cheetosysst / EMU6502

A MOS6502 emulator written in python.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A python MOS6502 emulator.

This is for learning how a processor works. Things might change in the future.


It's not finished yet. There will be an seperate python file for controlling the emulator in the future.

  • Init
     from cpu import cpu       # load the cpu instance
     CPU = cpu()
     CPU._memory.memoryClear() # Optional
  • Load There are currently two ways to load binaries.
    • Direct
      In this example, the emulator will execute an ASL instruction.
       CPU._memory.Data[0x0000] = 0x0A
       CPU._Acc = 0x0E
    • Binary File
      This method is not tested. I copy & pasted the code from Stack Overflow. So it's perfectly normal if your computer explodes after executing it.
  • Dump
    Dump memory to a file.

How it works?

When the class cpu in initiated, it also creates a 0xFFFF+1 bytes long memory.

By default, the program counter (_PC) is set to 0xfffc~0xfffd, read more about it here.

# src/
self._PC = self._memory.Data[0xfffc] + self._memory.Data[0xfffd]*0x0100

The instructions is can be access through the 2d list _instructions. This is done to make the code easier to read and maintain without using too much if-else.

_instructions = [
	#0,    1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,    A,    B,    C,    D,    E,    F
	[None, _Ora, None, None, None, _Ora, _Asl, None, None, _Ora, _Asl, None, None, _Ora, _Asl, None], #0
	[None, _Ora, None, None, None, _Ora, _Asl, None, _Clc, _Ora, None, None, None, _Ora, _Asl, None], #1
	# 2~E ...
	[None, _Sbc, None, None, None, _Sbc, _Inc, None, _Sed, _Sbc, None, None, None, _Sbc, _Inc, None]  #F

When each instruction is called, it will analyzed the opcode (if necessary) and call the corresponding address mode method to get the memory address from different memory location.

Example (lda):

For example, let's execute the command 0xA5 0xAA. On the opcode table, row A col 5, we can execute the instruction _Lda.

By analyzing the opcode (extracting bit 2~4), we know the index of the addressing mode we need is 1, which in this case is Zero Page mode.

Because we already increment the memory once, which means the current memory position is on the data we need. In this case, we can directly read 1 byte on the memory and store it on the Accumalator.

def _Lda(self, opCode):

	# Increment program counter

	# Fetch address or get data directly
	if (opCode&0b11100)>>2 == 2:
		self._Acc = self.ldaFunction[2](self)
		dataAddress = self.ldaFunction[(opCode&0b11100)>>2](self)
		self._Acc = self.readByte(dataAddress)

	# Set flags
	self._PS_z = bool(self._Acc == 0)
	self._PS_n = bool((self._Acc & 0b10000000)>0)

	# Increment program counter

# Zero Page addressing mode
def _readZeroPage(self):
	return self.readByte(self._PC)

# LDA addressing mode list
ldaFunction = [
	_readZeroPage, # << This

In other cases, for example "_And" instruction, we fetch the memory address first.

def _And(self, opCode):
	if (opCode&0b11100)>>2 == 2:
		self._Acc &= self.adcFunction[2](self)
		dataAddress = self.adcFunction[(opCode&0b11100)>>2](self)
		self._Acc &= self.readByte(dataAddress)
	self._PS_z = bool(self._Acc == 0)
	self._PS_n = bool((self._Acc & 0b10000000)>0)


How to contribute

It's a personal project. I want to learn how a cpu works by implementing them myself. However testing and fixing bug is appreciated.


A MOS6502 emulator written in python.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%