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Hi there 👋

Maxime Chamberland, PhD
Assistant Professor
Technical University Eindhoven
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

My research interests are driven by a passion to improve our understanding of the human brain by developing neuroimaging visualization & analysis methods. I have a passion for:

  • Data Science
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Medical Image Analysis
Maxime Chamberland Twitter Maxime Chamberland ResearchGate Maxime Chamberland GoogleScholar

Featured Publications

  • Maxime Chamberland, Sila Genc, Chantal M. W. Tax, Dmitri Shastin, Kristin Koller, Erika P. Raven, Adam Cunningham, Joanne Doherty, Marianne B.M. van den Bree, Greg. D. Parker, Khalid Hamandi, William. P. Gray, Derek K. Jones. Detecting microstructural deviations in individuals with deep diffusion MRI tractometry. Nature Computational Science, 2021. LINK
  • Maxime Chamberland, Erika P Raven, Sila Genc, Kate Duffy, Maxime Descoteaux, Greg D Parker, Chantal MW Tax, Derek K Jones. Dimensionality Reduction of Diffusion MRI Measures for Improved Tractometry of the Human Brain. Neuroimage, 2019. LINK
