A GitHub App (Robot) built with Probot. Robot monitors repositories for branch names and ensures those names are valid. Brunchyyy validates branch names agains standard set of branches in GitFlow workflow model.
Brunchyyy is monitoring PUSH events in the GitHub. As soon as event is received, it will compare if the branch for the event (refs/heads/* element of event payload) has name that complies with the following requirements:
- non-prefixed branches are only master or develop
- prefixed branches use one of the following prefixes: feature/, bugfix/, hotfix/ and release/, lowercase only
- branch names schould contain alphanumeric characters, digits and following special characters
If the branch is named outside of the above rules, by default it will raise an issue against the repository and assigne the user who pushed the branch to it. If Brunchyyy users would like for the Robot to be a bit more firm, they can use Brunchyyy configuration file, to setup branch deletion option. It will cause the offending branch to be DELETED instead of issue raised against the repository.
At this moment, there is only one configuration option for Brunchyyy, it tells the Robot if Branch with invalid name should be deleted, instead of Issue raised against it.
Configuration is stored in repository, in .github folder in brunchyyy.yml file.
2019-11-08 14:49:07 ⌚ Mac in ~/projects/sample-brunchyyy-repository
± |master ✓| → ls .github/
The configuration parameter is called deleteBranch
and is by default set to false
To enable branch delation, modify/create file .github/brunchyyy.yml in the repository with the following content:
deleteBranch: true
Brunchyyy Bot is build with Probot and Designed to run on AWS Lambda service. app.yml file constains list of Permissions required and Events Bot listens to.
To build Brunchyyy and run it locally follow guide for Probot.
Once you clone this repository, simply run:
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the bot
npm start
# Run tests
npm run test
To build Webpack compressed Lambda function run:
npm run dist
Resulting zip file is ready to be uploaded to AWS Lambda function with the following example command:
2019-11-08 15:44:45 ⌚ Mac in ~/projects/brunchy
± |master ✓| → aws lambda update-function-code --function-name Brunchyyy --zip-file fileb://brunchyyy.bundle.zip
If you have suggestions for how Brunchyyy could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.
Open issue with suggestion or a PR.
ISC © 2019 Greg Gigon greg.gigon@gmail.com (https://greggigon.com/brunchyyy)