cheelee / nwb-explorer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NWB Explorer

NWB Explorer is an application that can be used by scientists to read, visualize and explore the content of NWB 2 files.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Below you will find the software you need to install to use nwb explorer (and the versions we used)

  • Git (2.17.0).
  • Node (9.11.1) and npm (6.0.0).
  • Redis-Server (4.0.9).
  • Python 3 (3.6.5), pip (10.0.1) and Python3-tk.
  • Django (1.11.7). pip install django
  • Pygeppeto_server. git clone && cd pygeppetto-django && git checkout development && pip install -e .
  • Pygeppeto_model.git clone && cd pygeppetto && git checkout manager && pip install -e .
  • Pyecore (0.8.1). pip install pyecore
  • Pynwb. git clone && cd pynwb && git checkout dev && pip install -e .
  • Seaborn (0.8.1). pip install seaborn


A step by step instructions to get a development env running

git clone
cd nwb-explorer
mkdir static
cd static
git clone
cd org.geppetto.frontend/src/main/webapp/extensions
git clone
cd ..
/bin/cp -rf ../../../../../GeppettoConfiguration.json .
npm install
npm run build-dev-noTest


Run the redis-server manually:


nohup redis-server &


redis-server &

Then, on the nwb-explorer folder, run :

python runserver

How to use (TODO)

Animation reading files and make some plots goes here

How to develop

Any change you make in the python code will be automatically redeployed by the Django server.

JS/HTML code can be found inside static/org.geppetto.frontend/src/main/webapp/. The code needs to be rebuilt with webpack everytime there is a change. The recommended way is to run in /static/org.geppetto.frontend/src/main/webapp/ this command:

npm run build-dev-noTest:watch

Running the tests (TODO)

Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

Built With

  • Django - The web framework used
  • Geppetto - Used to build a web-based applications to visualize and simulate the NWB 2.0 files.

Contributing (TODO)

Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.



Language:Python 100.0%