chbrown / topic-sentiment-authorship

Topic-Sentiment Authorship

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

tsa: Topic-Sentiment Authorship

Tools built on computational linguistic concepts to accompany my research at the University of Texas at Austin.


SITE_PACKAGES=$(python -c 'import os,site;print(os.path.realpath(next(iter(site.getsitepackages()))))')
pwd > "$SITE_PACKAGES"/topic-sentiment-authorship.pth


gensim LDA, 10 topics, tf-idf preprocessing, on the 6,379 linked pages with content.

Topic # Top 20 tokens
Topic 0 jfs, teamsters, martin, jackson, foster, beavercreek, arrests, girls, demarcus, cincinnati, hayes, felony, you, our, org, teamster, sotheby, babies, issue, occupy
Topic 1 blackberry, url, bryant, huffman, ride, supercommittee, transactions, thunder, bluetooth, rand, populism, frost, gd, annie, newer, brooks, revenge, unwillingness, patricia, rosen
Topic 2 moveon, sumi, belmont, livestream, stewart, forefront, eagle, menu, copying, dalby, tavares, juvenile, charleta, deck, careful, sb, jimmy, you, your, please
Topic 3 harris, signatures, teresa, marian, sb, marquis, id, said, ohio, bill, oregon, prisons, kasich, repeal, senate, state, we, teachers, law, nlrb
Topic 4 thinkprogress, privacy, aol, hotmail, applicable, governed, clicking, yahoo, submitting, tags, terms, hagan, acknowledge, examiners, use, examiner, agree, facebook, policies, understand
Topic 5 cwa, twitpic, dale, littleton, locating, io, eckart, mattei, clairsville, casey, oea, marshall, colleen, nbc, webpage, butland, robin, pew, hannah, innovation
Topic 6 said, percent, law, bill, kasich, mr, ohio, he, union, voters, employees, senate, republican, signatures, repeal, ballot, issue, state, health, unions
Topic 7 mobile, pearson, ali, repubs, alison, smooth, upgrade, frazier, species, rsvp, parma, pmwhere, ohwhat, gas, kasich, schiavoni, he, oil, your, you
Topic 8 mississippi, biden, sexual, schuler, sep, weingarten, crackdown, charges, gears, midwest, pronounced, congratulated, setbacks, chicago, fertilized, reading, relating, changing, guilty, lgbt
Topic 9 frey, school, tax, you, teachers, schools, she, education, bowl, my, your, income, her, philadelphia, york, states, business, teacher, unemployment, ohio


See /usr/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/english.stop for postgres' listing of stop words.

Numpy slicing

From the docs:

If the number of objects in the selection tuple is less than N, then : is assumed for any subsequent dimensions

Thus, if coefs is a two-dimensional array, coefs[fold, ] is the same as coefs[fold, :] (but not the same as coefs[fold]).

Numpy axes:

Aggregate functions

  • axis=0: apply function to each column in turn
  • axis=1: apply function to each row in turn

When our rows are observations, most aggregations use axis=0. This is because each cell has much more in common with the rest of the column than the rest of the row.

>>> grades_by_age = np.array([
    [98, 14],
    [92, 15],
    [87, 13],
    [93, 14]])
>>> grades_by_age.mean(axis=0)
array([ 92.5,  14. ])
>>> grades_by_age.mean(axis=1)
array([ 56. ,  53.5,  50. ,  53.5])

But if you are selecting features, or labels, axis=1 is probably what you want.

This is also helpful:

Numpy array creation

Supposedly, specifying count speeds up fromiter:

coefs = np.fromiter(bootstrap_coefs(folds), count=K)

Numpy concatenation

  • hstack: Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise).
  • vstack: Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise).

Numpy broadcasting

Broadcasting just works with dense arrays, but fails miserably with sparse matrices.

dense = np.arange(15).reshape(-1, 3)
sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(dense)

vec = np.array([2, 2, 2])
(dense * vec).shape == (5, 3)
(sparse * vec).shape == (5,)

WTF? sparse * vec ==, which is not what I meant at all.


Copyright © 2012–2014 Christopher Brown. MIT Licensed.


Topic-Sentiment Authorship

License:MIT License


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