Just a place for me to share my current "dot files" with everyone and a easy way to make sure i stay in sync accrost multiple devices. Feel free to take any or all of them, tweek them to your desire and distribute them! If you do something new with one of them, and you think someone else might benefit from it, please push it back to me! I will happily give you credit for what you commited back.
- Feel free to clone this to your local machine!
If you want to use ZSH you will need to download Oh-My-ZSH for pieces of my config
If you are useing vim, please download vim-plug by following the instructions on his github.
You will need git installed, and if you want to use these you will also need vim, zsh, curl(and/or wget) as well as if your useing the i3 or awesome files, youll need those. So, if your on ubuntu, you could copy this (does not include Window Manager)
sudo apt-get install git vim zsh curl wget
Now you will need to clone my repository, I suggest that you put it inside of a folder under your home directory, i personally use a folder called "git" but this is up to you, and optional. If you want to make a folder first you can do this:
mkdir -p ~/git && cd ~/git
If you created the folder make sure you cd into it, then run the next command
git clone https://github.com/hackinginformation/dotfiles.git
ZSH If you have zsh installed, and you have already downloaded Oh-My-Zsh from above. You will need to run this to use my config:
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/zsh/zshrc.symlink ~/.zshrc
- If you didnt use the ~/git folder, or you used a different one then you need to update this line, you will also need to open the ~/.zshrc and edit line number 32 to your correct path. Once that is complete, you will need to run:
source ~/.zshrc
and your complete! Your zsh will change and you'll notice a few new features.
VIM If you have vim installed, and you have already downloaded vim-plug from above. You will need to run this to use my config:
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/vim/vimrc.symlink ~/.vimrc
If you didnt use the ~/git folder, or you used a different one then you need to update this line Once that is complete open your vimrc in vim:vim ~/.vimrc
- VIM WILL THROW AN ERROR this is normal the first time. Just hit enter.
- Once vim is up type
, this will cause a new pane to open in your vim window on the left, depending on your connection speed it will download a bunch of plugins from the internet and put them where they belong. - One of the last plugins is called "molokai". At the moment there is a bug where molokai installs useing the "light" theme by default. It will cause your screen to go very bright and white. But we can fix this!
- Type
this will exit the new pane, then exit vim. - We need to symlink the molokai plugin into the colors directory which we need to create.
mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors/
ln -sf ~/.vim/plugged/molokai/colors/molokai.vim ~/.vim/colors/molokai.vim
Now if we open any file in vim again, for example vim ~/.vimrc
you will see that molokai works perfectly :D
I have a plan to fork molokai and replace my call to my own molokai that dose not include the light version soon.
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