chasinginfinity / myfirstproject

Guide to build your first Django web app to display Hello World!

Repository from Github https://github.comchasinginfinity/myfirstprojectRepository from Github https://github.comchasinginfinity/myfirstproject

Your first Django app !

This is the code for my video :

Step 1 - Make sure you have installed Python

You can download python from here :

Step 2 - Installing Django

To install Django, open up your command prompt and type :

pip install django

Step 3 - Create a new project

Create a new Django project by typing :

django-admin startproject myfirstproject

Where myfirstproject is your project name.

Step 4 - Run your project !

To start the local server and run the project, type :

cd myfirstproject
python runserver

Now open your web browser and go to to see your project in action! To stop the server press Ctrl+c

Step 5 - Make a new app

A Django project can have any number of apps. To make a new app:

python startapp myapp

Where myapp is your app name.

Now you are ready to start writing Django code!

Watch the video to see how you can add a new URL and define a new view, to make your app display Hello World!


Guide to build your first Django web app to display Hello World!


Language:Python 100.0%