changux / netbox-kubernetes

Kubernetes manifest resources for Netbox. All Images are pulled from docker hub.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Kubernetes manifest resources for Netbox. all images are pulled from docker hub. Netbox images pulled from

this is not for production this is just for testing

Quickstart on GKE Google Container Engine (for testing)

To get NetBox up and running:

$ git clone 
$ cd netbox-kubernetes
$ gcloud container clusters create <clustername>
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <clustername> --zone <zone> --project <project>
$ kubectl apply -f netbox-namespace.yaml 
$ kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f postgres.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml --namespace netbox
$ kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml --namespace netbox

At the moment you can access the application using follwing command.

$ kubectl get pods -n netbox

Now you can check what is your external ip

$ kubectl -n netbox get svc

The application will be available after a few minutes. "http://"

Default credentials:

* Username: **netbox**
* Password: **password**



You can configure the app using environment variables. These are defined in ConfigMap section in configmap.yaml file.


Helm Chart


This is a living document. If you spot areas that can be improved or rewritten, contributions are welcome!


Kubernetes manifest resources for Netbox. All Images are pulled from docker hub.