A Clojure library designed to interact with McGill University's registration system. It allows you to check your transcript, search for courses and, more importantly, add or drop courses.
Take a look at the API for more information on how to use it.
The project is hosted on Clojars. To use this project, if you are
using Leiningen, include the following in
your project.clj
[myminerva "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Here's how you get a user transcript:
(get-transcript {:username "neo@mcgill.ca" :password "rabit"})
; => ({:department "MATH",
; :course-number "262",
; :class-avg "B",
; :grade "A",
; :credits "3",
; :section "002",
; :course-title "Intermediate Calculus",
; :completed? " "}
; {:department "MECH",
; :course-number "201",
; :class-avg "A",
; :grade "A",
; :credits "2",
; :section "001",
; :course-title "Intro to Mechanical Eng",
; :completed? " "} ...)
Here's how you search for any courses in a department:
(get-courses user {:department "mech"
:season "winter"
:year "2015"})
; => ({:department "MECH",
; :full? false,
; :section "001",
; :days " ",
; :type "Comprehensive Exam",
; :time-slot "TBA",
; :status "Active",
; :instructor "TBA",
; :crn "10679",
; :course-number "702",
; :course-title "Ph.D. Comprehensive Preliminary Oral Examination."}
; {:department "MECH",
; :full? false,
; :section "001",
; :days " ",
; :type "Proposal",
; :time-slot "TBA",
; :status "Active",
; :instructor "TBA",
; :crn "155",
; :course-number "701",
; :course-title "Ph.D. Thesis Proposal."}
; ...)
Or for a specific one:
(get-courses user {:department "mech"
:course-number 208
:season "winter"
:year "2015"})
Here's how you register for a course:
(add-courses! user {:crns "10679" :season "winter" :year "2015"})
Or multiple:
(add-courses! user {:crns ["10679" "155"] :season "winter" :year "2015"})
Here's how you drop a course:
(drop-courses! user {:crns "10679" :season "winter" :year "2015"})
Or multiple:
(drop-courses! user {:crns ["10679" "155"] :season "winter" :year "2015"})
For more info, check out the API.