chandlergibbons / Postgres-Data-Engineering-Data-Analysis-Project

For this assignment, I engineered a Postgres database to hold sample employee data from CSV's using an ERD. I then ran queries to retrieve information to learn more about the data set and the structure of this organization. I also used SQLAlchemy, Pandas, and Python to create some visuals of the data in python. The data was queried and retrieved through python.

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Postgres Data Engineering & Data Analysis Project

SQL Homework Assignment

For this assignement I engineered a postgres database to hold sample employee data from CSV's using an ERD.

I then imported the CSVs into a Postgres and ran some queries to get the information below.

  1. I first ran a query to list details of each employee: employee number, last name, first name, sex, and salary.

<SELECT employees.emp_no, employees.last_name, employees.first_name,, salary.salary FROM employees LEFT JOIN salary ON employees.emp_no = salary.emp_no;r>

  1. Next I ran a query to list first name, last name, and hire date for employees who were hired in 1986.

<SELECT employees.last_name, employees.first_name, employees.hire_date FROM employees WHERE (SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM hire_date) = '1986');>

  1. Then a ran a query that listed the manager of each department with their department number, department name, employee number, last name, first name.

<SELECT departments.dept_no, departments.dept_name, dept_manager.emp_no, employees.last_name, employees.first_name FROM departments LEFT JOIN dept_manager ON departments.dept_no = dept_manager.dept_no LEFT JOIN employees ON dept_manager.emp_no = employees.emp_no;>

  1. The next query I created got me the department of each employee, plus their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.

<SELECT employees.emp_no, employees.last_name, employees.first_name, departments.dept_name FROM employees LEFT JOIN dept_emp ON employees.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no LEFT JOIN departments ON dept_emp.dept_no = departments.dept_no;>

  1. I then queried my database for first name, last name, and sex for employees whose first name is "Hercules" and last names begin with "B."

<SELECT first_name, last_name, sex FROM employees WHERE first_name = 'Hercules' and last_name LIKE 'B%';>

  1. For this querry the goal was to create a list of all employees in the Sales department, including their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.

<SELECT employees.emp_no, employees.last_name, employees.first_name, departments.dept_name FROM employees LEFT JOIN dept_emp ON employees.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no LEFT JOIN departments ON dept_emp.dept_no = departments.dept_no WHERE dept_name = 'Sales';>

  1. I then listed all employees in the Sales and Development departments, including their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.

<SELECT employees.emp_no, employees.last_name, employees.first_name, departments.dept_name FROM employees LEFT JOIN dept_emp ON employees.emp_no = dept_emp.emp_no LEFT JOIN departments ON dept_emp.dept_no = departments.dept_no WHERE dept_name = 'Sales' or dept_name = 'Development';>

  1. I also wrote a querry to list the frequency count of employee last names in descending order

<SELECT employees.last_name, COUNT(employees.last_name) AS "Last_Name_Count" FROM employees GROUP BY employees.last_name ORDER BY "Last_Name_Count" DESC;>

  1. I then imported that data into a juptyer notebook with SQLalchemy and examined that data further with pandas

<from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine('postgresql://localhost:5432/<your_db_name>') connection = engine.connect()>

  1. I then created a histogram to visualize the most common salary ranges for employees.

  1. Lastly I created a bar chart of average salary by title.


For this assignment, I engineered a Postgres database to hold sample employee data from CSV's using an ERD. I then ran queries to retrieve information to learn more about the data set and the structure of this organization. I also used SQLAlchemy, Pandas, and Python to create some visuals of the data in python. The data was queried and retrieved through python.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%