charlesa101 / fastapi-boilerplate

Fastapi complete boilerplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FastAPI REST API boilerplate


FastAPI REST boilerplate for typical project

Table of Contents


  • Precommit (Pre-commit)
  • Config Service (Pydantic).
  • Database (Sqlalchemy).
  • Database migration (Alembic)
  • Swagger.
  • Redoc.
  • Sign in and sign up via email.
  • Social sign in (apple, facebook, google, linkedin, microsoft)
  • Seeding (sqlalchemyseed).
  • Mailing
  • Realtime notification using messaging queue and python-socketio
  • File uploads (aws s3, cloudinary, google cloud storage)
  • Redis
  • Admin and User roles using RBAC (Casbin).
  • Admin dashboard using (sqladmin)
  • I18N
  • Elasticseach
  • E2E and units tests.
  • Monitoring using grafana and prometheus (Grafana)
  • Docker.
  • CI (Gitlab).

Project Structure

seeder           # Configurtion for database seeding
migrations       # Alembic migration files
app              # Rest api files
app.core         # General components like config, security, types, role, etc...
app.db           # Database connection specific
app.crud         # CRUD for types from models
app.models       # Sqlalchemy models
app.schemas      # Pydantic models that used in crud or handlers
app.templates    # Html files for mails
app.endpoints    # Restapi endpoints files
├── app
|   |
│   ├── core
│   ├── crud
│   ├── db
│   ├── endpoints
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── v1
│   │   └── v2
│   │   └── ...
│   ├──
│   ├── models
│   ├── schemas
|   |
│   └── templates
├── migrations
├── seeder
|── .vscode

Environmnent variables

To correctly run the project, you will need some environment variables. Expose & import them in core/

befor starting you need to generate RSA key pairs, both public and private keys. You can use this website or any other method you prefer to generate these keys. Keep a note of the file paths where you save these keys on your project folder (like private_key.pem and public_key.pem) or local machine.

  • ENV : Running Environment can be dev, staging, preprod
  • API_BASE_URL: The pathname of the api version url
  • API_URL: api base url
  • DB_HOST: Postgres database host
  • DB_PORT: Postgres database port
  • DB_NAME: Postgres database name
  • DB_USER_NAME: Postgres user
  • DB_PASSWORD: Postgres password
  • SECRET_KEY: Postgres password
  • ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES: Access token duration
  • PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: Specify the absolute file paths to the RSA private key you generated earlier (private_key.pem if you saved it in your project root folder)
  • PUBLIC_KEY_PATH: Specify the absolute file paths to the RSA public key you generated earlier (public_key.pem if you saved it in your project root folder)
  • SMTP_TLS: Indicates whether to use TLS (true or false) for SMTP email communication.
  • SMTP_PORT: The port number for SMTP email communication.
  • SMTP_HOST: The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server for sending emails.
  • SMTP_USER: The username for authenticating with the SMTP server.
  • SMTP_PASSWORD: The password for authenticating with the SMTP server.
  • RABBIT_MQ_HOST: RabbitMQ host (localhost in this case)
  • RABBIT_MQ_PORT: RabbitMQ port (5672 in this case)
  • RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD: RabbitMQ password (password123 in this case)
  • RABBIT_MQ_USER: RabbitMQ user (root in this case)
  • APPLE_CLIENT_ID: Apple OAuth client ID
  • APPLE_SECRET_KEY: Apple OAuth secret key
  • APPLE_WEBHOOK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: Redirect URI for Apple OAuth callbacks
  • FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID: Facebook OAuth client ID
  • FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY: Facebook OAuth secret key
  • FACEBOOK_WEBHOOK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: Redirect URI for Facebook OAuth callbacks
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Google OAuth client ID
  • GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY: Google OAuth secret key
  • GOOGLE_WEBHOOK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: Redirect URI for Google OAuth callbacks
  • LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID: LinkedIn OAuth client ID
  • LINKEDIN_SECRET_KEY: LinkedIn OAuth secret key
  • LINKEDIN_WEBHOOK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: Redirect URI for LinkedIn OAuth callbacks
  • MSAL_CLIENT_ID: Microsoft MSAL client ID
  • MSAL_CLIENT_SECRET: Microsoft MSAL client secret
  • MSAL_WEBHOOK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: Redirect URI for Microsoft MSAL OAuth callbacks
  • CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME: The name of your Cloudinary cloud.
  • CLOUDINARY_API_KEY: Your Cloudinary API key.
  • CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET: Your Cloudinary API secret.
  • AWS_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the AWS S3 bucket you want to access.
  • AWS_KEY_ID: AWS access key ID for accessing the S3 bucket.
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY: AWS secret key for accessing the S3 bucket.
  • AWS_REGION: The AWS region where the S3 bucket is located.
  • GCS_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket you want to access.

Quick run

git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app/
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up -d --build

For check status run

docker-compose logs

Comfortable development

git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app/
cp .env.example .env

Change DB_HOST=postgres to DB_HOST=localhost, DB_PORT=5432 to DB_PORT=6001 RABBIT_MQ_HOST=rabbitmq to RABBIT_MQ_HOST=localhost REDIS_HOST=redis-cache to REDIS_HOST=localhost make sure you have poetry install Run additional container:

docker-compose up -d postgres-db redis-cache rabbitmq adminer
poetry install
poe migrate
poe run


Database utils

Generate migration

poe makemigrations

Run migration

poe migrate

Revert migration

poe dwngrade

Drop all tables in database

poe drop-tables


Fastapi complete boilerplate

License:MIT License


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%Language:Mako 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.1%