charlieok / zcash-in-a-box

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zcash network in kubernetes

This project will compile and deploy zcash source code to sandbox environment with some specific code changes.


  • Deploy Tekton
  • Deploy Minio
  • Tekton task to sync block to Minio
  • Tekton tasks to create random secret
  • Tekton task to build and upload zcash binary to Minio
  • Make runner Docker image for deployments
  • Create deployment for binary
  • Tekton task to deploy
  • Deploy metrics tools
  • Deploy dashboards
  • Setup CI for runner Dockerfile
  • Try CoreDNS for node coordination
  • Devise easier packaging


  • Prometheus target labels should be more dynamic
  • Promtail is causing file handle exhaustion


Access to the Kubernetes api allows the operator to make arbitrary changes in the cluster.

Jobs can be restricted in what resources they can access with Kubernetes Role Based Access policies.

No inbound connections are expected or supported.


Kubernetes cluster

Using kind

kind create cluster --name zcash-in-a-box
kubectl cluster-info

Using GCP

export CLUSTERNAME=zcash-in-a-box-ben-v1
export CLUSTERZONE=us-west1-a
export GCP_PROJECT=buildenv

gcloud container \
clusters create ${CLUSTERNAME} \
--project ${GCP_PROJECT} \
--zone ${CLUSTERZONE} \
--machine-type "n1-standard-8" \
--cluster-version="1.15" \
--num-nodes "1" \
--preemptible \
--enable-autoupgrade \
--enable-autorepair \
--enable-ip-alias \
--metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \
--enable-autoscaling \

gcloud container clusters get-credentials \
  --project ${GCP_PROJECT} \
  --zone ${CLUSTERZONE} \

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)

Deploy Tekon

Tekon is used to compile and deploy software inside the Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/tekton/release/tekton-pipelines-v0.12.0.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/tekton/release/tekton-dashboard-v0.6.1.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/tekton/serviceAccount.yml

Open the dashboard

kubectl --namespace tekton-pipelines port-forward svc/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097

Navigate to http://localhost:9097

Deploy Minio with Tekton

Minio will be used as object storage for blocks, binary files, and configurations.

kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/create-minio-secret.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/create-zcashrpc-secret.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/create-monitoring-grafana-admin-secret.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/minio/minio-standalone-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/minio/minio-standalone-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/minio/minio-standalone-deployment.yaml

** Minio healthcheck needs to be passing

kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/create-minio-bucket.yml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/create-cache-bucket.yml

Import block snapshot

Using a Tekton task

kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/import-block-snapshot-minio.yml 

From local storage

Using Minio

  • Download and install the minio client, mc from
  • Get the minio auth secret key, put it in an environmental variable.
export Z_SECRETACCESSKEY=$(kubectl  get secrets minio-secret-key -o jsonpath="{.data.SECRETACCESSKEY}" | base64 -d)
  • Expose the minio port locally
kubectl port-forward svc/minio 9000:9000
  • Upload the snapshot
mc config host add zcash-in-a-box http://localhost:9000 minio ${Z_SECRETACCESSKEY} --api S3v4
mc cp <BLOCK_SNAPSHOT_FILE_PATH> zcash-in-a-box/cache/

Build zcashd

Create a zcashd binary by running the Tekton job. This will run the build task, grab the output binaries and upload the to internal S3 compatible storage.

kubectl create -f kubernetes/tekton/tasks/build-binary.yml

Deploy zcashd

Currently an example deployment that retrieves the build binary and runs a miner and wallet node deploymenet.

kubectl  apply -f kubernetes/template/zcash-script-deploy-miner.yml 
kubectl  apply -f kubernetes/template/zcash-script-deploy-wallet.yml 

Deploy monitoring

The monitoring statefulset will collect metrics about the deployed nodes.

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/monitoring/configmap.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/monitoring/service.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/monitoring/serviceaccount.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/monitoring/statefulset.yml

Get the grafana admin password

kubectl get secrets monitoring-grafana-admin -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Open a tunnel to grafana

kubectl port-forward svc/monitoring 3000:3000

Open a browser to http://locahost:3000

Login as admin with the generated password secret.



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%