chaoqi2080 / chess

Chess game powered by Unreal Engine 4 (Version 4.22) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Chess game build in Unreal Engine 4 (Version 4.22). This project in still under construction.

There is a video which demonstrates a bit older version of the game.



You can access to executable version of the game. Extract using 7zip, then you will be ready to execute it.



Chess board.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
ABoard - - Constructor for class. Creates 64 grids as static meshes and attaches them to root component.
BeginPlay - void Defines default materials for grids, such as light or dark.
HighlightGrid UStaticMeshComponent* Grid void Changes grid's material to highlighted material.


Property Name Type Description
BoxComponent UBoxComponent* Used as root component.
StaticMeshes TArray<class UStaticMeshComponent*> Pointer array to hold every grid's address.
LightMaterial UMaterial Light colored grid material for the white chess grids.
DarkMaterial UMaterial Dark colored grid material for the black chess grids.
HighlightedMaterial UMaterial Grid's material is changed to this when player has ability to move to this grid.
SelectedMaterial UMaterial Grid's material is changed to this when player has selected to move to this grid.
DefaultMaterial UMaterial This is null by default. Only used as temporary pointer when grid's original material is changed to highlighted or selected material.


This class is a parent class for all chess pieces.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
AParentClass - - Constructor for class. Gets materials then assigns them to variables.
SetSelected - void Call when actor is selected by mouse click. Changes actor's material to selected material to indicate it is selected.
SetDeselected - void Called when actor is deselected. Changes actor's material to it's original material.
SetEliminateMaterial - void Changes pieces material to eliminate material if this piece can be eliminated by making move.
ChangeLocation FVector MoveLocation void Called when actor is moved by the player. Gets one parameter which holds location to move.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials void Detects selectable grids to move the piece. Gets 2 parameters. After function complete, first one holds selectable grid's addresses second one holds those grid's default materials sequentially.
Eliminate - void Eliminates piece from game.


Property Name Type Description
WhiteMaterial UMaterial White material for the piece.
BlackMaterial UMaterial Black material for the piece.
SelectedMaterial UMaterial Material to set when piece is selected.
EliminateMaterial UMaterial Material to set when piece could be eliminated.


Pawn piece class. This class is a child of AParentActor. DetectSelectableGrids is overridden as pawn can make moves.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
APawnActor - - Constructor for class. Loads static mesh for pawn.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials void Overidden function from AParentClass. It calculates pawn's possible next movements.


Has the same properties as AParentActor has.


Rook piece class. This class is a child of AParentActor. DetectSelectableGrids is overridden as rook can make moves.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
ARookActor - - Constructor for class. Loads static mesh for rook.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultGrids void Overidden function from AParentClass. It calculates rook's possible next movements.
AddAndHighlight SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials, OverlappedActors, OverlappedComponents void Highlights every selectable grids. Also adds grid to SelectableGrids array and their default material to DefaultMaterials array.


Has the same properties as AParentActor has.


Bishop piece class. This class is a child of AParentActor. DetectSelectableGrids is overridden as bishop can make moves.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
ABishopActor - - Constructor for class. Loads static mesh for bishop.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultGrids void Overidden function from AParentClass. It calculates bishop's possible next movements.
AddAndHighlight SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials, OverlappedActors, OverlappedComponents void Highlights every selectable grids. Also adds grid to SelectableGrids array and their default material to DefaultMaterials array.


Has the same properties as AParentActor has.


Knight piece class. This class is a child of AParentActor. DetectSelectableGrids is overridden as knight can make moves.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
AKnightActor - - Constructor for class. Loads static mesh for knight.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultGrids void Overidden function from AParentClass. It calculates knight's possible next movements.
CheckOverlap SpawnLocation, SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials void Checks overlap for possibly moveable locations. If overlap happens calls AddAndHighlight function.
AddAndHighlight SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials, OverlappedActors, OverlappedComponents void Highlights every selectable grids. Also adds grid to SelectableGrids array and their default material to DefaultMaterials array.


Has the same properties as AParentActor has.


Queen piece class. This class is a child of AParentActor. DetectSelectableGrids is overridden as queen can make moves.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
AQueenActor - - Constructor for class. Loads static mesh for queen.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultGrids void Overidden function from AParentClass. It calculates queen's possible next movements.
CheckOverlap SpawnLocation, SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials void Checks overlap for possibly moveable locations. If overlap happens calls AddAndHighlight function.
AddAndHighlight SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials, OverlappedActors, OverlappedComponents void Highlights every selectable grids. Also adds grid to SelectableGrids array and their default material to DefaultMaterials array.


Has the same properties as AParentActor has.


King piece class. This class is a child of AParentActor. DetectSelectableGrids is overridden as king can make moves.


Function Name Parameters Return Type Description
AKingActor - - Constructor for class. Loads static mesh for king.
DetectSelectableGrids SelectableGrids, DefaultGrids void Overidden function from AParentClass. It calculates king's possible next movements.
CheckOverlap SpawnLocation, SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials void Checks overlap for possibly moveable locations. If overlap happens calls AddAndHighlight function.
AddAndHighlight SelectableGrids, DefaultMaterials, OverlappedActors, OverlappedComponents void Highlights every selectable grids. Also adds grid to SelectableGrids array and their default material to DefaultMaterials array.


Has the same properties as AParentActor has.

Beacuse of the reasons I am to lazy I haven't written API for the all classes. However hopefully it will come back soon...


Chess game powered by Unreal Engine 4 (Version 4.22) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.2%Language:C# 1.7%Language:C 0.1%