chatasweetie / codementorhub

A web app where users can get technical questions, get hints, get their solutions evaluated, and double-check thier BigO notation understanding for that solution. Users can also use their own technical questions.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A web app where users can get technical questions, get hints, get their solutions evaluated, and double-check thier BigO notation understanding for that solution. Users can also use their own technical questions.

How it works

Users can either request problems of varying difficulty or input their own. When requesting a problem, an AJAX call is made to the Flask app, which then makes an API call to the OpenAI API for a challenge. The received text is processed to enhance clarity by removing backticks and shortening the content. This processed text is converted into an audio file (TTS) and played automatically.

Users can submit their solutions in a designated text box. At any point, they can request hints or feedback or ask to evaluate their BigO notation. This again uses AJAX calls to the Flask app, triggering API calls to OpenAI. The responses are converted into audio files, automatically played for the user.



Generated question and hint

Generated question, ask for hint, feedback and Big O

Gif of user experience

Technology Stack

Application: Python, Flask, Jinja
APIs: OpenAI
Front-End: HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JavaScript, AJAX

How to run CodeMentorHub on Replit

  • Go to Replit Project
  • Fork project
  • Click on Run button at the top of the webite

How to run CodeMentorHub

Create a virtual environment

> virtualenv env
> source env/bin/activate

Install the dependencies

> pip install -r requirements.txt

In a new Terminal run App

> python

Open your browser and navigate to


Note: The Agent functionality requires that you have an OpenAI developer keys set as local environment variables:


About the Developer

Jessica Dene Earley-Cha



A web app where users can get technical questions, get hints, get their solutions evaluated, and double-check thier BigO notation understanding for that solution. Users can also use their own technical questions.


Language:HTML 39.5%Language:Python 36.5%Language:JavaScript 23.4%Language:CSS 0.6%