charbossly / Challenge-AJ90JS

90 Days JavaScript Challenge (Oct 1st–Dec 30) 🎯

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90 Days JavaScript Challenge (Oct 1st–Dec 30) 🎯

If you want to learn JavaScript, then you should have the motivation to accept this challenge; otherwise, just ignore it as something for the average person.

Become an exception in JavaScript by accepting this challenge.

I've been learning JavaScript for more than a year, but during this challenge, I want to dive deep into JavaScript and build projects on top of it. That's why I've accepted this challenge as well.

How can you make the most of this challenge?

  1. Learn JavaScript every day for the next 90 days.
  2. Try a CodeWars problem every day for an hour.
  3. Ask questions if you have any doubts in the community.
  4. Build JavaScript projects from my 50+ JS project series (I'll guide you).
  5. Build a Twitter/X presence.
  6. Build a GitHub presence.
  7. Read a JavaScript e-book, a book for at least 10 pages, or an article every day.

The icing on the cake of this challenge:

  1. Win the 10 best Udemy courses as achievement perks for FREE.
  2. Talk to me 1:1 anytime for FREE.

Your Responsibilities During This Challenge:

  1. Learn the topics within the given timeframe (Will share them tomorrow).
  2. Take notes: a. Write the notes by hand in your notebook. b. In a GitHub README file.
  3. Share your learning progress on Twitter, including: a. Use a hashtag for easy searching: #AJ90JS b. Include your notes: a screenshot of your README file or a picture of the notebook. c. You can also add the number of the day, like day 1, day 2, etc.
  4. Maintain a GitHub repo for this challenge.
  5. Build projects (Will help you).

How to Claim the Achievement Perks:

  1. You should continue for at least 70 days with us.
  2. You should post at least 70 tweets on your Twitter timeline, including notes and hashtag - #AJ90JS
  3. You should have a GitHub repo for this challenge.
  4. Build at least 10 JavaScript projects for this challenge.

My role in this challenge:

  1. For the first time, I will update my journey in short visuals per day on YT:
  2. I will share the challenges of learning about some complex topics.
  3. I will also follow all the above challenges.
  4. I will build projects and share them with you as Twitter threads.
  5. Any doubt will be solved ASAP. Join the X Community:

That's it. I know it's a long journey, but trust me, you will be more confident than ever after completing this challenge with us.

Let me summarize the key points in this challenge:

  1. Develop a daily habit, at least for trying to solve a CodeWars problem.
  2. We will maintain discipline.
  3. We will build JS projects.
  4. Develop a habit of reading, such as from an e-book, book, or article.
  5. Build a social presence.
  6. Build a GitHub presence.

So don't wait; you have one day to think. Accept this challenge and invest your 90 days!

Master JavaScript in 90 Days: Day-by-Day Roadmap to Success. 🚀

📅Oct 1st-Dec 30, 2023

Days 1-5: Basics of JavaScript

  • About JavaScript.
  • Its uses and role in web development.
  • Set up the development environment with a code editor.
  • Write your first "Hello world" program.😍

Days 6-10: Variables and Data Types

  • Variables and their declaration.
  • Let, var, and const.
  • Data types and their uses.
  • String with Template literals.
  • Operator and its precedence.
  • Variable assignment and some essential modification.

Days 11-15: Control Flow

  • Conditional statements (like if, else if, else) and their uses.
  • Loops (do while, while, and for) and their uses.
  • Practice problems with conditionals and these 3 loops.

Days 16-20: Functions

  • Functions, their syntax, and how to define and call them.
  • Parameters, arguments, and return values.
  • Different types of function including IIFE.
  • Create your own functions for some task tasks.

Days 21-24: Arrays

  • Arrays and their methods for storing and manipulating lists of data.
  • Map, filter and reduce methods.
  • Practice more problems on arrays and their methods.

Days 25-27: Object

  • JavaScript objects and their properties.
  • Object methods and how to create or manipulate objects.
  • How to access the object properties
  • Dot VS. bracket notation
  • Set and Map methods.

Days 28-30: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Principles of OOP in JavaScript.
  • ES6 classes
  • Constructors and prototypes.

Days 31-40: Document Object Model (DOM)

  • DOM and its role in web development.
  • How to manipulate HTML elements using JavaScript.
  • Manipulate the design of the HTML element from JavaScript.
  • Build some small projects with DOM manipulation.

Days 41-45: Events and Event Handling

  • Events in JavaScript and how to handle them.
  • Event listeners and how to respond to user interactions.
  • Build some event-based projects

Days 46-50: Asynchronous Programming

  • Asynchronous programming vs. Synchronous programming.
  • Callbacks
  • Callback hell
  • Promises
  • Async/Await
  • Handling error.

Days 51-52: Browser Devtools

  • Console
  • Breakpoints

Days 53-60: Working with API

  • API and explore browser APIs.
  • Explore various 3rd party APIs.
  • How to use them.
  • Making API requests and fetching the data.
  • Build some projects using APIs.

Days 61-70: Mini Projects

  • Build projects, Here you should also follow my 50+ JavaScript projects series.

Days 71-75: OOP in Depth

  • Prototypes
  • Setters and getters
  • Inheritance
  • Build some projects using OOP

Days 76-80: How JS works

  • JS engine
  • Event loop
  • Heap
  • Callstack
  • Callback queue
  • Execution context
  • Scope and TDZ
  • This keyword
  • Closure

Days 81-85: Methods in JavaScript

  • Various array methods.
  • Various string methods.
  • Date, Math, and Number methods.
  • call, bind and apply methods.

Days 86-90: Revised and build projects

  • Revised the above concept
  • Finally, you should build a significant project.
  • Now you are ready to pick frameworks and libraries like ReactJS.
  • Try to face the interview as well.


90 Days JavaScript Challenge (Oct 1st–Dec 30) 🎯


Language:HTML 92.8%Language:JavaScript 7.2%