Following kubernetes-the-hard-way but on AWS instead of GCP. Learning Terraform in the process.
- install Docker for Mac, awscli, cfssl, awscli ssm plugin, terraform, ansible
- setup awscli profile
- setup SSH ProxyCommand for ssm
cd remote-state && tfswitch && terraform init && terraform apply
tfswitch && terraform init && terraform apply
- cd configuration
- ...more to come
brew install awscli
and setup default profile and credentials (aws configure
)- install Docker for Mac, which includes
cli app brew install cfssl
brew install tflint
brew install tfswitch
- Install AWS CLI SSM plugin following the instructions here:
- create VPC with CIDR
- create SG to allow all traffic within VPC tcp,udp,icmp
- create SG to allow tcp:22,tcp:6443,icmp from external
- provision 3 instances for control plane: controller-0/1/2, ip
- provision 3 instances for worker nodes: worker-0/1/2, ip
- setup SSH to hosts
I also performed the following:
- setup a versioning-enabled s3 bucket for terraform state
- setup a DynamoDB table with LockID (string) partition key for terraform state
- Created an IAM role to assign AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy to instances
to use Session Manager instead of SSH
- SSM also requires instance to be able to access its AWS public zone APIs, so we had to setup an internet gateway and assign instances public ipv4 ip addresses. This could have also been accomplished using a NAT gateway without assigning public ipv4 addresses, but those cost $.
- installed session manager plugin for aws-cli to support the
aws ssm start-session
command - One main point here is I didn't expose SSH ports, and am instead using AWS SSM for access. An SSH key must still be provisioned to the server though to use SSH/SCP tooling, but the access control is done using IAM instead of interface security groups or subnet network access control lists.
- SSH/SCP via SSM requires you to set up a ProxyCommand in your SSH config. See
- All the commands used for this, and sending them to the corresponding hosts, are in the script
- This shell script would be better as a Makefile, so it doesn't constantly regenerate the certificates
over and over. Can revisit that if need be. Using
to copy the certificates would be better as an Ansible script as well.
- This shell script would be better as a Makefile, so it doesn't constantly regenerate the certificates
over and over. Can revisit that if need be. Using
- I setup two elbv2 instances: one external, one internal. I pointed all the worker node config files at the internal load balancer to prevent hairpin traffic.
- configuration for this section is stored in configuration/
- dumped this config into the script.