chassisml / chassis

Chassis turns machine learning models into portable container images that can run just about anywhere.

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What is Chassis?


Chassis turns ML models written in Python into containerized prediction APIs in just minutes. We built it to be an easier way to put our models into containers and ship them to production.

Chassis picks up right where your training code leaves off and builds containers for a variety of target architectures. This means that after completing a single Chassis job, you can run your models in the cloud, on-prem, or on a fleet of edge devices (Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Intel NUC, etc.).


  • Turns models into containers, automatically
  • Creates easy-to-use prediction APIs
  • Builds containers locally on Docker or as a K8s service
  • Chassis containers run on Docker, containerd, Modzy, and more
  • Compiles for both x86 and ARM processors
  • Supports GPU batch processing
  • No missing dependencies, perfect for edge AI


Install Chassis on your machine or in a virtual environment via PyPi:

Stable - v1.5.*

pip install "chassisml[quickstart]"

Try it out

(<5 minutes)

(~10 minutes)


📗 Getting Started

📘 Full Docs

Framework-specific examples:

🤗 Diffusers Torch 🤗 Transformers Coming soon...


Join the #chassisml channel on Modzy's Discord Server where our maintainers meet to plan changes and improvements.

We also have a #chassis-model-builder Slack channel on the Slack!


Bradley Munday
Bradley Munday

💻 🤔 🚧 💬
Seth Clark
Seth Clark

🖋 📖 📆
Clayton Davis
Clayton Davis

💻 📖 🤔 📆
Nathan Mellis
Nathan Mellis

🤔 🚇 💻

💻 📖 🤔

📖 📆 🤔 📢 📹
Carlos Millán Soler
Carlos Millán Soler

Douglas Holman
Douglas Holman

Phil Winder
Phil Winder

Sonja Hall
Sonja Hall



Chassis turns machine learning models into portable container images that can run just about anywhere.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 80.8%Language:Rust 16.6%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%Language:Makefile 0.8%Language:Smarty 0.7%