char16t / arith-interpreter

Arithmetic expressions interpreter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple arithmetic expressions interpreter.

Can interpret expressions like a
7 + 3 * (100 / ((5 - - - + - (3 + 4) - +2) / (3 + 1) - 1)) / (2 + 3) - 5 - 3 + (8)

Features and benefits:
 * Operators priority support
 * Unary operators support
 * Brackets support
 * Skipping whitespace symbols
 * Lexer, parser and AST-tree of arithmetic expression
 * State at the time of the commit '79fa8ccfcbd8bff967efe3e7ad58fa236535ad89'
   has no memory leaks. In latest version unions was used for implementation
   different types of AST-tree nodes and different types of tokens. This version
   has a very small memory leak 2 bytes per each unary minus. Run 'make valgrind'
   for more info. I hope that can fix this, but later :)
 * Latest version is a good start point for building a real language interpreter
   or JIT-compiler. Just implements your own grammar rules and scopes of variables
   using hashtables.

Used grammars:

expr   := term ((PLUS | MINUS) term)*
term   := factor ((MUL | DIV) factor)*
factor := (PLUS | MINUS) factor | INTEGER | LPAREN expr RPAREN

This is a good example to demonstrate how to works the interpreters of formal 
languages. Build sources with `make` and check memory leaks with `make valgrind`.

I'll be glad to any improvements. Send Pull Requests or write on e-mail

This is a public domain. Do with this code what you want



Arithmetic expressions interpreter

License:The Unlicense


Language:C 98.8%Language:Makefile 1.2%