Seam Carving Algorithm for content aware image resizing and object removal
Importance/Cost Matrix
two types of cost functions are implemented
computes image gradient as cost
computes cost as per pixel entropy considering 9-by-9 neighbourhood
original image
gradient cost
Image Downsizing
does reduction in width using seam carving
results below are for gradient cost matrix
original width : 1428 pixels
reduced width : 1128 pixels
reduced width : 714 pixels
reduced width : 476 pixels
per pixel entropy generally works better than gradient but it is computationally expensive
original width : 470 pixels
gradient cost, reduced width : 235 pixels
entropy cost, reduced width : 235 pixels
Image Upsizing
does increment in width using seam carving
if width is to be increased by x pixels, then width is reduced by x pixels first using normal seam carving and the deleted seams are duplicated in original image to get the resultant image with width increased by x pixels
original width : 1428 pixels
increased width : 2142 pixels
original width : 464 pixels
increased width : 696 pixels
original width : 520 pixels
increased width : 2128 pixels
Object Removal
resize the image in such a way that specific object in the image is removed smoothly
bounding box over the object is given and the cost values of the pixels in the bounding box are made negative infinite to make every seam pass through the object
object removed
object removed
Seam Carving Algorithm for content aware image resizing and object removal