "setsize" can be problematic when used inside a scrollable container and should not be used for ads at the bottom of a container.
  • Native Ad Functionality over XML has been implemented as an interface between the iOS SDK and a publisher server to request a XML-file. The XML-content can be used in a native ad view, which app developers can style individually (look & feel) in their apps.

Handling App Transport Security in iOS 9

Important note on App Transport Security (ATS) in iOS 9: A lot of content delivered by the DFP Server is using URLs not yet switched to secure HTTPS. To avoid trouble loading ads with this SDK we recommend to switch of ATS for now.

Adding the following to your Info.plist will disable ATS:


See this Google Developers Blog Post for details.


The GUJAdUtils instance provides global options for the sdk:

-NonPersonalizedAdsStatus with setNonPersonalizedAds method

In case of users opting out of personalized ads served by G+J e|MS, please set [GUJAdUtils setNonPersonalizedAds:true] on every app view.

New in 3.1.x: Inflow Video Ads

In version 3.1.x we added a new feature: Inflow Video Ads. We are using the IMA iOS SDK to load the video ads, then start the video and expand a placeholder once the user scrolls this into view. If no video ad is available from the DFP server, there is a fallback to use Teads iOS SDK without the need for you to add this fallback on your own. Read more in the Usage chapter.

Upgrading from v2.1.x to v3.x.x

If you are not upgrading just skip this chapter.

If you previously used version 2.1.x of this SDK there are several important changes you need to pay attention to.

Under the hood we exchanged the Amobee Ad Server with Googles DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP).

Also we did some cleanup to make the SDK better understandable.

Remove old SDK installation

First step during upgrade from 2.1.x is to remove all libraries and files belonging to the old SDK installation. This includes libGUJAdViewContext.a, libGUJAdViewContextSimulator.a, GUJAdViewContext.h, GUJAdViewControllerDelegate.h, ORMMAResourceBundle.bundle, VideoAdLib.bundle and may be others depending on your installation.

Then add the new SDK as CocoaPod to your pod file and run pod install as described above.

GUJAdViewControllerDelegate renamed to GUJAdViewContextDelegate

First we renamed GUJAdViewControllerDelegate to GUJAdViewContextDelegate, because it is the delegate of the GUJAdViewContext and has noting to do with a GUJAdViewController. GUJAdViewControllerDelegate can still be used, but is deprecated. Simply change GUJAdViewControllerDelegate to GUJAdViewContextDelegate via search and replace in your project.

Reference to rootViewController

Loading ads with the GUJAdViewContext requires a reference to the current root viewController now. This can be added either by using the new initialization methods (below) or simply by setting it via adViewContext.rootViewController = <YOUR_ROOT_VIEW_CONTROLLER>;

Deprecated GUJAdView Object

All banner initialization methods that returned a GUJAdView in former versions now return a DFPBannerView from the Google SDK directly. Like GUJAdView DFPBannerView also extends UIView.

The old delegate callbacks in the GUJAdViewContextDelegate protocol still return a GUJAdView for compatibility reasons. It is actually only a dummy object extending UIView now. It is deprecated. You should use the new delegate methods returning a reference to the actual GUJAdViewContext. The GUJAdViewContext then has references to the bannerView, interstitial or nativeContentAd created by it.

Ad Unit IDs replacing Ad Space IDs

Previously used Ad Space IDs (e.g. "12345") were replaced by Ad Unit IDs (e.g. "/stern/sport/"). For now you can continue to use the Ad Space IDs as we integrated a mapping file with does some magic for all previously existing Ad Space IDs. Anyway you might want to completely switch to the new Ad Unit IDs by time.

Following methods were used to configure Google Ad Exchange backfill. The second parameter was also called Ad Unit ID, but was an ID of format "ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/nnnnnnnnnn". It is ignored now, because Google Ad Exchange backfill is configured on server side from now on. The methods also were deprecated and should not be used anymore.

+ (GUJAdViewContext*)instanceForAdspaceId:(NSString*)adSpaceId adUnit:(NSString*)adUnitId;
+ (GUJAdViewContext*)instanceForAdspaceId:(NSString*)adSpaceId adUnit:(NSString*)adUnitId delegate:(id<GUJAdViewControllerDelegate>)delegate;

We recommend to use the new initialization methods:

+ (GUJAdViewContext *)instanceForAdUnitId:(NSString *)adUnitId rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController;
+ (GUJAdViewContext *)instanceForAdUnitId:(NSString *)adUnitId rootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController delegate:(id <GUJAdViewControllerDelegate>)delegate;

... if you also want to set the custom criteria position (pos) and index (ind):

adViewContext.position = <POSITION>;
adViewContext.index = <YES|NO>;

No setting of HTTP request parameters or headers

It is not possible to add HTTP request parameters or headers to an ad request to the Google Doubleclick DFP server. That is why we removed the methods - (void)addAdServerRequestHeaderField:(NSString *)name value:(NSString *)value;, - (void)addAdServerRequestHeaderFields:(NSDictionary *)headerFields;, - (void)addAdServerRequestParameter:(NSString *)name value:(NSString *)value; and - (void)addAdServerRequestParameters:(NSDictionary *)requestParameters;

Instead you can add keywords or key/ value pairs for custom targeting via the following new methods:

- (void)addCustomTargetingKeyword:(NSString *)keyword;
- (void)addCustomTargetingKey:(NSString *)key Value:(NSString *)value;

No more mOceon backfill

We removed support for the mOceon backfill service. That is why we skipped the property @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL mOceanBackFill; and the methods + (GUJAdViewContext*)instanceForAdspaceId:(NSString*)adSpaceId site:(NSInteger)siteId zone:(NSInteger)zoneId; and + (GUJAdViewContext*)instanceForAdspaceId:(NSString*)adSpaceId adUnit:(NSString*)adUnitId site:(NSInteger)siteId zone:(NSInteger)zoneId delegate:(id)delegate; of the GUJAdViewContext.

Removed references to GUJAdViewController

There is no such thing as a GUJAdViewController in the SDK. You simply use your own UIViewControllers. That's why we removed methods from the GUJAdViewContextDelegate protocol which returned a GUJAdViewController, which were - (void)adViewController:(GUJAdViewController*)adViewController didConfigurationFailure:(NSError*)error; and - (BOOL)adViewController:(GUJAdViewController*)adViewController canDisplayAdView:(GUJAdView*)adView;.

Removed references to GUJAdEvent

Also we removed methods returning references to GUJAdEvent, something that was removed in former versions already. The methods - (void)bannerView:(GUJAdView*)bannerView receivedEvent:(GUJAdViewEvent*)event; and - (void)interstitialViewReceivedEvent:(GUJAdViewEvent*)event; were removed from the GUJAdViewContextDelegate protocol.

Instead we added the following delegate methods to the GUJAdViewContextDelegate protocol:

 * Tells the delegate that a full screen view will be presented in response to the user clicking on
 * an ad. The delegate may want to pause animations and time sensitive interactions.
- (void)bannerViewWillPresentScreenForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
 *  Tells the delegate that the full screen view will be dismissed.
- (void)bannerViewWillDismissScreenForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
 *  Tells the delegate that the full screen view has been dismissed. The delegate should restart
 *  anything paused while handling adViewWillPresentScreen:.
- (void)bannerViewDidDismissScreenForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
 *  Tells the delegate that the user click will open another app, backgrounding the current
 *  application. The standard UIApplicationDelegate methods, like applicationDidEnterBackground:,
 *  are called immediately before this method is called.
- (void)bannerViewWillLeaveApplicationForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;

Removed initalizationAttempts handling

In former versions of the SDK it was possible to set a number of possible initialization attempts for checking for availability of a view controller while loading interstitials. We removed this mechanism and GUJAdViewContexts method - (void)initalizationAttempts:(NSUInteger)attempts; because it is the responsibility of the developer to set a rootViewController during initialization of the GUJAdViewContext.

Removed Banner reloading

We removed the method - (void)setReloadInterval:(NSTimeInterval)reloadInterval; of GUJAdViewContext as automatic ad reloading is not wanted. In case there should be an ad reload based on user interaction (e.g. while swiping through a gallery) it is the developers responsibility to refresh the ad.

Cleanup of GUJAdViewContextDelegate

We refactored the GUJAdViewContextDelegate protocol, which was called GUJAdViewControllerDelegate before (see above). All old methods became deprecated. Most of the methods got a replacement returning a reference to their GUJAdViewContext so you can distinguish between multiple contexts. The GUJAdViewContext then has references to the bannerView, interstitial or nativeContentAd created by it.

The callbacks -(void)bannerViewDidShow:(GUJAdView *)bannerView; and - (void)bannerViewDidHide:(GUJAdView *)bannerView; were removed completely. Banners will always automatically show and showing/ hiding can be done via the hidden property of UIView directly when needed.

Adjusted completion handlers for banners and interstitials

The initialization completion handler for banners will now return a DFPBanner view, instead of GUJAdView before.

typedef BOOL (^adViewCompletion)(DFPBannerView *_adView, NSError *_error);

For interstitials there is a separate completion handler now, which directly returns a GADInterstitial:

typedef BOOL (^interstitialAdViewCompletion)(GADInterstitial *_interstitial, NSError *_error);


If you are not migrating from a 2.1.x version this is your starting point!

Loading and displaying Banner Ads, Interstitial Ads or Native Ads is straight forward. :)

You always start by creating a GUJAdViewContext or a GUJGenericAdContext. With GUJGenericAdContext you can automatically handle Facebook Audicence Network SDK - Ads, use Pubmatic Header Bidding or iq digital app events. Define a class variable to keep the reference. Then set the delegate and specify the position and whether it is an ad on an index page (vs. article). The position can be any value between 1 and 10. You can use the predefined constants GUJ_AD_VIEW_POSITION_TOP (1), GUJ_AD_VIEW_POSITION_MID_1 (2), GUJ_AD_VIEW_POSITION_MID_1 (3) or GUJ_AD_VIEW_POSITION_BOTTOM (10) to set the position.

Create multiple GUJAdViewContext or GUJGenericAdContext instances for every ad you want to show.

You receive your Ad Unit ID from the G+J EMS Team, an example could be "/6032/sdktest"

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    adViewContext = [GUJAdViewContext instanceForAdUnitId:<YOUR ADUNIT ID> rootViewController:self];
    // set the delegate
    adViewContext.delegate = self;
    // set the position (not needed for interstitials)
    adViewContext.position = GUJ_AD_VIEW_POSITION_TOP;
    // set if we use the context for an index page (defaults to NO)
    adViewContext.isIndex = YES;

load a banner view

Load a banner view to a given origin:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [adViewContext adViewWithOrigin:CGPointMake(0, 20)];

Alternatively you can simply call the - (DFPBannerView *)adView; method and position the returned view via autolayout constraints or your preferred view layouting method.

The returned ad view object is of type DFPBannerView known from the Google SDK for DFP Users on iOS.

There are some other Ad View initialization methods that allow you to add keywords or a completion handler.

e.g. to load a banner view with a completion handler:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [adViewContext adView:^BOOL(DFPBannerView *_adView, NSError *_error) {
            if (_error == nil) {
                // banner ready, do some layout setup
            } else {
                // handle the error
            return YES; // whether or not the banner should show 

A couple of additional delegate callbacks can be implemented to interact with the banner view while loading/ showing/ hiding:

- (void)bannerViewDidFailLoadingAdWithError:(NSError *)error ForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)bannerViewInitializedForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)bannerViewWillLoadAdDataForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)bannerViewDidLoadAdDataForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;

See the documentation in the header file for further information.

banner view sizes

By default the GUJAdViewContext will allow all possible ad view sizes in a request to the DFP server. You can limit the possible sizes, by disabling some of them via the following methods:

- (void)disableMediumRectangleAds;
- (void)disableTwoToOneAds;
- (void)disableBillboardAds;
- (void)disableDesktopBillboardAds;
- (void)disableLeaderboardAds;

Alternatively if the only ad size you want to show from the current GUJAdViewContext is a smart banner, you can limit the possible ad sizes to this by calling the - (void)allowSmartBannersOnly method. The above listed disabling methods will then have no additional effect. A smart banner typically is 50 pixels in height on iPhone/iPod and 90 pixels on iPad.

add an optional content URL for further targeting

You can add an optional content URL on the GUJAdViewContext to be used in the the DFP request. This is a URL of a website displaying equivalent content like your current view. The DFP server will parse the content of the URL for additional targeting.

- (void)setContentURL:(NSString *)contentURL;

Set the publisher provided identifier (PPID)

You can set a publisher provided identifier (PPID) on the GUJAdViewContext for use in frequency capping, audience segmentation and targeting, sequential ad rotation, and other audience-based ad delivery controls across devices. Please do not set the PPID unless otherwise agreed.

- (void)setPublisherProvidedID:(NSString *)publisherProvidedID;

load an interstitial

Load an interstitial view with completion handler:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [adViewContext interstitialAdViewWithCompletionHandler:^BOOL(GADInterstitial *_interstitial, NSError *_error) {
            if (_error == nil) {
                // interstitial ready, show it when needed
            } else {
                // handle the error
            return NO; // whether or not the interstitial should show automatically

The returned interstitial view object is of type GADInterstitial known from the Google SDK for DFP Users on iOS.

A couple of additional delegate callbacks can be implemented to interact with the interstitial view while loading/ showing/ hiding:

- (void)interstitialViewDidFailLoadingAdWithError:(NSError *)error ForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewInitializedForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewWillLoadAdDataForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewDidLoadAdDataForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewWillAppearForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewDidAppearForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewWillDisappearForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;
- (void)interstitialViewDidDisappearForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context;

See the documentation in the header file for further information.

GADNativeContentAd (Google Native Ad) load a native ad

Load a native ad and handle the result via delegate callbacks:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [adViewContext loadNativeAd];
- (void)nativeContentAdLoaderDidFailLoadingAdWithError:(NSError *)error ForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context {
    // handle the error
- (void)nativeContentAdLoaderDidLoadDataForContext:(GUJAdViewContext *)context {
    headlineLabel.text = context.nativeContentAd.headline;
    bodyLabel.text = context.nativeContentAd.body;

The created native ad object is of type GADNativeContentAd known from the Google SDK for DFP users on iOS. To display the native ad make your view extend GADNativeContentAdView as described in the Google SDK for DFP documentation. GADNativeContentAdView will automatically track views and clicks and it will make the whole ad clickable to allow the user to be redirected to the specified click-through-URL.

GUJNativeAd (Gruner & Jahr Native Ad) Load native ad from XML

For loading a native ad from XML, use GUJNativeAdManager to create one or several native ads for the same view. Load a native ad with method loadAd of GUJNativeAd and handle the result via delegate callbacks:

self.adManager = [GUJNativeAdManager new];
GUJNativeAd *ad = [self.adManager nativeAdWithUnitID:<YOUR ADUNIT ID>];
ad.baseClickUrl = <BASE CLICK URL>;
ad.delegate = self;
[ad loadAd];
- (void)nativeAdDidLoad:(GUJNativeAd *)nativeAd {
    //you need associate GUJNativeAd with UIView where display ad 
    [nativeAd registerViewForInteraction:<vUIView where display ad>];
- (void)nativeAd:(GUJNativeAd *)nativeAd didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
- (void)nativeAdDidClick:(GUJNativeAd *)nativeAd {

For tracking views and clicks call registerViewForInteraction after loading ad

For detailed information see our example implementation: gujemsiossdk/Products/Main.storyboard —> NativeAd Scene

load PubMatic ad

Load a GUJGenericAdContext with 'contextWithOptions' set for Pubmatic, also a PubmaticPublisherId must be set and an AdUnitId as usual:

self.adContext = [GUJGenericAdContext contextForAdUnitId:unitId

[self.adContext setPubmaticPublisherId:publisherId size:CGSizeMake(300, 250)];
self.adContext.adViewContext.position = GUJ_AD_VIEW_POSITION_TOP;
[self.adContext loadInViewController:self];

Load native Facebook ad

Load a GUJGenericAdContext with 'contextWithOptions' set for Facebook, also an AdUnitId must be set as usual:

self.adContext = [GUJGenericAdContext contextForAdUnitId:adUnitId

GUJGenericAdContext with delegate callbacks will return FBNativeAd object, or GUJAdViewContext if ad doesn't contain facebook placement id, or error

- (void)genericAdContext:(GUJGenericAdContext *)adContext didLoadFacebookNativeAd:(FBNativeAd *)fbNativeAd {

- (void)genericAdContext:(GUJGenericAdContext *)adContext didLoadData:(GUJAdViewContext *)adViewContext {

- (void)genericAdContext:(GUJGenericAdContext *)adContext didFailWithError:(NSError *)error{

For testing:

  • a Google Ad Unit Id is needed to call a creative via DFP
  • in this creative is placed a Facebook Placement Id e.g.:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> 
<script>'handOverAdViewToFacebook', '147386355810773_147386802477395');
  • to see example ads, you need to be logged into your Facebook App and to give your Facebook ID to your Facebook ad provider

For detailed information see:

Iq Digital app events

Load a GUJGenericAdContext with 'contextWithOptions' set for Iq Digital app events, also an AdUnitId must be set as usual GUJGenericAdContext can then handle events in ad with callbacks:

self.adContext = [GUJGenericAdContext contextForAdUnitId:adUnitId

- (void)genericAdContext:(GUJGenericAdContext *)adContext didChangeBannerSize:(CGSize)size duration:(CGFloat) duration {

- (void)genericAdContext:(GUJGenericAdContext *)adContext didReceiveLog:(NSString *) log {

- (void)genericAdContextDidRemoveBannerFromView:(GUJGenericAdContext *)adContext {

The app events consist of a name and a "data" string.

setsize event

The setsize event is called to change the size of the ad webview of the ad position. The "data" string has the following format "width:height“.

Parameters: The parameters are separated from each other by a colon. width – the new width of the ad webview in pixels (device-independent-pixels) as whole number. Exception: the value max is used for adjustment to the maximum available width. height – the new height of the ad webview in pixels (device-independent-pixels) as whole number. Exception: the value max is used for adjustment to the maximum available height.

Call examples:

"setsize","320:80" Ad webview is given the new size of 320x80 pixels

"setsize","320:240" Ad webview is given the new size of 320x240 pixels

"setsize","max:160" Ad webview is adjusted to the maximum available width and a height of 160 pixels.

"setsize","max:max" Ad webview is adjusted to the maximum available width and the maximum available height.

noad event

The noad event is called to signal to the app that no booking is present for the position and the app should remove the ad position and the corresponding ad label. The "data" is not relevant for this event and can be ignored.

log event

The log event is called in order to write a message in the app log. This is for debug purposes. The "data" string contains the message that is to be entered in the log by the app.

loading video ads with the IMA iOS SDK

For the integration of preroll videos we included the IMA iOS SDK Version 3 (Beta).
You can find an example in our example app which is based on the Google example in the official documentation of the IMA iOS SDK.

See the IMA iOS SDK documentation for any details.

To load video ads you need an ad tag URL.
You receive your ad tag URL from the G+J EMS Team.
It should look similar to this:[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]

integrate inflow video ads (new in 3.1.x)

Inflow video ads are thought to be presented/ expanded on a scroll view once the user scrolled to a given position.

To add an inflow ad in your xib file of storyboard add a placeholder view somewhere between other views on your scrollview. Give it the width of the scroll view and add an autolayout constraint for the height with an initial value of 0. Keep in mind to also set the autolayout constraints top, left, right, bottom to link the placeholder view to the superview and/ or its other subviews. Connect the views and the autolayout constraint as outlets to your view controller:

    __weak IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView;
    __weak IBOutlet UIView *inFlowAdPlaceholderView;
    __weak IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *inFlowAdPlaceholderViewHeightConstraint;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    inflowAdViewContext = [[GUJInflowAdViewContext alloc] initWithScrollView:scrollView
                                                                 dfpAdunitId:<YOUR ADUNIT ID>
                                                                smartClipUrl:<SMART CLIP URL>

If there will not be an ad on DFP server, ad will be loaded from Smart Clip service. is link for ad on Smart Clip

Then in the viewDidAppear method call:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];
    [inflowAdViewContext containerViewDidAppear];

In the viewWillDisappear method call containerViewWillDisappear, so the video can be paused and resumed once the user comes back.

- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidDisappear:animated];
    [inflowAdViewContext containerViewWillDisappear];

Submitting your App to App Review

During submission of your App for App Review you will be asked whether your app uses the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). This question needs to be answered with Yes.

Then select that your app uses the Advertising Identifier to "Serve advertisements within the app".

If you submit the app again for another review in the future, you will need to fill out the questions again.


In case of any questions send us an email or give us a call!

Sebastian Otte
Technical Projects Manager
+ 49 (0) 40 / 3703 2991

Michael Gohl
Head of Digital Ad Technology
+ 49 (0) 40 / 3703 2926

Daniel Gerold
Director Digital Ad Technology
+ 49 (0) 40 / 3703 7415


gujemsiossdk is available under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


G+J e|MS iOS Advertising SDK, based on Google Ads SDK



Language:Objective-C 98.7%Language:Ruby 1.3%