changhaitravis / Reality-Marble

Google Cloud function that uses ImageMagick to return a "Soratama" of an Image you pass in.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Reality Marble" Web App

Demo Site

  • For making digital soratama images from Node.js Imagemagick
  • Compatible with Google Functions through IS_GOOGLE_FUNCTION flag and fact that Google Functions container has ImageMagick Installed
  • Returns images in Base64 to achieve interactivity and async without persisting the images on the server.
  • Images generated during the course of the run are delete immediately afterwards

Local development outside of Cloud Functions Emulator: node server.js runs on localhost:3000

Also it's fairly slow on google cloud functions. Larger source images can take up to 2 minutes or so.


Google Cloud function that uses ImageMagick to return a "Soratama" of an Image you pass in.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 77.7%Language:HTML 22.3%