chainaimlabs / SecureSocialShare

A multi functional wallet - privacy protected for secured access of encrypted instruments

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Secure Social Share

My Boston Secure Social Share is a multi-dimensional user-friendly social app for securely for citizens to share sensitive data.

Problem statement(s): Amidst all the advances in blockchain tech, One sore spot that still remains a sore spot is adoption.

There has been a clear need to improve UI/UX of web 3 systems, particularly as close as possible (or) better than the web2 systems users are accustomed ## to in terms of UI simplicity , flexibility, cost to user, latency etc. However, an equivalently important issue is that most usecases were chain-native ## and financially oriented.

If we have to on-board the next billion users, improving the UI/UX and aspects of scalabiltiy are important but will NOT be enough, but the issues of ##privacy, complying to data protection rules, and data security, de-identification and re-identification issues are important. These issues, actually cuts ## accross many industries including finance, commerce, healthcare, energy and has intricate social behavior at the community level, and effective and effective every transactions in society.

More ##importantly the wider adoption of blockchain tech only can happen, if the use-cases span accross every day usecases at the societial interactions at a ##cross-cutting ## level. For example, the recent issues has been Boston has been around housing crisis, opoid issues. loneliness( lack of societial support ) ##that are also benchmarked as social determinants of health with specific efforts to combat them. Similarly, the issues Emergency teams run in to when there are ##difficult cases that need R/DNR decisions etc., in the absense of complete picture of advanced directives.

Another big issue has been compromise of medical data.

What we need in web3 decentralized movements is a UI/UX that is flexible, cost effective and that can hold different types of assets that can be ##integrated ##in to everyday societial issues. That led to the idea of MyBostonSocialShare

Primary objectives of My Boston Social Share

  1. A web2 like experience to hold multiple inter-related type of digital assets to be shared with paticipants of the sociential network
  2. The participants in the societial network is designated by badges( Tha app gives a configurable way to set these badges example: social worker, primacy doctor, Emergency Medical Team, Public records agent , researcher, etc.., and can be extended to roles like care giver etc
  3. A decentralized way of encrypting data, and sharing data only to qualified custodians set by congigurable rule settings
  4. Way to reduce cost for particpants in the network ( gas reduction ) for increased adoption

How it works?

  1. The UI/UX experience holds different types of digital web3 assets like financial records, medical records, Advanced directives ( Do NOT Resusticate), highly personal data like ( omics ) and de-identified data ( eliminating PII / PHI / PCI ) etc These are carefully modeled close to the standards like HL7.
  2. The consumer actually has full control of the data and get it encrypted throught the Threshold protocol, which has a decentralized mechanism ( through a quorum to geneerate the decryption key. The consumer sets up the rules to which type of conditionals would be served what kind of data thorugh the configurations set up.
  3. The NFTs are created through an Account abstraction app, that decresases gas costs,and increases the particapants for playing roles like the social workers, care givers, etc.
  4. Based on the conditions defined, the data share ACLs put out the the decrypted message to the right parties. If the condition is not met, the party cannot access data ( as desired)

How we build it.

We build the project with the following components

  1. The basic scaffold was built through dabl launchpad.
  2. The web2 like web ui is built on react.js ( which has familiar UI components for data storage ).
  3. The badges for NFTS for societial roles, that needs the right kind of data is modelled as conditions.The conditios for the data access were built in the app.
  4. The end2end encrpytion was built on Threshold network. on Polygon Amoy network.
  5. The Alchemy Account abstraction SDK was used to create NFT mints for reducing transaction gas costs, for wider adoption.
  6. The intutive UI , shows both the persepecive of the data prodcuer and the data utilizer in a simpler way to explain the secure sharing of data accross societal roles.

Whats next

Extend the flexibitiy of conditionals for inter-related programs ( health equity, health financing, SDOH, clinical trial incentives more than money ) Have the Alchemy work completed , for data utilizer subsidies of transaction gas costs. Dynamic NFTs for controlling dynamic and time bound parameters.

The UI is available at

The presentation is available at


A multi functional wallet - privacy protected for secured access of encrypted instruments

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 94.6%Language:CSS 3.8%Language:Solidity 1.5%Language:JavaScript 0.2%