charmby / my-mllib

The project implemented some machine learning algorithms on spark which is written in scala and it also included standalone implementations of these algorithms.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


my-mllib ####Author: HouJP ####E-mail:





  • Classification And Regression Trees (used for classification and regression)
  • Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (used for multiple classification)
  • Gradient Boosting Regression Trees (used for regression)
  • Random Forest (used for regression)




  • 分类
// read training data and testing data from disk
val train = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "a1a").cache()
val test = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "a1a.t").cache()

// train a model of CART for classification
val cart_model = CART.train(
  impurity = "Gini",
  max_depth = 10,
  max_bins = 32,
  bin_samples = 10000,
  min_node_size = 15,
  min_info_gain = 1e-6)

// show structure of CART model

// predict for testing data using the model
val preds = cart_model.predict(test)
// calculate testing error
val err = preds.filter(r => r._2 != r._3).count().toDouble / test.count()
println(s"Test Error: $err")
  • 回归
// read training data and testing data from disk
val train = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.train").cache()
val test = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.test").cache()

// train a model of CART for regression
val cart_model = CART.train(
  impurity = "Variance",
  max_depth = 15,
  max_bins = 32,
  bin_samples = 10000,
  min_node_size = 10,
  min_info_gain = 1e-6)

// show structure of CART model

// predict for testing data use the model
val preds = cart_model.predict(test)
// calculate testing error
println(s"Test RMSE: ${RMSE( => (e._2, e._3)))}")


// read training data and testing data from disk
val train = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.train").cache()
val test = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.test").cache()

// train a model of GBDT for multiple classification
val gbdt_model = GBDT.train(train,
  impurity = "Variance",
  max_depth = 15,
  max_bins = 32,
  bin_samples = 10000,
  min_node_size = 10,
  min_info_gain = 1e-6,
  num_round = 20)

// predict for testing data using the model
val preds = gbdt_model.predict(test)
// calculate testing error
val err = preds.filter(r => r._2 != r._3).count().toDouble / test.count()
println(s"Test Error: $err")


// read training data and testing data from disk
val train = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.train").cache()
val test = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.test").cache()

// train a model of GBRT for regression
val gbrt_model = GBRT.train(
  Array(("test", test)),
  impurity = "Variance",
  max_depth = 15,
  max_bins = 32,
  bin_samples = 10000,
  min_node_size = 10,
  min_info_gain = 1e-6,
  num_round = 100,
  learn_rate = 0.1)

// predict for testing data using the model
val preds = gbrt_model.predict(test)
// calculate testing error
println(s”Test RMSE: ${RMSE( => (e._2, e._3)))}”)


  • 分类
// read training data and testing data from disk
val train = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "a1a").cache()
val test = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "a1a.t").cache()

// train a model of Random Forest for classification
val rf_model = RandomForest.train(
  impurity = "Gini",
  max_depth = 10,
  max_bins = 32,
  bin_samples = 10000,
  min_node_size = 15,
  min_info_gain = 1e-6,
  row_rate = 0.6,
  col_rate = 0.6,
  num_trees = 100)

// predict for testing data using the model
val preds = rf_model.predict(test)
// calculate testing error
val err = preds.filter(r => r._2 != r._3).count().toDouble / test.count()
println(s"Test Error: $err")
  • 回归
// read training data and testing data from disk
val train = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.train").cache()
val test = Points.readLibSVMFile(sc, data_dir + "cadata.test").cache()

// train a model of Random Forest for regression
val rf_model = RandomForest.train(
  impurity = "Variance",
  max_depth = 15,
  max_bins = 32,
  bin_samples = 10000,
  min_node_size = 10,
  min_info_gain = 1e-6,
  row_rate = 0.6,
  col_rate = 0.6,
  num_trees = 100)

// predict for testing data use the model
val preds = rf_model.predict(test)
// calculate testing error
println(s"Test RMSE: ${RMSE( => (e._2, e._3)))}")


  • 测试环境
    • 集群大小: 1 * Master + 5 * Worker
    • 操作系统: CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
    • 单机内存: 132G
    • 单机硬盘: 1.8T


算法 数据集 训练集评测 测试集评测 时间 参数
tree.cart.CART cadata(3:1) RMSE(57515.27) RMSE(60845.42) 9128ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6)
tree.cart.CART cadata(3:1) RMSE(52695.06) RMSE(59125.73) 9128ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(15),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6)
tree.cart.CART a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8274),Pre(0.6453),Rec(0.6633),Auc(0.7721) Acc(0.8189),Pre(0.6201),Rec(0.6377),Auc(0.7570) 6163ms impurity(Gini),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6)
tree.cart.CART a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8399),Pre(0.6994),Rec(0.6127),Auc(0.7634) Acc(0.8167),Pre(0.6368),Rec(0.5539),Auc(0.7269) 6163ms impurity(Gini),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6)


算法 数据集 训练集评测 测试集评测 时间 参数
tree.gbdt.GBDT a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8411),Pre(0.7414),Rec(0.5443),Auc(0.7412) Acc(0.8190),Pre(0.6551),Rec(0.5231),Auc(0.7179) 7458ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(1)
tree.gbdt.GBDT a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8717),Pre(0.7981),Rec(0.6405),Auc(0.7938) Acc(0.8209,Pre(0.6481),Rec(0.5586),Auc(0.7313) 10262ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(2)
tree.gbdt.GBDT a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8903),Pre(0.8174),Rec(0.7139),Auc(0.8309) Acc(0.8226),Pre(0.6385),Rec(0.6050),Auc(0.7483) 13023ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(3)
tree.gbdt.GBDT a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.9539),Pre(0.9147),Rec(0.8962),Auc(0.9345) Acc(0.8135),Pre(0.6197),Rec(0.5811),Auc(0.7341) 25707ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(10)


算法 数据集 训练集评测 测试集评测 时间 参数
tree.gbrt.GBRT cadata(3:1) RMSE(53397.68) RMSE(60305.92) 35431ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(10),learn_rate(0.02)
tree.gbrt.GBRT cadata(3:1) RMSE(45591.16) RMSE(57616.83) 52898ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(15),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(10),learn_rate(0.02)
tree.gbrt.GBRT cadata(3:1) RMSE(38681.74) RMSE(56180.71) 434537ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(15),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(50),learn_rate(0.02)
tree.gbrt.GBRT cadata(3:1) RMSE(33826.15) RMSE(55246.31) 1057077ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(15),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6),num_round(100),learn_rate(0.02)


算法 数据集 训练集评测 测试集评测 时间 参数
tree.rf.RandomForest cadata(3:1) RMSE(53682.94) RMSE(56607.57) 42313ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),row_rate(0.6),col_rate(0.6),num_trees(20)
tree.rf.RandomForest cadata(3:1) RMSE(48106.61) RMSE(53945.51) 58230ms impurity(Variance),max_depth(15),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6),row_rate(0.6),col_rate(0.6),num_trees(20)
tree.rf.RandomForest a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8436),Pre(0.7209),Rec(0.5949),Auc(0.7599) Acc(0.8281),Pre(0.6714),Rec(0.5590),Auc(0.7362) 40484ms impurity(Gini),max_depth(10),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(15),min_info_gain(1e-6),row_rate(0.6),col_rate(0.6),num_trees(20)
tree.rf.RandomForest a1a/a1a.t Acc(0.8530),Pre(0.7331),Rec(0.6329),Auc(0.7789) Acc(0.8271),Pre(0.6594),Rec(0.5818),Auc(0.7433) 44227ms impurity(Gini),max_depth(15),max_bins(32),bin_samples(10000),min_node_size(10),min_info_gain(1e-6),row_rate(0.6),col_rate(0.6),num_trees(20)


Name Type Size # of classes # of data # of features Directory Source
cadata regression 4.6M - 20,640 8 project_dir/data/regression Link
a1a/a1a.t classification 112K/2.1M 2 2,265/30,296 123 project_dir/data/classification Link

###Version Updating

  • 04/15/2016

    • 修改weighted——impurity的计算方式:如果左/右孩子样本点个数小于节点最小尺寸,则将WeightedImpurity置为MaxDouble,防止左/右孩子样本点个数小于节点最小尺寸且WeightedImpurity小于MinInfoGain时,阻碍节点分裂。
  • 04/11/2016

    • 完成Spark版本的GBDT(Gradient Boosting Decision Trees)算法,用于多分类。
  • 03/09/2016

    • 完成CART(Classification And Regression Trees),可以用作分类(Gini)和回归(Variance)。
  • 12/31/2015

    • 更改单机决策树的实现方法(使用分箱)
    • 实现随机森林
  • 12/01/2015

    • 改变分布式版本决策树的实现方法(使用分箱)
    • 实现bda.spark.model.tree.DecisionTree and bda.spark.model.tree.GradientBoost
  • 10/15/2015

    • 修正StackOverflowError(当迭代次数>300时)
    • 测试
  • 10/14/2015

    • 实现GBDT的spark版本
    • 问题
      • 当迭代次数很大时,报StackOverflowError
  • 09/29/2015

    • 使用xgboost作为baseline
  • 09/27/2015

    • 实现单机版本GBDT
  • 09/25/2015

    • 使用sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor作为baseline
  • 09/23/2015

    • 实现单机版本决策树(回归)


The project implemented some machine learning algorithms on spark which is written in scala and it also included standalone implementations of these algorithms.


Language:Scala 100.0%