champo / TP1-SO-2c2011

TP1 for Operating Systems in the 2nd quarter of 2011

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Hi folks, this is yet another quality release by the Arqvengers!

Featuring a handy dandy Makefile that supports the following targets:
 - clean: Remove all generated files
 - debug: Create a debug build for use with gdb
 - release: Build an optimized binary
Also, there's several flags that can be used to modify the final binary:
 - IPC=[fifo|mqueue|socket|shmem]: Choose what IPC method is used, defaults to socket
 - CFLAGS: Several preprocessor flags can be used to change the way the output mechanism behaves.

Preprocessor flags:
 - NO_CURSES: Disable the ncurses output module.
 - WAIT: Wait for user input to advance a turn (See note below).
 - DEBUG: Some debug info is printed to stdout (In sensitive places that could cause deadlocks if the logging facilities are used)
 - VERBOSE: Add a whole lotta extra debug output, and I do mean a whole lot.

When using WAIT, trying to kill the app with a signal will result in rather strange behaviour.
This is, after sending a signal like SIGINT, the app may wait for one last user input before exiting, due to the nature of getchar.

For example, if you wanted to build a release build without curses and using shared memory you would do:
cd src ; make clean release IPC=shmem CFLAGS="-DNO_CURSES". It should be noted that the ncurses library must be installed in the system in order for the simulation to work.

We've also got command line parameters:
./sim configFolder [logFile]
- configFolder: The location of the configuration files folder
- logFile: Optionally, output logs to logFile. If logFile is "-" the output is done to stdout.

Regarding config files, we expect the config folder to have a file named "map" with the map info.
And one file per airline calle "airline_n" where n is the number for that airline, starting at 0.

"Is this all?" you're gonna be asking by now, and the answer is no.
We also have a benchmarking and a test script.
These do several consecutive executions of the simulation using all available configurations.
One times those executions, the other checks the log output for errors, handy isnt it?

One final extra: fifo, shared memory & socket all work on OS X Leopard.


TP1 for Operating Systems in the 2nd quarter of 2011


Language:C 98.1%Language:Shell 1.9%