charlottetan / Algorithms-2

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Data Structures and Algorithms

Problems have been sourced from and Solutions are written in JavaScript and Python and organized by category.

Sorting Algorithms:

  1. Bubble sort (AlgoExpert)
  2. Insertion sort (AlgoExpert)
  3. Quick sort (AlgoExpert)
  4. Selection sort (AlgoExpert)
  5. Merge sort (AlgoExpert)

Array Methods:

  1. Two number sum (AlgoExpert)
  2. Two number sum (LeetCode)
  3. Find minimum rewards (AlgoExpert)
  4. Move element to end (AlgoExpert)
  5. Smallest difference (AlgoExpert)
  6. Three number sum (AlgoExpert)
  7. Subarray sort (AlgoExpert)
  8. Four Number Sum (AlgoExpert)

Binary Search Trees:

  1. Find closest value (AlgoExpert)
  2. BST construction (AlgoExpert)
  3. Tree traversal (AlgoExpert)
  4. Validate BST (AlgoExpert)
  5. Same BST (AlgoExpert)


  1. Depth-first search (AlgoExpert)
  2. Has single cycle (AlgoExpert)
  3. Breadth-first search (AlgoExpert)
  4. River sizes (AlgoExpert)
  5. Word ladder (LeetCode)
  6. Youngest common ancestor (AlgoExpert)
  7. Boggle board (AlgoExpert)

Linked Lists:

  1. Linked list construction (AlgoExpert)
  2. Remove kth node from end (AlgoExpert)
  3. Find loop (AlgoExpert)
  4. Merge two linked lists (LeetCode)
  5. Merge two linked lists (AlgoExpert)


  1. Nth Fibonacci (AlgoExpert)
  2. Product sum (AlgoExpert)
  3. Permutation (AlgoExpert)
  4. Lowest common manager (AlgoExpert)
  5. Interweaving strings (AlgoExpert)

Dynamic Programming:

  1. Max subset sum no adjacent (AlgoExpert)
  2. Number of ways to make change (AlgoExpert
  3. Coin Change (AlgoExpert)/LeetCode)
  4. Levenshtein distance (AlgoExpert)

Binary Trees:

  1. Branch sums (AlgoExpert)
  2. Invert binary tree (AlgoExpert)
  3. Max path in binary tree (AlgoExpert)
  4. Iterative in order traversal (AlgoExpert)
  5. Flatten binary tree (AlgoExpert)


  1. Roman to integer (LeetCode)
  2. Check palindrome (AlgoExpert)
  3. Caesar cipher encryptor (AlgoExpert)
  4. Longest palindromic string (AlgoExpert)
  5. Longest substring no duplication (AlgoExpert)
  6. Underscorify substring

LeetCode 30 Day Challenge:

  1. Single number
  2. Happy number
  3. Max subarray
  4. Move zeroes
  5. Best time to buy and sell stock
  6. Group anagrams
  7. Counting elements
  8. Middle of linked list
  9. Backspace string compare
  10. Min stack
  11. Diameter of binary tree
  12. Last stone weight
  13. Contiguous array
  14. Peform string shifts
  15. Product of array except self
  16. Valid parenthesis string
  17. Number of islands
  18. Min path sum
  19. Search in rotated array
  20. Subarray sum equals k


  1. Get cheapest cost
  2. Find nth root
  3. Bracket match



Language:JavaScript 53.1%Language:Python 46.9%