chandraprarikraj / CVE-2023-50596

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


[Suggested description] Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in Simple Image Stack Website using PHP and API v.1.00000 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted payload to the URL.

[Additional Information] Lets paste our payload in the URL section

"onmouseenter=alert(1)// "onmouseenter=alert(document.domain)//

[Vulnerability Type] Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

[Vendor of Product]

[Affected Product Code Base] Simple Image Stack Website using PHP and API - v1.00000

[Affected Component] URL

[Attack Type] Remote

[Impact Code execution] true

[Attack Vectors] Nothing required , just user needs to click the link


[Discoverer] Chandra Pratik Raj Singh
