charlesreid1 / tripos-bot

@math_tripos The Math Tripos Twitter Bot. For weekly math WTF.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Math Tripos Bot Flock

math tripos bot on twitter

The Math Tripos Bot Flock is a (singleton) flock of (one) Twitter bots tweeting a daily photo of a LaTeX-rendered question from Cambridge University's Mathematical Tripos. (Most questions come from G. H. Hardy's A Course of Pure Mathematics.)

bot/ contains the code for the Math Tripos Bot Flock.

(TODO) pelican/ contains the Pelican files used to generate the project web page.

(TODO) See the project web page for more information, or browse through the code.

List of Bot Accounts


Required Software

This bot flock utilizes rainbow-mind-machine, the extensible bot flock framework authored by yours truly.

This bot also requires LaTeX to render mathematical equations as images. This should be as simple as:

apt-get -y install texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra imagemagick

or some such nonsense.

::sad trombone::

This would not be necessary if I was wasteful of space and added all the images (instead of the latex) to the repository, but why do things the easy way.

Required Twitter Setup

You will need to set up some Twitter accounts for your bots, obviously. Set up a new Gmail account, create a Google Voice number, and use that as a phone number if Twitter demands a phone number from you. (Twilio phone numbers will not work for Twitter registration. Don't blow $1.)

You will also need a bot-master account. This acount will be associated with your application. You can have one bot-master that runs all of your bot flocks under the same application, even if they are different flocks running on different machines.

You will need to create a Twitter app through the bot-master account. This will give you a consumer token and a consumer secret token.

Captain Obvious sez: you should keep your consumer secret token a secret!

Once you have your consumer token and consumer secret, they go in bot/ This step must be done prior to running the bot.

Where Do I Put My Keys

Your keys should go in the same directory as the bot script and (optionally) any data or external files used to initialize each bot.

For example:


While you can put the keys anywhere you'd like, this is the recommended layout.

Where Do I Put My

Your containing your consumer token and consumer secret should be defined like two Python variables in

consumer_token = 'AAAAA'
consumer_secret_token = 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBB'

The file should go next to


Before You Run The Bot Flock

Before running the bot flock, you must compile the latex into equation images:

cd bot/
cd latex/

Running The Bot Flock

(Note: take care of before you begin.)

Running the bot flock is a two-step process:

  1. (One time) Authorize the program to tweet on behalf of your account (i.e., log in with each user account). This requires be present next to your bot flock program. This step generates key files (JSON format).

  2. Run the bot flock. Tweet! Sleep! Repeat!

Either way, run it with Python:

$ cd bot/
$ python


To run the bot flock using docker, use the Dockerfile contained in this directory to build the container:

$ docker build -t triposbotflock .

Now you can run the container:

$ doker run -d \
    --name stormy_tripos_singleton \
    -v ${PWD}/bot/ \
    -v ${PWD}/bot/keys:/tripos/bot/keys \
    -v ${PWD}/bot/latex:/tripos/bot/latex \

(hopefully that's right, but in any case, just use docker-compose.)

The container should be run interactively the first time through (add the -it flag to docker to make it interactive and give you tty), so you can set up the keys. The keys will live next to the bot program and file, in a folder called keys/ containing one json file per bot account.

This bot also needs 365 LaTeX files (one for each day) and a script to compile these LaTeX files into images. The directory containing LaTeX and rendered images is latex/. It is bind-mounted into the directory.

On first run, the bot container will detect that there are no keys and run the interactive part of the script (Keymaker).

After the keys are set up, the bot container will detect that keys are present and can run in detached mode.

Docker Compose

Running the bot with docker-compose is a three-step process.

The first step is to build the pod (one container).

$ docker-compose build

If you've made some changes to files copied into the container, specify the --no-cache flag or it will continue to use the crusty version:

$ docker-compose --no-cache

First, to run the container interactively, modify the docker-compose service tripos_botflock to include stdin_open: true and tty: true:

    build: . 
    # ---------------
    # Only include these two lines 
    # when setting up API keys. 
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    # ---------------

Note, if you need an interactive shell, you can set the entrypoint variable to /bin/bash:

    build: . 
    # ---------------
    # fully interactive container
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    entrypoint: /bin/bash
    # ---------------

This is good for checking whether the container is being initialized correctly.

Once those two lines are added to make the container interactive, run the container using docker-compose run <service-name> (do not use up!):

$ docker-compose run stormy_tripos

This will run the entrypoint script, install rainbow mind machine, and run the interactive script.

Note that if you already have most of the keys you need in bot/keys/, but there's just one key that you need to make, you should temporarily move bot/keys/ to, e.g., bot/_keys/, and re-run the above docker-compose run command, to run through the keymaking process. You can skip the keymaking process for all of the keys that you already have. When you are finished, you can kill that container and merge the two key directories.

Once the keys are present in the keys/ directory, you can run the bot using docker-compose up, and optionally use the -d flag to detach it:

$ docker-compose up -d

Use this as a building block to create a master docker-compose.yml running all the bot flocks.

Rebuilding the Docker Container (Debugging)

If you end up doing debugging work, and changes to files don't seem to have any effect, you should probably try rebuilding with the --no-cache option.

docker build --no-cache


@math_tripos The Math Tripos Twitter Bot. For weekly math WTF.

License:MIT License


Language:TeX 99.2%Language:Python 0.6%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%